Hi, I just wonder about the timeline. I have Adam listed as my 143rd great grandfather, but understand someone have him as 105th? Is that possible?
My line goes also in a direct succession from Charlemagne, then the kings of franks/ Sciambri/ Troys and Dardania....then Zerah, son of Judah - down to Shem, son of Noah - and then Seth, son of Adam. I have another line going through Japeth as well.
Hello all, glad you're enjoying this part of the Biblical Tree. The number of generations between Adam and the present should be around 150 (+-10). The way I figure this, is that we have a date for the END of the Biblical period, for example with Zerubbabel 3rd Exilarch / זרובבל, who's about 50 generations from Adam and dividing the remaining years by 25 (a reasonable AVERAGE length for a generation). So any number between 140 to 160 is about right.
Sadly, trying to keep this tree in order is not easy (which is why much of it is locked-down). Let alone the connections in later generations TO it. So many of the multiple copies of those "royal" lines are missing a LOT of generations.
King David / דוד המלך . is my 70th great grandfather.
1. Iisai, =>
2. Obed, =>
3. Boas, =>
4. Salma, => J
5. Nahson, =>
6. Amminadab, =>
7. Admin, =>
8. Arni, =>
9. Hesron, =>
10. Peres, =>
11. Juuda, =>
12. Jaakob, =>
13. Iisak, =>
13. Abraham, =>
15. Terah, =>
16. Nahor, =>
17. Serug, =>
18. Reu, =>
19. Peleg, =>
20. Eber, =>
21. Salma, =>
22. Kenan, =>
23. Arpaksad, =>
24. Seem, =>
25. Nooa, =>
26. Lemek, =>
27. Metuselah, =>
28. Henok, =>
29. Jered, =>
30. Mahalalel, =>
31. Kenan, =>
32. Enos, =>
33. Set, =>
34. Aadam, /, Eve
Zerubbabel / זרובבל . is listed as my 66th great grandfather too, Eero.
And King David is listed as my 70th great grandfather...... but as i´ve learned to understand (from Shmuel-Aharon Kam), it has to be missing alot of generations. If it has to be at least 140-160 generations between us and adam....and its about 50 generations between Adam and Zerubbabel, - then you know it has to be about 100-110 generations between Zerubbabel and us. :(
People have a lot still to study ... just to conclude that the burial place of father Adam is not in Hebron but in the sunken continent now in the South China Sea where the real Garden of Eden was being in the east of the temple of Jerusalem but not in the middle east per se. The creation date of father Adam of 4004 BC can still be corrected.
The 200 generations from father ADAM
ADAM , Founder of the Adamic Cycle = Eve (Hawah, Avâ, Nin-khâwa) 4100 BC in El Nido, Philippines
Seth (Sat-nâal / Set / Sed / Sheth) = Kalîmath
Enosh (Anosh) = Neôm
Kenan (Kainân) = Muâlet
Mahalaleel (Mahlâlâil) = Sîna
Jared (Yared) = Barâka
Enoch (Henoch) = Ednâ
Methuselah (Matûshlah) = Ednâ
Lamech = Bilânos
NOAH (Nûr ), Prophet of the LORD = Naamah
Ham = Ne’elatama’uk (Na’eltama’uk / Nahalath / Noella / Olliva)
Kush (Cush)
Nimrod, King of Babel, great grandson of Noah (passenger of the Ark)
Hotepsekhemwi (Boethos / Belus), Founding King of Egypt
Raneb (Nebra), King of Egypt, brother of King Aegyptus
Nynetier (Nynetjer), King of Egypt
Sekhemib-Perenmaat (Sesokhris), King of Egypt
Khasekhemwy, King of Egypt = Nimaethap
Netjerikhet Djoser (Zoser / Tesorthos), King of Egypt
Huni, King of Egypt = Meresankh I
Snofru, King of Egypt = Heterephes (half-sister of Snofru)
Kheops, King of Egypt
Djedefre, King of Egypt
Princess Neferhetepes of Egypt = Priest of Ra in Sakhbu
Userkaf, King of Egypt = Khentkaus I, dau. King Mykerinos from King Kheops
Nefirkare Kakai, King of Egypt = Khentkaus II
Nyuserre (Niuserre) Ini, King of Egypt
Menkauhor Kaiu, King of Egypt
