Update on our recent release

Posted May 23, 2007 by Geni | No Comment

Following our release last week we received some great feedback from our users.  We have now released an update to Geni that addresses the following issues –

Family Friends Privacy
– Family Friends are not able to view your family tree or the profile of anyone else on your family tree.  Now you can also choose to hide your immediate family and your Guest Book from your family friends.

Anniversaries on Calendar – As a result of your feedback the calendar will only show anniversaries for current marriages and partners.

Forms Extending Off Screen – Some users with smaller monitors or small browser windows could not always see the entire form when adding a node to their tree.  These users should now be able to access every field in these windows.

More Tree Refinements

Previously the timeline (i.e. b.1905-d.1960) would not appear on certain nodes even though the person’s name fit on one line.  Now the timeline should always appear on a node when the name does not wrap to a second line.

Some users had some lines on their family tree that were very thick.  This happened to very long lines extending across a wide tree.  Now all lines on the family tree should be the same size.

And finally, there have been some improvements to the last name/maiden name pre-population.

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