Profile of the Day: George Clooney

Posted May 6, 2016 by Amanda | No Comment
Profile of the Day: George Clooney

George Clooney

Happy birthday, George Clooney! Today the star turns 55.

Clooney has an interesting pedigree. Not only is he the nephew of famous actress Rosemary Clooney, but his fourth great grandmother, Mary Ann Whitehouse (Sparrow), is the half sister of Nancy Lincoln, the mother of President Abraham Lincoln. That makes Abraham Lincoln his first cousin five times removed!

After small parts on television, Clooney finally hit it big with a starring role in the hit drama ER. Since then, Clooney has starred in a string of box office hits and critically acclaimed films. He’s won two Academy Awards, one for Best Supporting Actor and the other for Best Picture for the film Argo. Did you know he is the only person in the history of the Academy Awards to be nominated in six different categories?

How are you related to George Clooney? Explore his family tree and discover your connection to the star!

View George Clooney’s Geni Profile


Image: White House photo

Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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