Geni – now more delicious!

Posted May 4, 2007 by Geni | No Comment

The Geni Team now has a account. We created this account to help track the conversations about Geni around the blogosphere.  If you post something to delicious and want to call our attention to it just mark it with the tag ‘Geni’ and we will see it.  You can also add us to your delicious network.

We hope this will also help publicize our great blogger friends that have helped us spread the word about Geni.  You will notice that our delicious linkroll is now on our blog sidebar to the right.  This linkroll will show you the five most recent Geni-related links from around the internet.

If you are not yet familiar with delicious, it is a way to organize and share your bookmarks.  You can read about them here.

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