10 Million and counting…

Posted October 31, 2007 by Geni | No Comment

We are pleased to announce that there are now over 10 Million Profiles on Geni! These profiles were created by our 750,000 (and growing) users, who continue to build out their trees, invite family members, and document their family’s history on Geni.

Here is an update on the size of top 100 trees:

#1 Tree: 19,696 profiles
#2 Tree: 19,139 profiles
#3 Tree: 18,340 profiles
#10 Tree: 10,002 profiles
#100 Tree: 3,545 profiles
#200 Tree: 2,433 profiles

Congratulations to our largest trees!

With our growing index of names we continue to work hard at providing you the tools you need to document your genealogy. Look for a number of new features in the coming weeks designed to help you find and connect with your family, while protecting your privacy.

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