Medical Cards

Started by LindaMarie Joseph on Tuesday, June 19, 2012
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6/19/2012 at 11:08 AM

I'm impressed by the information I am finding on the Medical Cards I discovered at the NARA. For understanding exactly what an ancestor experienced in the Spanish American War; these cards are a great start; especially when not all service records have yet been released by the VA.

The cards were basically used to keep track of soldiers that were sick or injured and their stay in the hospital all at a glance. They don't offer much information; nothing genealogically relevant. However, from the perspective of understanding the times and family medical history these cards are a gold mine!

Makes me wish I knew a little more medical-ease; so I could better understand the one line diagnosis's and what exactly they meant.

6/19/2012 at 4:06 PM

How can I take a look at these? My great grandfather was wounded in battle and erroneously reported as deceased to his wife and family by the gov't. By the time he healed and came home, his wife had married someone else. I'm sure I'd find something interesting on his record.

6/19/2012 at 4:36 PM

I found my Great Grandfather's, William Grimmer, by taking a trip down to the National Archive's and Records Administration Research Center in Washington, DC. You will need to know the State they served from and the unit/company they served in to request the Medical Cards be pulled.

They also have some service records and pension records available at the archives. These however only include those records for which some one was not still living and drawing on the pension after about 1920. Great for Civil War Era Research; hit or miss for Spanish American War.

11/25/2018 at 4:53 PM

I found the War record of this relative for the Spanish American war.

Derward "Derwood" Query

The billions graves has a photo with Cuba on the flag holder for military it how neat find.


11/26/2018 at 8:46 AM

Is there a link to the "Medical Cards"??? They sound like they may be helpful or useful even if no genealogical info.

If you have questions about a medical diagnosis, you could let me know in the Medical Portal project--Needs, questions, concerns & related issues Discussion

I am a retired RN and would be happy to help in any way I can. The above discussion helps to keep medical questions in one place and as I sometimes forget something, I don't have to wait until the person responds to add the comment... (this is sometimes frustrating when I have to wait with the Geni message system!!!) Also I don't have to search to find the questions or discussion. It also may be of interest or helpful for others as many follow that discussion...


6/30/2022 at 5:42 PM

I just made a new project 8th ohio infantry Derward Query was in it.


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