Top 100 Trees

Posted March 15, 2007 by Geni | 13 Comments

Some of you have asked for anonymous statistics on tree sizes, so here you go:

Largest Tree: 4,216 profiles

2nd Biggest: 3,358

3rd Biggest: 3,330

10th Biggest: 1,555

100th Biggest: 746

Congrats to all of you who made the Top 100!



  • bree said:

    Boy, I was feeling pretty good about the size of my tree (367) until I saw this! I didn’t even crack the top 100!

  • Gary King said:

    I’ve got 763, as I mentioned here:
    Go me! (err, go my family! :))

  • King Gary said:

    Ive got one of the largest families on the interwebs?

    Exactly two months ago today, I came upon a post over at TechCrunch that mentioned a genealogy website to create family trees, called Geni. I skimmed over the article, and it really appealed to me because my family has been trying to get a family tree …

  • Michael said:

    I would just say that I think that you have a great site, but the sad thing is that you havent my language nor my ethnicity.
    Im speaking the Syriac language wich is from Aramaic and other related languages that is the same as Syriac are current Assyrian (Eastern Syriac) and Chaldean. these are all Syriac wich belongs to Aramaic language.
    our Ethnicity is Mesopotamian, that is we are the indigeous people of syro-mesopotamian plains. Our Country is called Bethnahrin (House/land of the two rivers tigris and eufrat). Bethnahrin is the current South eastern Turkey, Northen Jordan, North Western Iran, Irak, Syria and Lebanon.
    Due to perceuctions and genocide we are now in the dispersed in the world and that is why I think your homepage is great because here one can write down his family tree and hopefully it will survive for the future.

  • olivier said:

    what a good idea to motivate us to add. I also though I was good with my 800, but so far from the very first one !
    Suggestion : you mentioned few days ago the Star located on our profile. Could you please also add our rank, once we’re in this top 100 ?

  • Petra Spithost said:

    Wow… so we’re number 3 of the world… and by now almost going for 1rst ;-). Quite a suprise actually. My change to thank Wijtze, Kees and Diana for adding a lot of relatives as well.
    Tip for the others: try to find a matching name through google for example from another name in your tree and search for other online family trees that way. Try to find out how that name relates to the webmaster of that tree… expand the tree so you can add and invite him/her as well… and you will find new relative who hopefully get excited as well and start adding.
    Because of the language a lot of the invited persons consider it as spam so I will send them a regular e-mail before actually inviting them.
    Ofcourse not everybody is interested in adding when they already put a tree on the internet (searching for relatives and completing a tree is sometimes years of work which we should not forget!)… but an additional mail will help sometimes.
    For the geni-team: It would be nice if we could edit the inivitation-email… Perhaps only the subject and a personal text first completed with your standard text?
    Hope everybody is challenged by these numbers. In know for sure we are! 😉

  • Petra Spithost said:

    It would be really nice if the search function would search to ALL 3704 people we have added so far..

  • Marie said:

    I also noted that there is an important language missing – American Sign Language. This may be the number 3 language used in our country. It is the first language of many citizens here. (It’s my second language.) Deaf culture is a sub-culture in the US. I believe it is important to recognize its language.

  • shelby said:

    Hello, this is a great site, we have now roughly 100 people in our tree.
    I was wondering if there are plans to have trees automatically to find existing trees and link or propose the possibility of linking into an existing tree?
    This can be done based on email and the name?
    thanks for this great tool

  • Kimberly said:

    I think it would be a nice feature to have a designation for twins or multiples, especially by type, since seeing the type that runs in families would be really interesting. Maybe having double lines around the twins or something would make it visually very interesting to see sets running throughout the family trees.

  • Mr Chandu Tailor said:

    Is it possible to have the numbers on the top 10 largest family trees, weekly updates

  • Johan Hedin said:

    Hello! What family tree has the longest history back in time. We have entered relatives back to the 15th century.

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