HELLO DUTCH SPEAKERS... could you please translate?

Started by George J. Homs on Wednesday, November 2, 2011
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Alex Moes I am waiting from a answer from Fred Bergman on Private User's request for me to put some profiles in the international dutch portal so i have it taken care of thanks.

Private , you sent me a lineage. Which profiles in that lineage you or Private User want to have in Internetional Dutch Portal?

i'm not sure which one she wants in there.. to be honest with you.. My dutch is too poor for me to help that group out anyway


what/which profiles you need help with? If you are not familiar with putting the URL of a profile in a discussion-line, just invite me for co-management with the button on the profiles themselves, ok?

Private What is your NATIVE language? Maybe I can help you in German e/o French?

Please translate to English, thanks:

God, wiens ondoorgrondbaare wegen wy moeten eerbiedigen, behaagde het, op gister myn hattelyk geliefds Egtgenoot,
JOHAN CARL AUGUST SADLER, in den ouderdom van byna 39 Jaaren, ne eene gelukkige Egtverbintenis van omtrent 10 Jaaren, aan eene
hevige uitteerencs ziekte, van my en myne 3 Kinderen weg te nemen. Ik veilies in hem den besten Man, en myne Kinderen den
zorgvuldigften Vader, een ieder, die den Overledenen kende, zal myne bittere droefneid ligt kunnen bezeffen, waarom ik my,
zonder brieven van Rouwbeklag, van de deslneming myner Vriende en Bekenden verzekerd houde.
's Hage den 2 Juny 1807. J.M.P. JERICHO Wed. SADLER.

i don/t think it is a very good translation, but maybe you can understand the meaning of the message:

God, and his mysterious ways we have to respect, has been pleased to have taken yesterday my beloved husband JOHAN CARL AUGUST SADLER, scarcely in the age of 39 Years, in happy marriage with me of about 10 Years, because of a very bad sickness (tuberculose) to take from me and my three children.
I lose in him the most admered man, and my children lose a careful father. Everyone, who has known the deceased, will understand my bitter sadness, so that I, without letters of condolences, will have the participation of my friends and people I know.
Written at Den Haag, on 2 juny 1807 by J.M.P. JERICHO Wedow of . SADLER.

I think it's good translation. Thanks a lot.
There are 2 more notes for Friedrich Wilhelm Jericho on the photo of the profile - could you please translate?
3rd note just have been translated.
Johan Carl August is my 5th great grandfather and Friedrich Wilhem 6th great.

Note #1
F. W. JERICHO, Med. Doctor en Oculist, denkt tegen het einde van July in Holland aangekomen, die geene zoo Blindzyn on den Sinar ..of andere Oogziektens hebben en zyne hulp rotherstelling van hun gezigtverlagen, worden verzogthunne adressen in volgende Logemented te geven , dat hy by zyn arrivment hun aanstinds kan kennis geven en naar bevinden van dien zig zal ophounden. Lee..w, Hoorn de Doelen, Enkhuuizen in de Oostindische Tooren, Leeuwaardchin in 't Heeren Logenent, Groningen in het Nieuwe, Munster, en Utrechte in het Nieuweb Kasseel van Antwerpen.

Note #2
Den berke Ondergeteckende op de ryding der onpasselyk heid van deszeite Schoon-vader, FRIEDRICH WILHELM JERICHO, Medicine Doctor en Oculist, zig naar Leeuwairden begeeven nellbende, ondervond alnaar de grievende smarte, deeze achlings waaroige Man reeds Dood re vinden; hyvladzich dus, by zyne terngbait atrer, in de droevige verplichting van ain zyn Vilenden en Nabettaanden van ditizo-treung als onverzeld van een verfal van Levenskrachten , maakte een einde van zyn zo nuttigen werkzaandleved, op den12 deezer Maand, savonas, ik den odderdom van ruim 72 Jaaren. Daar Brieven van Rouwneklag onze droesheid nier kunnen verminderen, verzocken wy van dezele verlchoond te blyven.
‘s Haag den 24 Juny 1800. J.C.A. Sadler, M.J. Sadler Geb. Jericho.
P.S. Alled de gene welke iets te pretendeeren hebben van, osie verschildiga zyn, aan wylen bevengenielde Med. Doct. En Oculist J. W. Jericho, warden verzogt duarvon opgaue os be lauling te doe naan deszelfs Schoonzoon J. C. A. Sadler, in de Spuistraan in is mage.

