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About the Bachrich surname

Bachrich family may possibly be descended from A-Ba-Rayak-Ke who returned to the Holy Land after the captivity in Babele in about the 6th century BC ,or from someone that had some sort of connection with the previous' tribe .

He might also be the ancestor of Rikbaktsa ,that is Rayak-A-Ba-Ke-tsa people in the Holy Land of America, of a language believed to be related to that of Zhe tribes ,with -tsa syllable at the end of their name serving only as an indication of plurality . The distance from the main stock of the people is big ,but it is still possible they once do had belonged to them .

Rikbaktsa are also known as Oreilha de Pau : Wooden-Ear ,from a habit of some of them shared with the ancient Inca Orejon lords of Peru . It is known that after the collapse of the realm many ,more thousand people have fled into the jungles behind the mountains of the Andes ,and especially after the last bastion of their remaining power was destroyed with the death of Tupac Amaru . The latter's brother was Sayri Tupac ,whose name could be in some language interpreted as Sa-Ayri-T'-Upak . His sons might have been there among the fugitives ,while others might have taken into captivity by the Spaniards at that occasion .

The first party might well have reached the Rikbaktsa territory ,and could became the ancestor of some noble families of traditional chiefs living among them . Sayri Tupac's name could have been formed into Ayri-Upak-T'-Sa ,that has since survived in the form Eripaktsa , or something pronounced similarly .

The others taken as hostages ,when not adopting Spanish names and being allowed to enter the "Christian" nobility , might have found refuge together with their tribal followers in local Jewry ,in one way or the other progeniting thus the families known as Bachrich today .

See Karpel,Niedermann,Zaks,Hunyady,Bruck,Duchicela,Dutch,Inca,Friedeck,Baruch,Toroczkai,Coroado,Weininger, Coronado,Csaba,Csobánka,Gang,Klein,Orejon,Pinka,Pasternak,Benin,Morciego,Kominka,Tobinka and more !

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