Mary Gribble

Started by Jilles Pieter Kozijn on Monday, October 17, 2011
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10/17/2011 at 12:44 PM

Mary werd door haar familie aangesproken als Ada. Het gezin van Cornelis Verroen is in 1935 met de boot vertrokken naar Hull
om een bezoek te brengen aan Leendert en zijn gezin. Ze woonden in Malton, Yorkshire. Ada en Leendert hadden twee kinderen,
een jongen en een meisje, toen ongeveer 15 jaar oud. En er was een terrier, Nosy als huisdier. Een jaar of tien later zijn zij in Nederland
op bezoek gekomen en veel familie bezocht.
Dit alles blijkt uit foto's met beschrijving, die ik vond in een houten kistje.

Jilles Kozijn.

Private User
10/17/2011 at 1:10 PM

Goedenavond Jilles, misschien heb je er iets aan je oproep te plaatsen bij onderstaand project, dat ik ben gestart om de uitwisseling tussen engelstalige-niet amerikaanse geni-gebruikers te stimuleren. Ik zal je aan het project linken, dat vooral bedoeld is om met elkaar in contact te kunnen komen. Eventueel kun je het profiel er -tijdelijk- aan linken, ik heb je net mede-manager gemaakt, als je die uitnodiging aanneemt. (zie in-post-box). Wellicht kun je je oproep nog iets specifieker formuleren. zoek je mensen die ervaring hebben met engelse archieven of zoek je juist naar sporen van haar in Nederland? Ik heb de familie van mijn moeder nooit kunnen leren kennen -behalve dan een half jaar voor haar overlijden jouw moeder, haar volle nicht- dus weet ik ook niet meer dan dat ik ooit in dit profiel kon zetten. Ben benieuwd, zal ook eens op internet naar bronnen gaan speuren, maar heb geen enkele ervaring met Britse bronnen. Succes dus vooralsnog. jeannette.

Private User
10/17/2011 at 1:34 PM

George J. Homs & Fred Bergman Sjors e/o Fred, hebben jullie een tip hoe we het beste in Engeland naar dit soort informatie op zoek kunnen gaan? We hebben eigenlijk nog geen goeie bronnen-pagina voor Engeland, maar wie heeft zin daar wat aan te doen?

ps. voor Jilles: Sjors en Fred zijn de enige Nederlandse Curatoren die iedereen met vragen kunnen helpen en zelf heel veel genealogie-onderzoekservaring hebben, dus vraag snel een samenwerking met hen aan, daar kun je alleen maar gemak van hebben. groetjeweer, jMu.

10/17/2011 at 9:12 PM

Op de Portal Index staat geen verwijzing naar een Engelse portal - en ik zie er ook geen elders. Ik denk dat we de Engelse curatoren eens moeten aanspreken om iets op te starten.

Private User
10/18/2011 at 2:06 AM

George, maybe we should write these kinds of requests also in the English language to get the curiosity of our Brittish geni-friends.... I added the profile to the conference-room of the Hope to find an enthousiastic visitor to help us out.

10/18/2011 at 4:26 AM

Private User kan je daar (Engelse zoekacties,bronnen en vindplaatsen) alles over vertellen hoop ik

Private User
10/18/2011 at 5:02 AM

hallo allemaal, ik zal aan een Engelse bronnen pagina gaan werken
Hi all, i will setup an English links & source page.
For all of your information an Irish one is there already

10/18/2011 at 6:12 AM

Hey Annemarie, can you give the link to the Irish info?
It would be good to get in touch with the English curators to see if they have already worked on something like this or not (just in case :-) ).
These are the ones... Terry Jackson (Switzer) and Private User

Private User
10/18/2011 at 6:27 AM

Irish links & sources

Private User
10/18/2011 at 6:43 AM

George let me know if you want me to create something similar for the Brittish Isles and Scotland.

10/18/2011 at 6:56 AM

Dit you turn the Irish list into a project page?

Private User
10/18/2011 at 7:13 AM

Nope, not that I am aware of, will I do this ?

Private User
10/18/2011 at 7:17 AM

George just checked and I might have done so when I was just new to Geni, but not deliberate, just wanted a page with links.

Private User
10/18/2011 at 8:14 AM

Think we are going a bit of track with the Mary Gribble request from Dhr Kozijn.
In reply to the request to help find information about Mary
The time period is going to be a problem as most records are not made public yet.
Jilles could you supply me with some additional information like the estimated year of birth of Mary A Gribble ? I see what I can find for you then.

