Featured Project: U.S. Civil War Notables

Posted May 27, 2011 by Amanda | One Comment

On Monday, May 30, the U.S. will celebrate Memorial Day, which honors the men and women who have lost their lives while in military service to the United States. Originally conceived to remember the fallen Union and Confederate soldiers of the U.S. Civil War, after World War I, the observance was extended to include all American soldiers who have died in the service of the country. Today, we highlight the U.S. Civil War Notables and Other People in the American Civil War projects. Included in these projects are soldiers who served and died for the Union and Confederate armies during the American Civil War. Do you have any ancestors who served in the Civil War?

Check out a few notable individuals who died during the Civil War:

Lt. General Stonewall Jackson – He was a Confederate general who passed from the wounds he received on May 10, 1963. His death proved to be a set back for the Confederacy, affecting it’s military prospects and moral.

General Albert Sydney Johnston – He was a Confederate general and was considered by Confederate President Jefferson Davis to be one of the finest general officers in the Confederacy. Gen. Johnston was killed at the Battle of Shiloh. He was the highest ranking office to be killed during the entire war.

Maj. General John Fulton Reynolds – Reynolds was one of the Union Army’s most respected senior commanders and played a key role in committing the Army of the Potomac to the Battle of Gettysburg. He was killed at the very start of the battle.

Colonel Robert Gould Shaw – He was the colonel in command of the all-black 54th Regiment. He was killed in a failed attempt to capture Fort Wagner.
Brig General Robert Selden Garnett – He served as brigadier general for the Confederate army and was the first general officer killed in the Civil War.

View the U.S. Civil War Notables Project


Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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