Djedkare Isesi, King of Egypt
Unas (Wenis / Oenas), King of Egypt
Princess Iput of Egypt = Teti (Othoes), King of Egypt
Pepi I, King of Egypt
Pepi II, King of Egypt
Merenenre II, King of Egypt
Ankhfn-Khonsu, Prince of Egypt
Inyotef I “the Great”, King of Egypt
Inyotef II, King of Egypt
Inyotef III Nakhtnebtepnefer, King of Egypt = Aoh
Mentuhotep I (II) Nebhepetra, King of Egypt = Neferu (full-sister)
Mentuhotep III (IV), King of Egypt
Princess Nfry-Ta-Tjenen of Egypt = Amenemhat I Sehetepibre of Egypt
Sensusret I Kheperkare, King of Egypt = Nefrusheri
Amenemhat II Nubkaure, King of Egypt = Keminnub
Sesostris II Khakheperre, King of Egypt = Nofret (full sister)
Sesostris III Khakaure, King of Egypt = Sebekshedty-Neferu
Amenemhat III Nemare, King of Egypt (1900 BC) Pyramid builder
Princess Kemi = Ha-ankhef, son of Nehi and Senebtisi
Khaneferre Sebekhotep IV, King of Egypt = Tjani
Princess Sebekhotep of Egypt = Senebhanef, Vizier of Egypt
Sekhemre-sementawi Djehuti, King of Egypt = Mentuhotep
Sekhemre-se’ankhtawi Neferhotep III, King of Egypt
Sekhemre-shedtawi Sebekemsaf I, King of Egypt = Nubkhas
Nubkheperre Inyotef VII (V), of Egypt = Sebekemsaf, g-dau. Mentuhotep VII
Sekhenre-wahkhau Rahotep, King of Egypt = Tetisheri (Great Wife)
Seqenenre Tao II “the Brave”, King of Egypt = Ahhotpe
Ahmes-Sapair, Prince of Egypt = Sensenb
Akheperkare Tuthmosis I, King of Egypt
Akheperenre Thutmose II, King of Egypt = Isis
Menkheperre Thutmose III, of Egypt = Maritre Hatshepset, dau. Huy-Votaress
Aakheperure Amenhotep II, King of Egypt (d. 1400 BC) = Tiy
Menkheprure Thutmose (Djehutymes) IV, King of Egypt = Mutemwia
Nebmare Amenhotep III, Egypt = Tiye-Nefertari, dau. Yuya from Amenhotep III
Queen Sitre of Egypt = Ramses (the Pharaoh) I Menpehtyre, King of Egypt
(in about 1481 BC, Moses led the Hebrews)
Sety Meryenptah, King of Egypt = Tuya, dau. Reya, lieutenant of chariotry
Usirmare Setepenre Ramses II, of Egypt (1314-1224 BC)
Usirkha’ure Meryamun Seknakht, King of Egypt = Tiye-Merenese
Usimare Meryamun Ramses III, King of Egypt
Sethirkhopsef Usirmare Ramses, King of Egypt (d. 1126 BC)
Khaemwaset Neferkare Ramses IX, King of Egypt (d. 1108 BC)
Amenhirkhopsef Khepermarc Ramses X, King of Egypt (d. 1098 BC) = Tyti
Khaemwaset Menmare Ramses XI, King of Egypt (d. 1070 BC)
Henuttawy of Egypt = Hedjkheperre Setepenre, King of Egypt
Akheperre Psibkha’emne, King of Egypt = Wiay
Princess Istemkheb of Egypt = Menkheperre, High Priest of Amun at Thebes
Pinudjem II Titkheperre, High Priest of Egypt
Princess Maatkare of Egypt = Sekhempkheperre Setepenre Osorkon of Egypt
Heqakheperre Setepenre Shoshenk, King of Egypt
Hedjkheperre Setepenamun Harsiese King of Egypt
Princess Karoma = Usermare Setepenamun Ozorkon II, King of Egypt
Shoshenk, High Priest of Ptah at Memphis
Takelot, High Priest of Ptah at Memphis = Djedbastesankh
Djedbastesankh of Memphis = Usermare Setepenre Shoshen III, King of Egypt
Usermare Setepenre Pimay, King of Egypt (d. 773 BC)
Osorkon, Great Chief of Ma
Shepsesre Tefnakhte I of Sais, King of Egypt
Wahkare Bekenranef of Sais, King of Egypt (d. 712 BC)
Prince Ibre Nakauba
Menkheperre Necho I of Sais and Memphis
Wahibre Psamtek I, King of Egypt
Wehimbre Necho, King of Egypt
Princess Scota = Prince Galamh (Milidh) of Greater Scythia(Black Sea)
Prince Eirhe Ahmon (Djer Amon or Heremon)
Eochaid I (c. 600 B.C.) 1st High King of Ireland = Tamar Tephi
Irial Faidh
Fiachach Labhruine
Aongus Oilbhuagah
Siorna Saoghalach
Oiliolla Olchaoin
Nuadha Fionn Fail
Simon Breac
Muiriadhach Bolgrach
Fiathadh Tolgrach
Duach Laighrach
Eochaidh Buillaig
Ugaine Mòr (Hugune-Mor) 4th c. B.C.
