Profile of the Day: Bob Hope

Posted May 29, 2019 by Amanda | No Comment

Do you remember laughing at the comedic genius of Bob Hope? Hope was born on this day 116 years ago.

Profile of the Day: Bob Hope

Bob Hope / State Library of New South Wales, Flickr

He was born Leslie Townes Hope on May 29, 1903 in Eltham, England. With a career spanning over 60 years, Hope conquered almost every entertainment medium, including vaudeville, radio, stage, and television. He appeared in over 70 films and shorts, authored numerous books and hosted the Academy Awards a record-setting 18 times.

Between 1941 – 1991, he made 57 tours for the USO, bringing his rapid-fire wit and self-deprecating jokes to entertain and support American troops. In honor of his commitment, the U.S. Congress declared him the “first and only honorary veteran of the U.S. armed forces.” Hope died in 2003 at the age of 100.

Explore Bob Hope’s family tree and share your connection to the legendary comedian.

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Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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