Profile of the Day: Melvil Dewey

Posted December 10, 2013 by Amanda | No Comment

Melvil Dewey

Do you remember using the Dewey Decimal Classification system at the library? 162 years ago today, the mastermind behind the library cataloging system, Melvil Dewey, was born in Adams Center, New York. Dewey’s system forever changed the cataloging of books and library materials, and made it easy for patrons and librarians to find any particular book and return it to its proper place on library shelves. The system is currently used in at least 135 countries, making it the world’s most widely used classification system.

Are you related to the famous librarian and scholar? Explore Melvil Dewey’s family tree on Geni and see how you’re related!


View Melvil Dewey’s Geni Profile


Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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