Private User
10/18/2011 at 8:28 AM

THANKS all for your wise reactions! That is a contribution not only useful for Mary A. GRIBBLE, but even more for us, geni-users with no experience in swimming or sailing the North Sea. I added the links to the British Coffee Corner and suggest to continue this discussion on a thread there, for this place is about miss Gribble and her husband Leendert VERROEN, uncle of my mother she never has even heard of, I think. I hope my new found newphew Jilles, rather unexperienced on this geni-platform and not -yet- familiar with the usage of topics for non-topic aspects will be able to find good documented sources for his genealogical ambitions overseas. It's for my conveniance too ofcourse. Sincerely yours .... is that right in British? of in Dutch: hartelijke groeten van jeannette Marina u., achterkleindochter van Balthazar Verroen 1859-1924 en verre nazaat van die VOC-rijke-stinkerd- Balthazar de MOUCHERON 1552-c.1630, zoon van Pa Pierre 1508-1565 die een van de mooiste familieportretten in het Rijksmuseum penseelde:


Private User
10/18/2011 at 8:51 AM

Terry Jackson (Switzer) - ? what are your thoughts on this? I haven't the time to get my head around what is being asked here - especially as I can't read most of it! - is something I will tag and look at after 15th November.

Private User
10/18/2011 at 8:52 AM

-jMu- I have found Mary's parents and have added them to your tree

10/18/2011 at 2:27 PM

Private User@June, it's all Dutch to me!¦¬)

Private User
10/18/2011 at 4:06 PM

So, nice Lady's of the non-euro side of the North Sea, you make it a double dutch? Or is it kluts for two non-duchees...? Maybe we should go Dutch together and I promess to pay the bill this time -but only if you drink a TEA with scoons ofcourse, for we do not expect you to stay for dinner....:)

Tot ziens in one of our Coffee Corner's, either the Britisch one or for some other non-Dutch country. Bye, groeten, jMu = jeannette Marina u.

10/19/2011 at 12:41 AM

Terry, June and all, I think one of the interesting ideas here is to build a 'country' or 'language' portal, just like it has been done for Spanish, Dutch... (and I just initiated the basics for Italy).
I think many of our American friends would be interested in seeing such a portal for England, as a guide for online sources. One for Ireland would be great as well (and I think Annemarie has already put the basics together).
jMu has great experience with building such a portal. Over 1,600 Dutch users are logged to the Dutch portal! Plus, it gives links to online sources for various themes, per province, etc...
Have a look here for the Dutch version...
And here for the International equivalent...
Here you can find the portal index...

10/19/2011 at 9:24 AM

@george, Ah why didn't you say you want a project of links for England....
Private User @-jMu, I'm in England.

10/19/2011 at 9:37 PM

Thanks, Terry! How about starting an "England Portal"? (Not "English" Portal, because it's not about the language, of course :-) ).
Have a look at what Annemarie started for Ireland? I've worked a few hours and added 200+ Irish users - just for starters. Ultimately, you might consider 'Welsh Portal' and 'Scottish Portal' as well. Just thoughts :-)

10/20/2011 at 9:44 AM

@George, How would this be different apart from the name?

Private User
10/20/2011 at 9:56 AM

George J. Homs kunde ge sorghen dat deze steecken op 'n andere draed tregkom? 'kwil NIE dat munne nieuwnefke jilles sieth dat-tie taerten zograag teedrinck, you see?

10/20/2011 at 10:59 AM

Hey Terry, fair enough, perhaps my reaction looked too much as if it was about the title :-)
Then again, given that there are only very few people attached to it, we can move it over to a new project that is in line with the other 'Portal' approaches on the Portal Index? Just a shame we can't simply change the project name, I know :-(
Here's my thinking...
Don't you think it woul dbe just great to have a central place where all English users would be connected to? A place where we could bring together all the UK sources?
I gave you some numbers, so let me tell you what it took. Scrutinizing Italian users and generating 300+ Italian users took me 4 hours. Helping Annemarie for an Irish Portal and generating 200 Irish users took me 3 hours. I'm not sure about the Dutch portal, but Jeanette can tell... 1,600 Dutch users must have taken many hours.
Still, it provides us with a great base. We have great dialogues going on in the Benelux because of that.
If you want to keep your current project name, please do it as you feel. But, I'm happy to spend 3-4 hours attaching English users to it.
What do you think?

10/20/2011 at 11:03 AM

And, sorry Jilles... it has nothing to do with Mary Gribble :-) Forgive me?
But, I think your question might get more answers if we could bring English users together in a big fashion. As our experience in the Benelux shows, people from anywhere else can bring up a challenge, and right away you have a few people around trying to look for clues. :-)

Private User
10/20/2011 at 12:50 PM

Jilles Pieter Kozijn you might find the answer to your questions in your tree, found Mary's parents and more. And guess what I am related to her too :)

10/20/2011 at 2:58 PM

I am conscious that I am not helping about Mary Gribble at the moment but I really can make no sense of what is being asked even using a translation so for now I will concentrate on George's suggestion of creating an English Portal.

@George, I will consider the first project as a trial run but I warn you I have had little luck with projects so far. Will you hold my hand?

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