Profile of the Day: Guglielmo Marconi

Posted April 25, 2019 by Amanda | No Comment

Today we remember Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi on what would have been his 145th birthday. A pioneer of wireless communication, Marconi is often credited as the father of long distance radio transmission.

Profile of the Day: Guglielmo Marconi

Guglielmo Marconi / Library of Congress

Marconi as born on April 25, 1874 in Bologna, Italy to Giuseppe Marconi, a wealthy Italian landowner, and Annie Jameson, the granddaughter of John Jameson, the founder of the Jameson Irish Whisky Company. Growing up, Marconi was taught by private tutors. He developed a passion for physics and a strong interest in wireless telegraphy.

By the age of 20, Marconi was conducting experiments with radio waves in his parents’ attic. After receiving the patent for a system of wireless telegraphy, Marconi founded the Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company. In 1901, he made the first transatlantic radio transmission. The message contained a single letter, “S.” His successful demonstration also showed that radio waves are not affected by the curvature of the Earth. In 1909, Marconi was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics, along with German physicist Karl Ferdinand Braun, for their contributions to the development of wireless telegraphy.

Marconi died on July 20, 1937 at the age of 63.

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Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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