Are you getting our emails?

Posted January 20, 2007 by David Sacks | 17 Comments

As part of our recent upgrades to make the site faster, we’ve also improved the speed of our outgoing emails, which you should receive within a minute (at most) of the action triggering them.

Here’s what we’d like to know: are any of our emails getting blocked by your email’s spam filter? If so, please comment on this post, and be sure to tell us who your email provider/ISP is.

Likewise, if you know of a relative who did not get your invitation to join the tree because it got blocked by their spam filter, please let us know that too, along with their email provider.

We will work to resolve this issue. Thank you for your help!

Post written by David Sacks

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  • Jack Hynes said:

    Haven’t receieved any other mail from Geni. With Gmail my welcome message came through fine.

  • Brant Gurganus said:

    I don’t know that the messages have been blocked, but the subject lines in invitations look like spam unless I am expecting an invitation.

  • Amber Balch said:

    I have only received my initial confirmation email, but no others – neither in my inbox nor in my spam filter. I use Gmail.

  • Ebrahim said:

    Hotmail stored my Geni mails in “Junk”. :S

  • RLH said:

    I have gotton NO email. I invited my spouse; she never got anything. We use Gmail, we’ve looked in the Spam folder. Nothing. Very disappointing…

  • Ivar said:

    Same here – I added my spouce and both my parents but they didn’t receive an email. Not in the spam box either. Is there an option to re-send emails to people in the tree?

  • Ivar said:

    About re-sending emails to people:
    I noticed that when I add the same email address again in the ‘additional email’ field, the mail can be sent again.
    So that problem is solved for me…

  • David said:

    I have gotten no email, neither has most of my family.
    You need to change the process in a number of ways additionally.
    I don’t want your pre-written emails going to my family–I’d much rather customize and send my own note, in my words. Look at the way LinkedIn (for example) does it.
    I also can’t check what emails have been sent to who and who was invited. Perhaps I entered the wrong email address, how do I know, how do I fix? Perhaps someone was invited, didn’t get it because of a spam filter and i want to resend, from my own address, how do i do that?
    Open it up and make it easier for one to customize.

  • Rick said:

    I’d like an option to re-send emails to certain members. Some of my family members never received emails because of spam filters.

  • Neal Dench said:

    I have got no mail beyond the initial invitation. However, both my wife and my mother have received emails, despite the fact that, although I entered their email address, I never specifically invited them to join the system. They both, quite rightly, took the emails they received to be spam. In fact my mother’s email was even addressed “Hi Mom…” (I’m from the UK where the spelling “Mom” just isn’t used, so she was suspicious — quite rightly), making the email you sent seem like it came directly from me.
    I really feel that your use of email is inappropriate, bordering on spam. Because Geni is a new system I’ve put it down to teething troubles, and I would _really_ like to be reassured of that. Until then, I’ll remove any email addresses I have added to the system, and I won’t be recommending Geni to anyone else in my family. What a disappointment.

  • Neal Dench said:

    Actually, this gets worse. I am unable to remove the email addresses for family members I have added myself. What is this?

  • karen said:

    Hi, I have been invited to join a tree, but no emails are getting through to my in box, so I can’t complete the process without my password.

  • Reid Hochstedler said:

    Using Yahoo, I haven’t gotten anything.

  • Michael Kaplan said:

    Someone I invited added a person to the tree and they obviously had picked up their invitation to join. I am supposed to be notified but I never was. I use Yahoo.

  • Linda said:

    I’d like an option to re-send emails to certain members. Some of my family members never received emails because of spam filters, I believe.

  • Evelio Lopez-Mata said:

    I do not get any e mails from you at all, only my confirmation e mail, received over a month ago.
    I use Outlook Express.

  • Lionel said:

    I have not received any emails since signing up, either from geni or anyone else.Also I am unable to remove or adjust persons who have been entered erroneously . Thanks for a great job.I am pleased to help your beta testing.