Tips for Planning Your Next Family Reunion

Posted April 16, 2019 by Amanda | No Comment

Are you planning for your next family reunion? The warm weather and breaks from school makes summer the perfect time to throw a family get-together. And before you know it, summer will be here so It’s important to get started early. With lots of planning and a little creativity, you can make it a reunion that your family will not soon forget.

Tips for Planning Your Next Family Reunion

Check out these quick tips to help you get organized for your next family reunion.

1. Gather your team

Family reunions can come in all shapes and sizes and large gatherings are tough to do all on your own. Rally a small group of dependable family members to help you organize and put together the event. Make each person or small group of people in charge of something specific, whether it’s taking care of the food, finding the venue or planning activities. You’ll be glad to have your family reunion team around to give you a hand.

2. Make out your guest list

Decide who will be invited to your family reunion. Will you invite everybody or just descendants of one branch of the family? Create a list so you can keep track of who you have contacted and whether they have accepted or declined your invitation. You can also ask relatives to bring any old photos or family keepsakes to share with the rest of the family. Keep your family informed of all the details either through email or a private family discussion on Geni.

3. Create a budget

Your budget will determine the scale of your reunion. Ask relatives to contribute to help cover food, accommodations, decorations and activities. More people are likely to attend if you can keep costs low.

4. Set a date and location

Lock down the date and location as soon as you can to ensure all your relatives will have plenty of time to make plans to attend. Summer is an excellent time to plan for a reunion since children are usually off school for summer break.

When choosing a venue, consider a place that holds meaning to your family history. An old family homestead would make for a lovely setting for a reunion. Another idea is to choose a location that has its own activities, such large parks, a cruise or even a theme park!

5. Food, food, food

Depending on your budget, you can decide if you want to cater food or make the event a potluck. Plan out who will bring main dishes, appetizers, dessert and beverages. Ask relatives to create dishes that have a special memory or from recipes that have been passed down through generations to incorporate some family history stories into your meal.

6. Plan activities for all ages 

Family reunions are all about having fun and spending time with family. Plan some activities for both the young and old to keep everyone entertained. Check out these family reunion activities with a genealogy twist, so you can share your family history with them.

Have you planned or attended a family reunion? Share your experiences with us in the comments below!

Post written by Amanda

Amanda is the Marketing Communications Manager at Geni. If you need any assistance, she will be happy to help!

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