We’ve changed how stats are calculated

Posted April 21, 2008 by Geni | No Comment

You may notice a reduction in the number of
people in your User Stats and Tree counts. This is due to
recent changes in terminology. "People in My Blood Tree" (the number of your blood relatives and all of their partners) has replaced the "People in My Tree" (the total number of people
you are connected to on Geni). All of the
profiles and people that we used to include in your ‘Tree’ count are
still right where they were, and you can continue to navigate to them
through your tree as you always have.

Many of you have told us that you are very interested in knowing how
many people you are connected to on Geni. We understand that this
provides a sense of scale and community to your Tree on Geni. Our
engineers are working on this request and believe that they have found
a solution. Hopefully in the near future you will once again be able to
answer the question "How many people am I connected to on Geni?". Stay

For more information on these changes, please visit the Forest page on the Geni User Wiki.

UPDATE: I am pleased to announce the return of ‘the count’! If you visit your Geni home page you will see a new section on the left that looks something like this:

Network Stats

You are connected to XXXX people on Geni.

DIscuss this story


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