New Features – Family Friends

Posted May 16, 2007 by Geni | No Comment

Geni is a tool for understanding and staying in touch with your family.  Now Geni can also help you stay in touch with your family friends.  When you invite family friends to join your network on Geni they can view your profile and your photos.  When your friends join you on Geni you will be able to see their profile and photos as well.  You can then leave a comment in your friends’ Guest Books and tag them in your photos.  And if they don’t already have a family tree on Geni, we’ll help them create one!

Because Geni continues to take your family’s privacy very seriously, your family friends will not be able to view your family tree or the profile of anyone else in your family.  In order to help your friends connect with your immediate family, they can view the profile photo, name, and location of your immediate family.  Your family can even invite them to be their family friend too.

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