Welcome, Wall Street Journal Readers!

Posted February 16, 2007 by Geni | 11 Comments

If you saw us in the Wall Street Journal, or are visiting us from WSJ.com, thank you and welcome to Geni! Please feel free to comment on this blog post with any questions or suggestions you have, and we’ll do our best to answer them here.

A little background here: Geni was featured in the Thursday, February 15th Issue of the Wall Street Journal. You can find the article on the front page of the ‘Personal Journal’ section, or read it online (link will open in a new window).



  • Anne Ross said:

    Hi Geni
    Your system is very good and easy to use but I have one question at present. I am in Australia and our uni.degree system must be different from yours. How do I show a Bachelor of Business qualification in my education profile?

  • Gustav said:

    I have added my family on your site and I love it!
    I have a few suggestions and would also like to help you in the development in any way that I can. I’m an experienced software developer from Sweden.
    – an exportfunction so that one can make backups.
    – translation to other languages (I can do the swedish one right away)
    – given name for men (some men in my family have taken their wife’s lastname)
    – occupation for each work (some change occupations as others change socks)
    – the profile id (mine being 1457854) should be visible in the profile and also be searchable (the id number is an easy way of identifying persons in photographs and so on)
    As I said – I love the site. Please let me know if I can help in any way.

  • Sandy Roberts said:

    You can get free access to that Wall Street Journal article with a netpass from: http://news.congoo.com
    That was featured by Jim Cramer

  • Aaron Booker said:

    I think you should add marriage (and divorce) date fields. Standard geneology info that would be nice to add.
    Also – it’d be wonderful to be able to export the data into standard geneology software packages. (Maybe a for $$$ option down the road?)
    I’m so pleased that you got featured in the journal – that’s how I found the site. Makes Geneology much more accessible to the average person. I’d always intended to work on some of this, but now I’ve started – and I’m getting help from lots of family members. It’s just great.

  • Spencer Rascoff said:

    Congratulations on shipping an incredible product. This is a brilliant idea — the best type of consumer application: one that we didn’t even know we wanted, and now can’t live without.
    I found out about this from the WSJ article, and now it’s flying though our office’s halls.
    Congrats, and keep up the good work.

  • Jos DE JONGHE said:

    as suggested here above, as Geni is used in a lot of countries with foreign languages different of English, it should be available in those languages i.e. Dutch, French, German, ….

  • Gayle Wells said:

    Hi Geni,
    I saw the article in the WSJ and immediately started on my tree. It would be helpful if each individual info box had a couple of blanks lines available to type in misc information. Some of my far back relatives left Great Britain in the 1700’s because of religious persecution. It would be great to have a place to make notes like that.
    Thanks again Geni

  • Michael said:

    When creating a link for a new person, there should be a button or a check box that sends you right to “edit profile.” I have a number of birthdays and dates of death to put in, it would be nice to save a step.
    Also, you need a field for mairrage date.

  • Robert Moore said:

    Can I ask why my second cousin shows up as “your mother’s first cousin once removed”?

  • Ron said:

    Feature request: biography fields should recognize urls and make them active. E.g. my great uncle is Fred Noonan and I wanted to link to his Wikipedia article.

  • Sean Feeney said:

    To build on Ron’s idea, the ability to insert HTML into the biography field would be great.