5 Family Activities For This Thanksgiving

Posted November 21, 2018 by Amanda | No Comment

This Thursday the U.S. celebrates Thanksgiving! The holiday is known for bringing together family and friends to share a traditional feast of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and other delicious dishes. Thanksgiving is an excellent opportunity for everyone to give thanks and share stories around the dinner table. With the entire family gathered together, it’s also great time to do a little genealogical digging.

5 Family Activities For This Thanksgiving

Here are five ways to share some family history with your relatives this holiday:

1. Share photos

Dig out old photos that you have lying around or in a shoe box and share them around the table. This is a great way to spark some memories and perhaps identify some of unknown people in your photos.

2. Ask your relatives to share stories

Have your family members share their favorite Thanksgiving memories, especially your older relatives. You’ll be sure to discover information you may have never known and learn some interesting anecdotes about your ancestors. You may even be surprised how some family traditions have carried on or changed between generations. Family stories are always an excellent source of genea-info.

3. Share your own research

Thanksgiving may be the perfect time to share any genealogical discoveries you have made in the past year. You may even spark their curiosity and get them interested in learning more about the family. They may also help fill in any gaps that have been plaguing you.

4. Games

Family games are an excellent way to bond with your family. Create a family history game that will excite both young and older members of the family. Perhaps you can create an ancestor Memory or trivia game. Or pull out old baby photos and have your relatives guess who they are. This can be a creative way for children to learn more about their family history.

5. Don’t forget about the food!

Thanksgiving is usually one of the holidays where families enjoy a traditional meal. This year, when you serve your traditional Thanksgiving dishes, share the history behind the dish. Was the recipe passed down over several generations? You may be surprised by how many more great stories are unlocked by the memories of food.

How are you celebrating Thanksgiving?

Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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