german immigrants or DEUTSCHE Immigranten oder DUTCH immigrants too?

Started by Private User on Saturday, May 5, 2012
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Private User
5/5/2012 at 5:57 PM

This project seems to be about the Germans coming from Europe direction Brasils. BUT: does it mean only the Deutsche oder auch die Hollandische/Niederlandische immigranten? Da macht man hier ein Unterschied, deswegen ware es vielleicht besser entweder Deutsche, Dutch, German en/or Hollandische oder Niederlandische immigranten aus zu wahlen hier zu documentieren. Grusse Ihnen herzlich, jeannette from Holland, Europe.

5/6/2012 at 2:37 AM

Nach meinem Verständnis bezieht sich dieses aus Brasilien stammende Projekt ausschließlich auf Immigranten aus Deutschland (Germany). Es wäre deshalb sicher sinnvoll für Niederländische (Holländische, Dutch) Immigranten nach Brasilien ein eigenes Projekt zu starten.

As I understand this project started from Brazil contain only immgrants from Germany (Deutschland). I think it will be expedient to start a new project for immigrants from Netherlands (Holland, Dutch) to Brazil.

Herzliche Gruesse aus Deutschland,
Kind regards from Germany,


Private User
5/6/2012 at 6:12 AM

I was planning already for such an initiative some time, but hasarded because I did not want to interfere with others ideas about it. So, anyone involved, please join me in the project to come:
* Dutch in Brasils
or is there a better name for an umbrella that considers also migrations in several time area's and maybe also emigrants who later decised to remigrate as well. groeten van jeannette from holland, europe.

Private User
5/6/2012 at 6:18 AM
5/6/2012 at 10:38 AM

I think we should try to find someone at Brazil who's searching for his ancestors in the Netherlands because this person may be have sources at Brazil. May be there is someone here at GENI who will start such a project.

Ich denke wir sollten eine Person in Brasilien finden, die nach ihren Vorfahren in den Niederlanden sucht, da diese vielleicht Zugang zu den Quellen in Barsilien hat. Möglicherweise arbeitet ja ein Nachkomme Niederländischer Vorfahren hier bei GENI, der ein solches Projekt starten möchte.

Tobias Rachor, Deutschland (Germany)

Private User
5/6/2012 at 12:48 PM

I had such a collaborator, but have to look where he stayed now. But new geni-users are not used to do things in projects and are in the beginning somewhat shy to share there information, so maybe we should have some patience. jMu.

Private User
5/6/2012 at 12:50 PM

With some collaborators~co-operators in the Netherlands we were discussing already the need to have a project for Dutch in Argentina, but hesitated and now we collect also Emigrants to the south America's in

Private User
5/6/2012 at 3:20 PM

Hi Tobias Rachor (C) Private User

First: I am descended from German and Dutch immigrants. I managed to bring almost all of my tree holandese to Geni. And the German tree, comes slowly.

Second, to explain: there is a basic project on immigration to Brazil:

He was dismembered by me in:ães-ao-Brasil-Ge...

I have tried to seek help from other descendants of immigrants, even those not in GENI. I have found it difficult. Go into the best-known family trees, going to the top, and I "panning" immigrants.

Besides, records of landing in Brazil are of poor quality.

Besides, records of landing in Brazil are of poor quality.

I agree that it takes work to do the same work in Argentina, since there was a large immigration after World War II, unlike Brazil. Immigration in Brazil began in early 1800.

I'm putting myself available for any initiative or suggestion to improve my work.


Private User
10/5/2020 at 12:22 PM

Oi Carla.

Quanto aos projetos da imigração alemã para o Brasil. Existe alguma remuneração ou apoio financeiro?
Há muitas pesquisas publicadas em livros no Brasil. O que esperas alcançar com teu projeto sobre a imigração alemã? Não entendi.

Sobre os imigrantes que chegaram em Santa Cruz do Sul, aquela lista de famílias que aparecem aqui no Geni está muito inicial ainda, certo?
Meu contato:


Ricardo Bins di Napoli

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