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Historic Buildings of Morayshire, Scotland

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Historic Buildings of Morayshire, Scotland

Historic County of Scotland

Now includes part of historical Banffshire

See Historic Buildings of Britain and Ireland - Main Page

Image right - "Brodie Castle Forres

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If you have information about any of the Buildings mentioned below please share it here. If you have ancestors linked to any of the places please add them to the project.

The object of this project is to provide information about historic buildings in the county of Morayshire, with links to sub-projects for specific buildings as appropriate. GENi profiles of people associated with those establishments can be linked to this project and/or to individual projects where they have been set up.

Castles, Baronial and Historic houses

... in alphabetical order

❊ Indicates an available image in Gallery attached to the project

Including Castles, Abbeys, Manor Houses, Mansions, Stately Homes, Country houses, Estate houses, Courts, Halls, Parks and other listed buildings of historic interest


  • Auchindoun Castle ❊ nr Dufftown constructed in the mid-15th century by Thomas Cochran (later to become an Earl of Mar (1458–79). It was passed to the Clan Ogilvy in 1489 and from them to the Clan Gordon in 1535. An extension is known to have been added in the 16th century by the Gordons before the Ogilvys reclaimed it in 1594, it having been destroyed by the Clan MacKintosh in 1592 in retaliation for the 6th Earl George Gordon, 1st Marquess of Huntly's killing of The Bonny Earl O'Moray, their ally. Following the Restoration of Charles II, the castle was again awarded to the Marquis of Huntly. In 1689, during the first Jacobite rising, the castle was used as a temporary headquarters (on 6-7 June 1689) by Viscount Dundee and his Jacobite army. However, the castle was derelict by 1725. Stones taken from the castle have been used in local farm buildings and nearby Balvenie Castle.
  • Aikenway Castle
  • Altyre
  • Asliesk Castle


  • Blervie Castle ❊
  • Brodie Castle ❊ The original Z-plan castle was built in 1567 by Clan Brodie but destroyed by fire in 1645 by Lewis Gordon of Clan Gordon, the 3rd Marquess of Huntly. It was expanded in 1824 by the architect William Burn who turned it into a large mansion house in the Scots Baronial style. The Brodie family called the castle home until the late 20th century. It's widely accepted that the Brodies have been associated with the land the castle is built on since around 1160, when it is believed that King Malcolm IV gave the land to the family. Ninian Brodie of Brodie (The Brodie of Brodie) died in 2003, and his son shortly after.
  • Burgie Castle ❊


  • Castle Cumming
  • Castle Grant
  • Castle Hill Pluscarden
  • Coxton Tower ❊
  • Craigneach Castle
  • Culbin House


  • Darnaway Castle ❊ a.k.a Tarnaway Castle, located in Darnaway Forest southwest of Forres. This was Comyn land, given to Thomas Randolph along with the Earldom of Moray by King Robert I. The castle has remained the seat of the Earls of Moray ever since. Rebuilt in 1810, it retains the old banqueting hall, capable of accommodating 1,000 men.
  • Duffus Castle ❊ near Elgin, was a motte-and-bailey castle and was in use from c.1140 to 1705. At the death of the 2nd Lord Duffus in 1705, the castle had become totally unsuitable as a dwelling and so was abandoned.
  • Dunphail Castle


  • Earnside Castle
  • Easter Elchies
  • Elgin Castle


  • Findrassie
  • Forres Castle


  • Gordon Castle
  • Gordonstoun
  • Grangehill
  • Grant’s Fort


  • Hempriggs Castle


  • Innes
  • Inverugie
  • Inverugie Castle


  • Kilbuaick Castle
  • Kinneddar Castle


  • Lethendry Castle
  • Lochindorb Castle
  • Logie House


  • Milton Brodie House
  • Moy


  • Palace of Birnie


  • Quarrelwood Castle


  • Rothes Castle


  • Spynie Palace


  • Tor Castle
  • Tor Castle motte


  • Wester Elchies

References and Sources

Maroayshire Specific


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Historic Buildings Projects for other Scottish Counties

See Counties of Scotland

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// Historic Buildings of Angus

// Historic Buildings of Argyllshire

// Historic Buildings of Ayrshire

// Historic Buildings of Banffshire

// Historic Buildings of Berwickshire

// Historic Buildings of Buteshire

// Historic Buildings of Caithness

// Historic Buildings of Clackmannanshire

// Historic Buildings of Dumfries-shire

// Historic Buildings of Dunbartonshire

// Historic Buildings of East Lothian (Haddingtonshire)

// Historic Buildings of Edinburghshire

// Historic Buildings of Fifeshire, Scotland

// Historic Buildings of Inverness-shire

// Historic Buildings of Kincardineshire

// Historic Buildings of Kinross-shire

// Historic Buildings of Kirkcudbrightshire

// Historic Buildings of Lanarkshire

// Historic Buildings of Linlithgowshire

// Historic Buildings of Nairn or Nairnshire

// Historic Buildings of Orkney

// Historic Buildings of Peebles-shire

// Historic Buildings of Perthshire

// Historic Buildings of Renfrewshire

// Historic Buildings of Ross and Cromarty

// Historic Buildings of Roxburghshire

// Historic Buildings of Selkirkshire

// Historic Buildings of Shetland

// Historic Buildings of Stirlingshire

// Historic Buildings of Sutherland

// Historic Buildings of Wigtownshire

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