New Pro Feature: Tree Hot Matches!

Posted May 8, 2009 by Geni | No Comment

Since we released our Advanced Search feature, we’ve used it to power a number of features to help you find duplicate profiles and new branches of your family tree. First we made it easy to search for similar profiles. We improved on that by showing your profile hot matches on every profile. Then we added matches on new profiles to let you know when you were adding a profile that may already exist on Geni.

Today we released the next step forward: Tree Hot Matches! As you navigate around your tree you will see a magnifying glass icon indicating the number of potential matches on any profile. Click the icon to view the similar profiles.

We’ve made a few other enhancements to the list of similar profiles:

  • Use the “Remove match” link to move a profile that does not match to the new “Removed Matches” tab
  • Deceased matches include a link to collaborate with the manager or an indication if you are already collaborating

Look for hot matches in your tree


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