Anybody, please, please help me with translation of 2 above notes...

Partly translated

Note 1
F.W. Jericho Medicin and eye-doctor, thinks at the end of july to be in Holland,
And the people who wants his aid (for blindness or other eye-deceases) are
asked to give their addresses on the following address/place. When he arrives
on this address he will make appointments with them. The address is
in Hoorn de Doelen, in Enkhuizen de Oostindische toren, in Leeuwarden het
Heeren Logement, etc.

Note 2
I, the undersigned heard of the sickness of my father in law Friedrich
Wilhelm Jericho, doctor en eyedoctor, and have gone to Leeuwarden
found this man already dead. His sickness made a end at his life on the
12th of this month, in the age of 72 years.
We don’t want to have any notes of compassion, because they don’t
help us in our sadness.
Written in Den Haag on 24 june 1800 by JCA Sadler and mrs MJ Sadler born Jericho
Anybody who thinks to get of to pay money to the deceased , are asked to do this task to
JCA Sadler

Thank you very much :)

Please help translate the 'About' on this profile:
Genl. Hendrik Abraham Alberts

I have made an attempt....but need assistance please (See the Dutch tab in the 'About')


I can read the names but that's about it! Please assist.


I can read the names but that's about it! Please assist, most interested in place of origin.

I would be willing to help if I can, I am a Dutch native and fluent in English. Please let me know if I can assist

Use Bogtman Handscrift for explanation of old Dutch handwriting. I uploaded this pdf a while ago on the international Dutch portal.

Wil also help with pleasure.

I downloaded a begraaf record today from Amsterdam in 1628 and uploaded it to Geni:


I know it is the death of a man named Jan Moes but the script is so hard to read that i cannot understand anything else.

I will check it out Alex it is Latin but the handwriting is diabolical :)

Another word I can make out is the name Fortuyn, was his wife's maidenname Fortuyn?

Anne-Marie, at this point my entire knowledge of this man is from the Amsterdam archief:

Moes, Jan

datum begrafenis:

Oude Kerk

His is the oldest Moes record that i have ever come across, and assuming he was an adult he must be at least a generation older than anyone else i have identified... which Moes family he is connected to is a complete mystery at this point.

I have asked a couple of pro genealogist friends who could not read it either, maybe George J. Homs is more used to this old Dutch handwriting in Latin?

Even with my knowledge of Latin (and Dutch) I cannot make much more of this then Moes and Fortuyn..

Thanks for the efforts, he is likely to remain an orphan i think.

Alex Moes,

I added a profile to Geni yesterday. The lady's name is Catharina Malmoes :-). It could possibly be a synonym of the name Moeskoker since a koker can be translated into a tube.and a mal could possibbly be translated into as a vorm :-). It's too bad that I couldn't find any other family members for her.

Catharina Malmoes

I don't know, she looks to be mid-late 1700s by which time Moeskoker is several hundred years old as a family name.

I think you'd do better (if you are inclined to) looking at the Maalmoes family in Amsterdam:


The older records seem to be Aalmoes but that could be the transcriber's interpretation.

Private User Thanks for letting me know either way :)

1652 Oct 06; Dirck Claeszen; Marritje; Egbert Wouterszen, Juffr. Verdonck, Tryntie Simons

* Help needed:
What does "Juffr." stand for and wahat does it mean?

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