I agree, Sharon! I'm already stretched to the limit with my Ancestry subscription and can't afford to add more membership fees to my budget, so the whole "record match" thing isn't very helpful for me. I'd be so happy to "trade" with others by doing Ancestry searches for them if they could help me with some of the "records match" stuff!
I agree with you...Right now if you browse to George Washington, 1st President of the United States profile and click through to the findagrave results you'll get 74 results. It is returning all 74 George Washington's in Virgina cemeteries. There should be an option to only include hits that are within a certain number of years of the profiles death date if of course they have a death date. Since Washington died in 1799 I'd like the default findagrave query to search for "George Washington" + Virginia + before 1809. I picked 1809 because it is 10 years after his death. Doing this search returns only 4 results and not 74 like the current broader query.
Have been at odds with Geni's naming convention of using married rather than maiden. In the course of reinventing genealogy, I wonder, why this had to be done? It makes my working with Geni prone to mixups and errors.
Find-a-Grave matching is way too inprecise to be interesting.
Sigh, when can I get a pro account without a credit card?
Anthony, these searches on external sites let us search against only one name, so we have to choose between what's in the "last name" field vs. what's in the "birth surname" field -- we're certainly willing to fine-tune this if that'll get better results.
I'm sure you know that we also support PayPal.. what payment method are you hoping for?
Eldon: Find A Grave has been added to our external records search (originally just Archives.com and Genealogy Bank) -- you may see a gray button at the top right of some profiles, and there's also a section at the top of search results, for example: http://www.geni.com/search/external?action=external_record_count&am...
Mike Stangel in our country -the Netherlands- a way to pay via your own Bank is iDeal, hope that will be able in the future, for i never buy on the internet, for its ruining all the stores here in our city....
If anyone wants to check whether his country's banks are acceptable to PayPal, the best way to start might be this link... https://www.paypal.com/uk/cgi-bin/?cmd=p/gen/about-outside
@Mike Stangel, I do use PayPal, but my PayPal account is associated with my checking account, like a debit card, as opposed to a credit card. Yes, just like @Bjørn P. Brox, says. While Geni uses PayPal, it allows only payments from people whose PayPal account is backed by a credit card, not by a debit card or a checking account. I don't know whether or not it would be a collection/billing nightmare, but mayhaps you could sell Geni-Starter-Packs through retailers/booksellers, and they contain a prepaid voucher code, or something like the iTunes card that you buy in the grocery stores. Anyway, I'm chomping at the bit for my Pro account without a credit card.