Cobhtach Coalbreag
Jaran Gleofathach
Conla Cruaich
Oiliolla Caisfhiaclach
Eochaid Foltleathan
Aonghus Tuirimheach
Fergus I
Conaire Mor
Corbred I
Modha Lamha
Conaire II
Corbred of Dal Riata
Eochaid Muin-remor
Erc of Dal n’Araide
Fergus Mor (d. 501)
Domangart (501-506)
Gabràn Dal Riata (537-559)
Aedàn Mac Gabràn of Scots (574-608) (d. 608)
King Eochaid of ALBA (608-630)
King Donald Brecc of ALBA (630-643)
King Domangart II of ALBA (659-673)
King Eochaid II of ALBA (695-696)
King Eochaid III of ALBA (726-733)
King Aed Find of ALBA (748-778)
King Eochaid IV of ALBA (748-778) (d. 781) = Unuisticc of Fortrenn
King Alpin of ALBA, King of Kintyre (d. 834)
King Coinneach (Kenneth) I of Scotland (d. 859)
King Constantin (Constantine) II of Scotland (d. 877)
King Dòmhnall (Donald) II of Scotland, “Ban” (d. 900)
King Maolchaluim (Malcolm) I of Scotland (d. 954)
King Coinneach II of Scotland (d. 995) = an Irish Princess of Leinster
King Maolchaluin (Malcolm) II of Scotland (d. 1034) = Aelfgifu of Ossory
Princess Bethoc (Beatrix) of Scotland = Crinan (Grimus), Thane of Atholl, Abbot of Dunkeld
King Donnchadh (Duncan) I of Scotland “the Gracious” (d. 1040) = Aelflaed
King Maolchaluim (Malcolm) III of Scotland, “Canmore” (d. 1093) = Saint Margaret of England, descendant of Alfred
Edith of Scotland = King Henry I of England
Princess Matilda of England
King Henry II of England
King John of England
King Henry III of England
King Edward I of England
King Edward II of England
King Edward III of England
John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, England
Queen Catherine of Castile
King Juan of II Castile
Queen Isabella I of Spain
Queen Juana of Spain
Emperor Charles V of Holy Roman Empire
February 24, 1500
King Philip II of Spain, Portugal and the Philippines
King Philip III of Spain and the Philippines
Queen Anne de Austria of France
King Louis XIV of France
Dauphine Louis de France
King Philip V de Bourbon of Spain
Luisa de Bourbon - Ponce de Leon
Pablo Ponce de Leon of Cuyo
Isidro Ponce de Leon
Fernando Ponce de Leon
Genara Reinoso
Eusebio Reinoso
Pedro Rienoso
Bruna Acosta
Restituto Acosta
Sabas Cristobal Robles Acosta born in 1935 in El Nido, Philippines
Raymund Ustares Acosta, born in 1976 in Roxas, Palawan, The Philippines
Raymund Cristobal Arroyo Acosta, born on Sept 23, 2011 in Puerto Princesa City