After 100 Years, Family Welcomes Its First Girl

Posted May 3, 2016 by Amanda | One Comment

It was reported recently that a Northern Idaho family has finally broken their 100 year old streak – the Underdahl family finally welcomed their first baby girl after 101 years.

The record was finally broken when Scott and Ashton Underdahl welcomed Aurelia Marie Ann on April 12. The couple have a son, Archer, and had been hoping to finally bring a girl into the family. After a century-long streak of boys, baby Aurelia was born at 8lbs 3oz.

For the last four generations, the Underdahls have welcomed seven boys. The last girl born into the family was Scott’s great aunt Bernice in 1914.

Congratulations to the family on their newest addition!

Do you have a similar streak in your family tree?

Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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