Try our new GEDCOM export (alpha feature)

Posted March 20, 2007 by Geni | 6 Comments

GEDCOM import and export has been one of your top requests. We’re starting with the export of GEDCOM files as an "alpha" feature: we know that GEDCOM import may be an important part of your genealogy research and we want to make sure we get it right.

A few notes: this is our first step along the path to exporting your full Geni tree to your GEDCOM file. Because privacy has been one of our other top user requests, this alpha version will export only very basic information from a limited family tree — basically, the names and relationships of your blood relatives and their current spouses. In addition, this GEDCOM export treats your spouse/partner as a blood relation, so all of his/her blood realtives and current spouses will be included as well.

Simply click on this link to be taken to instructions.

Let us know  whether the file looks and works as you’d expect. We’d also like to hear your concerns with what information you would want to be exportable. (We are aware that many of you are even more interested in importing of GEDCOM files. That is a longer project that involves our tree merging features–we’ll keep you updated in this forum as we get closer.)

Thank you for trying this out and have a great week—the Geni Team is looking forward to your feedback.



  • Beyond Caffeine said:

    Review – Geni Beta

    Geni is an online service offering free family tree organization, and its definitely on its way up. In a nutshell, Geni allows the user to sign up for free and create their family tree. Where it becomes really dynamic is that you can invite oth…

  • mike said:

    Hi, congratulations.
    I would find it great if the search function cover also some profile information such as country of residence or year of birth.

  • David Sutherland said:

    I know this must be an issue you’ve already had to make a decision on, but I would really like to see tracking of WHERE DATA CAME FROM… i.e. if I enter someone’s dob, birth place, etc. *I* also expect to be able to get a gedcom export of that data.
    I understand the privacy issues, as well as the need for simplicity in communicating what is going on. But… a simple rule could be… “if you type it in, it’s ‘you’re’ data”
    I hate the idea that I am going to input all this data and then I can’t pull it back out in an automated fashion.
    I would like to know what the underlying philosophy is… who is being served by it.

  • Valencia Smotherman said:

    If I upload my gedcom (which has over 14,000 individuals) will I lose the info I have already put into this site (over 850)?

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