Document Enhancements

Posted April 6, 2010 by Geni | No Comment

In association with our new sources feature, we’ve made the following enhancements to our documents feature:

New text document type

Now you can create a text document without leaving Geni. When adding a new document, just select the

Create a New Document tab:

This will bring up a new, empty text document. You can type, or cut and paste, the text of your document, and then click save:

You can even edit the text later. Once you’ve created a text document, it acts like any other document. You can associate it with a profile and even use it as a source.

Document collections

Documents can now be organized by collections. We’ve started with eight predefined collections, including birth, death, and census. We may add other collections (including user-defined) later. This will help you organize your documents and make it easier to filter them when looking for documents to add as sources.

Event documents

Finally, documents associated with events now properly appear on the event page.

Add documents now


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