Geni in the Press

Posted January 16, 2007 by Geni | 15 Comments

Our press release about the public launch of Geni is out!

Please click here to read it.

For press inquiries please Contact Us.



  • Techcrunch said:

    Geni Launches

    David Sacks new startup Geni, which we wrote about last week, has gone live.
    The initial product is a very easy to use Flash tool to create a profile and a family tree – including siblings, spouses, cousins, aunts and uncles, and their families. When y…

  • Mark Crawford said:

    Great start! I look forward to features. You’re right it was very easy to get my family tree started.

  • Profy.Com said:

    Geni – Links in A Bottle

    (PRWeb) Los Angeles – January 16, 2007 – A new web site was just launched by former PayPal creator David O. Sacks. is designed to create a family tree for the entire world! The site applies Web 2.0 principles for social networking …

  • ArtLung Blog said:

    Geni: Online Tool For Geneology

    Very very cool. The Geni Blog: Geni in the Press. My extended family is way into genealogy. Im sort of interested too. This is a cool way to play with it. Check out
    Killer flash-based user interface. Sublimely easy to use. Recommend…

  • Venture Voice said:

    David Sacks Launches Geni

    Past Venture Voice guest David O. Sacks launched Geni today, as TechCrunch reports, which aims to be the ultimate family tree. Many have tried in this area before, none have achieved dominance. I’ve tried about 5 of these types of…

  • - Martin Edenström said:

    Hi! I looks great and really got me started immediately. However, euroepan special-characters don’t work, neither is our qwerty-placement of special chars, such as “@”. And, I cannot get the mailverification to work.
    Heads up!

  • ctrnz said:

    Great project. Definatly will use it. But I have some questions: why in ‘spoken language ‘ settings there is no ‘latvian’? Also if I use name Krūmiņš – in tree view those non-latin letters disapears. Can You easely fix it? 🙂

  • Linda said:

    This is pretty cool! Will there be multi-language version out ? 😛
    Anyway, I will look forward to more features 😀

  • Timothy Moinat said:

    Great job,
    it’s so easy to use and yet it is so customizable and complete.
    It would just be great to have an option to print the tree.
    Keep up the good work

  • Michael said:

    What about “Add Spouse”?
    There are parts of this country that realize that you could be a woman and have a wife, or a man and have a husband…

  • vurdlak said:

    it’s great! just please allow special characters as č,ć,đ,ž etc…
    hope you sort out slow transfer with more servers, since this project will be huuge in traffic!

  • Josh said:

    I can’t figure out how to delete someone from the tree once you’ve established a few relationships for them. The “x” is gone. seems you can only delete people who have only one relationship? help. i made a mistake and can’t fix it.

  • Geni Team said:

    Martin Edenström and ctrnz: We are currently working on multilanguage/special character support and should have a fix for you in a few hours. We’ll need your help to test out alternate keyboard layouts!

  • ctrnz said:

    Geni Team: Great – I can now see those non-latin characters! Thanks!
    What about my another question – possibility to add my native language – latvian? 🙂
    And once again – thanks for your effort!

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