Family Tree Tuesday – JFK

Posted November 2, 2010 by Geni | 6 Comments

JFKAs you are now aware, we have a new blog! We will start featuring different topics on different days and Tuesdays will be designated as “Family Tree Tuesdays”. What this means is we will feature a different family tree for a particular family where you might find some interesting facts and fun details.

Since today is our first Family Tree Tuesday, we thought we would have some fun and highlight John F. Kennedy’s tree since today is both Election Day and Día de los Muertos.

For those who do not know Día de los Muertos, (or in English, Day of the Dead) is a day celebrated in Mexico and elsewhere by Mexican Americans in honor of those who have passed.

Let’s honor JFK and the legacy he left behind for us a nation. Also, for those interested there is a new project on Geni entitled,“The Kennedys”

There are over 5,000 of JFK’s ancestors in his Geni tree and you might be related one of them.
