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  • Olof Pettersson Frestadius (c.1660 - 1727)
    Valkealan syntyneiden luettelosta 1707 on tieto, että yhden lapsen kummina oli 1706 Iitin pitäjänräätäli Olof Frestadius, epäilemättä sama mies, joka 1719 esiintyi Oriveden kirkonkirjoissa nimellä mest...
  • Sven "Silfverskiöld"Nilsson (1748 - 1817)
    Nedanstående Sven Nilsson är inte identisk med Sven Nilsson född 1747 i Hanborgjuset i Össjö denne begravdes den 24 april samma år med sin tvillingsyster Tyre. Däremot är han trogen identisk med deras ...
  • Tore Eriksen Bråten (c.1720 - d.)
    Tore Eriksen hadde sannsynligvis haplogruppe R1a (L448).
  • Lars Hansson Indre Haddal (1685 - 1742)
    Lars Hansson Indre Haddal ==DNA-genealogi==Lars' etterkommere i rett mannslinje skal tilhøre Y-haplogruppe R1a (L448). Flere testere ønsket for å verifisere.
  • Sir Robert de Haverington, Knight (aft.1251 - 1297)
    As this profile suggested that Robert's mother was also the mother of his wife I have changed the profile to reflect that in Burke's Peerage 2003 volume 2, page 1789. Which is also summarised at which,...

Y-haplogroup R1a has several defined subclades. "Young Scandinavian" L448 is downstream of Z284 which covers the Scandinavian R1a clades.

R1a-L176 Scottish subcluster is a subgroup of L448.

R1a-L448 is found among many Scandinavian R1a and is typically Norse.

If you have tested with Genographic, FTDNA, DNA Heritage - please join the R1a1a and Subclades Project at Family Tree DNA.


See SNP tree from the R1a1a and Subclades Project.

New SNPs are discovered continuously and the tree will be in constant progress. Thus the hierarchical names will change regularly, see the ISOGG tree.

Subclades with project pages on Geni:
