Most Complete Jewish Tree?

Started by Randy Schoenberg on Saturday, December 29, 2012
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Showing 121-134 of 134 posts

Joan Beaufort, Queen consort of Scots is your first cousin 19 times removed

Joan Beaufort, Queen of Scots
→ Linda Sue Cox
your mother → Gladys Mae Kelley
her mother → Vivian Kelley
her mother → Floyd Cromer
her father → William Cromer
his father → Harrison Cromer
his father → Sarah Cromer
his mother → Timothy Covalt
her father → Abraham Covault Colt
his father → Abraham Covalt (Colt II)
his father → Susannah Colt (Risley)
his mother → Richard Risley
her father → Richard Risley
his father → Anne Hyde
his mother → Beatrice Calverly
her mother → Elizabeth Calverley
her mother → Joyce Sutton of Dudley
her mother → Joyce Tiptoft
her mother → Joyce de Cherleton
her mother → Alianore (the elder) Holland, Countess of March, Baroness Cherleton
her mother → Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Somerset
her sister → Joan Beaufort, Queen consort of Scots
her daughter

According with web sources Yosef of Fustat, son of Exilarch Chizkiya IV, fled to Granada (1040), an independent Sultanate in Spain. Here he found refuge with Rabbi Yosef Ha-Naggid, whose ancestors had lived in Spain for several generations. He stayed with him until he was murdered at Granada (1066). Yosef then went north into Christian Spain, then on to France and Italy, and finally returned to the Middle East, and resided at Fustat (Cairo, Egypt).

The Yosef son, Pagano Ebriaci [the Hebrew], died in Pisa (c.1091-92).
The son of Pagano, Ugo I E(m)briaci (1077-1115) was a Genoese patrician.
The son of Ugo I, Ugo II Ebriaci (1108-1136) was a Pisa patrician.
I have the relatives of Ugo II Ebriaci untill XVI century.

In Pisa still exist a middle age city district named - Chizkiya - hub of islamic and hebrew merchants.

The Arab geographer Idrisi describes Pisa (half XII century), as a communication hub in the central centuries of the Middle Ages: "Pisa, a city of Rûm, its name is famous, its territory extended, and it has thriving markets and nice houses, spacious promenades and vast countryside, it is plentiful of orchards and gardens and uninterrupted sown fields. Its position is mighty, the memories of its feats are frightening, high are its fortalices, fertile are its lands, plentiful is its water, marvellous are its monuments. The people has many horses and ships, and is (always) ready to sea raids against other countries. The city is situated on a river that comes from a mountain near ankubardah (Langobardia). This river is wide and has mills and gardens on its banks" *Italy described in the “Book of King Roger” written by Edrisi, by M. AMARI e C. SCHIAPARELLI, Rome 1883, p. 85. Cfr. S. DEL LUNGO, Bahr ‘as Shâm. Muslim Presence in Central and Northern Tyrrhenian Sea in High Middle Ages, Oxford 2000, p. 91.

Ebriaci is modified into E(m)briaci [from Embria=drunken] by their relative genoese Spinola family because they did not like to have a Sephardi Jews relative in the late 15th century.

In Pisa Ebriaci family is known also "da Parlascio, [filii] Ebriaco".
The translation of "filii Ebriaco" is: the son of the Hebrew.

I am interested because Ugo II (1108-1136) Pagano Ebriaci or E(m)briaci da Vecchiano (Pisa, Italy) could be a relative of Yosef ben Shlomo ibn ʿAwkal.

Merchant House of Ibn 'Awkal are well known in Pisa.

My trace starts from an article on the genealogy of "Pagano Ebriaci da Parlascio", called "da Vecchiano", from Pisa and on their commercial interests in Outremer, reported in the volumes "Quel mar che terra inghirlanda" in memory of prof. Marco Tangheroni [M.Luisa Ceccarelli Lemut “Tra Pisa, la Sardegna e l’Oriente: i Da Parlascio o Ebriaci o Verchionesi (secoli XI-XIV)”] a reworking of a report presented in May 1987 at the XXII International Congress on Medieval Studies at the Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo (USA) and dedicated to the consular family of Pisa called Ebriaci (the Hebrew) or Da Vecchiano.

The Ebriaci from Pisa were a very very important family, linked to the history of the judicatures of Sardinia, the recapture of Balearic Islands to Islam at the beginning of the eleventh century, the preparation of the First Crusade and the application of the "laws of the Admiralty" in the frank fiefs in the Holy Land.
Ebriaci [the Hebrew of Pisa] source: Caravale, Mario [(ed). Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani: LVII Giulini – Gonzaga. Rome, 2001].

Historically could be very important to succeed in demostrating, based on reasonable historical informations, that the pisan Ebriaci or E(m)briaci family had an Jewish (essene) lineage.

The fact remains that no argument can be considered proven and reliable if it is not accompanied and supported by appropriate and sufficient evidences. A "gem" reported from an article of Sergio Costanzo on the magazine Hera is that the coat of arms of Chiusdino village (near Pisa) have a seals of Solomon and an Islamic crescent since in that country there was a certain concentration of Islamic and Jewish people. Moreover a seal of Solomon is painted on the tunic in a portrait of a christian saint: San Galgano from Chiusdino. The process of canonization of San Galgano seemed to have been staged to find and create a fideistic reference point in Tuscany. Galgano was painted with red hair. Pope Alexander III (Bandinelli from Siena) and Bernard of Clairvaux were the real actors of Galgano's story.

Thank you for any help.

This is a fascinating subject. I've read a bit, but not enough to really help. I'm looking forward to hearing more.

Ugo of Pagano, fili Ebriaco (son of the he few), da Parlascio, from Vecchiano (Pisa), is quoted:
• In the seize of the Balearic Islands in 1115 (from the Annali Pisani by Paolo Tronci (1829) and the Liber Maiolichinus de Gestis Pisanorum Illustribus (1117-1125) by Laurentius Veronensis or Venerosi);
• In the construction of the castle of Goceano in Sardinia between the kingdom of Logudoro and the one of Arborea against the expansion of the Muslims.
• In the bloodline of the Lacon Gunale family in the Kingdom of Sardinia. The wife of Gonario II Lacon Gunale (Torres 1113 - Clairvaux Abbey 1182), Maria (confirmed with her husband in a document of 1136), was the daughter of Ugo from Pisa: this is certified by two paragraphs of the chronicle of Bernard Maragone (Annales Pisani, edited by M. Wolf Dear, in Rer. Ital Script., 2nd ed., VI, 2);
• In the commercial and financial interests with the East and especially in Constantinople. An article by Lindsay Brook supports the lineage of Plantagenets from the Pagano Ebriaci of Pisa: "The Ebriaci of Pisa, Jewish ancestors of the Plantagents";
• Some authors indicate as a descendent from Tibaud (Ebriaci) de Pagan from Normandy, certificated from the census (Doomesday Book) of 1086;
• Lupello (de Pagan) “Ebriaci castra dominus", participated in the building of the Benedictine Abbey of Saint-Pere at Chartres in 930;
• Ugo I de Biblio (Jebail, current J'baïl) (1110-1136) was "filius Guillelmi Ebriaci (son of Guglielmo Ebriaci, called by Spinola family "Testadimaglio”, Mallet-head), Biblii quondam domini" .

Moreover the tenth novel from Boccaccio's Decameron still attests the presence of the family "Pagano da Mare" in Monaco in France in 1348. All the commentators of Boccaccio in fact recognize the name of the corsair "Paganin da Mare" as the diminutive of Pagano E(m)briaci, family of Genoa from which Princes Spinola descend.

It is also very strange that many famous Hughes are died in 1136:
• Hues de Payns from Troyes
• Hugo de Paganis from Nocera
• Ugo II di Pagano E(m)briaci de Biblio from Genoa
• Ugo II di Pagano Ebriaci da Vecchiano from Pisa

PAGANO (Ebriaci). The memories of this family are very old. In the solemn parliament in 1188, it was reported the participation of Barile and Matteo, as well as the brothers Sardo and Barisone, all with of this surname. Barile was the father of the latter, and not long afterwards, he died. Of what we have been informed by two documents just discovered by me, and certainly not devoid of historical interest, because they show us that two, not only one, brothers Ebriaci went to the Crusade. These documents go back to August 21st and 22nd, 1189. In the first of these acts Barisone gives a full mandate to his wife Ugolinella until his return from the Crusade, and the same is done by Sardo towards his wife Matilda, but with some differences. These two documents tell us more: that the Ebriaci had their homes, at that time, near the church of St. Simone al Parlascio, and that the houses had an important portico. In the thirteenth century, namely in 1253, Ebriaco was one of the citizens who had own obligations towards the nobles of Corvaja and Vallecchia, due to the compliance of the covenants signed with the latter by our Municipality. And when all obeyed to Guido da Montefeltro, Ciando son of Matteo lived other events (from Gaetani FRAGM . Hist. Pis . - Murat. SRI , XXIV. P . 665 ) .

I just tried this for fun, actially I'm quite surprised!

King David is your 101st great grandfather.
→ Olaug Joakime Lian
your mother → Albert Hanssen
her father → Anna Fredrikka
his mother → Anna Maria Eriksdatter Eklund
her mother → Magdalene Andersdatter Grape
her mother → Marthe Nilsdatter Kjærbekk
her mother → Malena Mikkelsdatter
her mother → Alette Erichsdatter Lorch
her mother → Erik Hansen Lorch
her father → Hans Ottesen Lorck
his father → Otte Ottesen Lorck
his father → "Inger" Hansdatter Bremmer
his mother → Anne Ludvigsdatter Munk
her mother → Ludvig Ludvigsøn Munk, Greve, til Nørlund
her father → Ludvig Mogenssøn Munk-Lange, til Palsgaard
his father → Karen Ludvigsdatter Rosenkrantz
his mother → Ludvig Nielsen Rosenkrantz, til Tange og Palsgård
her father → NN Ottosdatter Rantzau
his mother → Otto III Eilersen von Rantzau, af Fyn
her father → Eiler von Rantzau
his father → Cai von Rantzau, I
his father → Gottschalk II von Rantzau
his father → Gottschalk I von Rantzau
his father → Otto I von Rantzau
his father → Heinrich II zur Lausitz-Leisnig, burggraf
his father → Heinrich I, burggrave von Magdeburg, margrave of the Ostmark & Lausitz
his father → Judith von Groitzsch
his mother → Vratislaus II Přemyslovec, König von Boehmen
her father → Judith von Schweinfurt
his mother → Gerberga von Grabfeldgau von Gleiberg, Gräfin von Kinziggau
her mother → Héribert I von Kinziggau, Pfalzgraf von Gleiberg
her father → Udo IV, Graf in der Wetterau
his father → Gérard II, duke of Lorraine
his father → Judith d'Auxerre
his mother → Conrad I "the Elder", count of Auxerre
her father → Hedwig - Heilwig von Sachsen, Abbess of Chelles
his mother → Isembart, count in Thurgau
her father → Adelinde of Spoleto
his mother → Regarde of Bavaria
her mother → Tassilo II, duke of Bavaria
her father → Folchaide von Salzburg
his mother → Théodrata (Théodora) de Sancy, Heiress of Sancy
her mother → Walderade de Sancy
her mother → Antonia
her mother → Italica
her mother → Iohannus
her father → Anastasius , Roman Consul
his father → Flavius Probus
his father → Flavia Magna
his mother → Maria
her mother → Petronius Maximus, Roman Emperor
her father → Anicius Probinus
his father → Anicia Faltonia Proba
his mother → Turrania Anicia Juliana
her mother → Anicius Auchenius Bassus
her father → Amnius Manius Caesonius Nichomachus Anicius Paulinus
his father → Amnius Anicius Julianus
his father → Sextus Anicius Faustus Paulinianus
his father → Asinia Juliana Nicomacha
his mother → Gaius Asinius Nicomachus Julianus
her father → Gaius Asinius Quadratus Protimus
his father → Julia Quadratilla
his mother → Aulus Julius
her father → Julia Quadratilla Bassa
his mother → Julia Iotapa
her mother → Alexander, King of Cilicia
her father → Tigranes VI, King of Armenia
his father → Alexander II of Judaea
his father → Alexander, Prince of Judaea
his father → Mariamne I Hasmonean
his mother → Alexander II Maccabaeus Hasmonean, High Priest
her father → Aristobalbus II King of Judea
his father → Queen Salome Alexandra Reina Judea, I
his mother → Rabbi Setah Ben Yossei
her father → Rabbi Yossei ben Yohanan
his father → Rabbi Yohanan
his father → Joazar ben Zeredah
his father → Zeredah ben Antigone
his father → Antigone Soko ben Simeon
his father → Simeon I Saddiq ben Elias
his father → Elias ben Tobit, Governor of Judea 365-360 BCE
his father → Tobit ben Hananiah (twin)
his father → Hananiah
his father → Hattush .
his father → Hashubah .
his father → Zerubbabel 3rd Exilarch
his father → Shealtiel, 2nd Exilarch
his father → Tamar .
his mother → Zedekiah Mattanyahu King of Judah
her father → Josiah King of Judah
his father → Amon King of Judah
his father → Menasseh King of Judah
his father → Hephzi-bah .
his mother → Isaiah the Prophet
her father → Amoz .
his father → Jehoaddan .
his mother → Jehosheba bat Jehoram haMalech
her mother → Jehoram King of Judah
her father → Jehosaphat King of Judah
his father → Asa King of Judah
his father → Maachah .
his mother → Absalom .
her father → King David
his father

Kari Wenche Lian, I share your line!

But I think the part around Walderade de Sancy looks a bit shaky..... (as in "profile is blank"....)

I have not checked all profiles, -as I said, - this comes as a surprise!

Kari Wenche Lian
In Italy the term "Ebriaci" was reserved for the families of the Sephardi diaspora in the Middle Ages but identify - in Roman times - families who had abandoned paganism to Christianity.

The purpose of my question is to consider the assumptions and prove through historical documents that Hugh de Payns was not French but Italian. In addition to the already formulated hypothesis to identify Hugh de Payns with a Hugh dei Pagani di Nocera (near Naples), an new line of research is emerging that could lead to the hypothesis that Hugh de Payns was descended from a prominent family of the Maritime Republic of Pisa: the Pagano "filii Ebriaci" from Vecchiano.

A patrician Etruscan-roman family named Venuleii, could be relative of the Ebriaci da Parlascio family which owned the same buildings inside Pisa (in the Parlascio area) and the same lands outside (Vecchiano means Venuleii’s lands).

Lucius Venuleius Apronianus Octavius Priscus Senator, after a praetorship he took on command of the Legio I Italica, engaged in Nablus (later Iamnia, later Ibelin, today Yavne) to quell the revolt of the Jews, called Bar Kokhba in 132-135 AD. The Venuleii family from Pisa is well known in academic studies throughout the Mediterranean area (from Spain to the Middle East) for their bricks (fistula acquaria) commerce: members of the family, patrons of the colony of Pisa, were consuls twice of the Western Roman Empire, governor of Caledonia (Britain), pro-consul in Constantinople and commander of the First Legion “Italica”, who built a part of Hadrian's Wall around 135 AD and was stationed on the border of the Danube until the end of the Western Roman Empire.

It would be extraordinary if it turns out that the Order of the Temple had been created by a sephardic descendant, in which blood flowed through the female line of a Magister of the roman Fratres Arvales (Venulei): Ugo II Pagano (then Payns), Ebriaci (a converted Sephardic jew) from Vecchiano of Pisa, because the Arvales pagan tradition was "the knowledge of the royal bloodline of the descendants of Romulus through which the oligarchy of the Roman Empire was legitimized”.

References for Ebriaci:
Emilio Cristiani, "Nobiltà e Popolo nel Comune di Pisa: Dalle Origini del Podestariato alla Signoria dei Donoratico," (Naples, 1962) refers to a member of the Ebriaci family as an "Hebriacus de Hebriacis";

Maria Luisa Ceccarelli-Lemut, Pisan Consular Families in the Communal Age: The Anfossi and the Ebriaci . in the Eleventh toThirteenth Centuries, in Thomas W. Blomquist and Maureen F. Mazzaoui(eds), "The Other Tuscany: Essays in the History of Lucca, Pisa and Siena during the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries," (Kalamazoo: 1994) describes the Ebriaci family as merchants "involved in ventures in Constantinople and the orient." Then the author asks if the founders of the Ebriaci Family (relatives of the Venuleii gens) were Middle Eastern Jews who converted to Christianity and became members of the Pisan aristocracy--in the same way that the Jewish Pierleoni Family (relatives of Anicia gens) was absorbed into the Roman nobility.

My tree went all the way back to Adam.

Anna Ruth Duffer ▾
Geni Pro


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Research ▾

Anna Ruth Duffer

Adam of Eden

Adam of Eden is Anna Ruth Duffer's 132nd great grandfather!
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Anna Ruth Duffer

Maxie Calvin Pauley
your father

MacPherson Wayne Pauley
his father

LaFayette Wayne Pauley
his father

George Washington Pauley
his father

Daniel Polley Pauley
his father

Joseph A Pauley
his father

Edward David Pauley, III
his father

Edward David Pauley, Sr
his father

Edward David Polly, I
his father

Elizabeth Polley
his mother

Edward Winn
her father

Mary Berkeley
his mother

Roland Berkeley
her father

William Berkeley
his father

Richard Guy Berkeley, Esq.
his father

Thomas de Berkeley
his father

Isabelle Berkeley, Lady
his mother

Elizabeth FitzAlan, Duchess of Norfolk
her mother

Elizabeth de Bohun, Countess of Arundel
her mother

William de Bohun, 1st Earl of Northampton
her father

Elizabeth of Rhuddlan, Countess of Hereford
his mother

Eleanor of Castile, Queen consort of England
her mother

Ferdinand III the Saint, King of Castile
her father

Alfonso IX el Baboso, rey de León y Galicia
his father

Fernando II, rey de León
his father

Alfonso VII the Emperor, King of of Castile and Leon
his father

Urraca I, reina de Castilla y León
his mother

Alfonso VI the Brave, King of Castile and León
her father

Sancha I, reina de León
his mother

Elvira Menéndez, reina consorte de León
her mother

Tutadonna Moniz de Coimbra
her mother

Munio Forjaz de Coimbra
her father

Froila Gutiérrez, III conde de Trastámara, Conde de Astorga
his father

Aldara Álvarez Ériz de Lugo, Santa
his mother

Ero Fernández de Lugo, Conde de Lugo
her father

Fernando Rodríguez de Monterroso
his father

Rodrigo Romaes, II conde de Monterroso e de Santa Marta de Ortigueira
his father

Teresa Arias
his mother

Arias Núñez, senhor da Casa do Sirgal
her father

Elvira Sorred
his mother

Sorred Fernández de Saavedra, Señor de Sotomayor
her father

Ylduara o Aldara Arias
his mother

Ylduara Lúcida
her mother

her mother

Severianus, count of Cartagena
her father

his mother

Rufius Gennadius Avienus
her father

Rufus Viventius Gallus
his father

his mother

Rufius Postumianus
her father

Postumius Rufius Festus Avienus
his father

Petronia Probina
his mother

her mother

Sextus Anicius Faustus Paulinianus
her father

Asinia Juliana Nicomacha
his mother

Gaius Asinius Nicomachus Julianus
her father

Gaius Asinius Quadratus Protimus
his father

Julia Quadratilla
his mother

Aulus Julius Claudius Charax
her father

Julia Quadratilla Bassa
his mother

Julia Iotapa
her mother

Alexander, King of Cilicia
her father

Tigranes VI, King of Armenia
his father

Alexander II of Judaea
his father

Alexander, Prince of Judaea
his father

Mariamne I, princess of Judaea
his mother

Elizabeth of Jerusalem
her mother

Hyrcanus II Maccabaeus, High Priest & King
her father

Salome Alexandra, Queen of Judaea
his mother

Yohanan (John) I Hyrcanus, I Hyrcanus
her father

Rabbi Yossel ben Yohanan
his father

Rabbi Yohanan ben Joazar
his father

Rabbi Joazar ben Zeredah
his father

Zeredah ben Antigone
his father

Antigone Soko ben Simeon
his father

Simeon I Saddiq ben Elias
his father

Elias ben Tobit, Governor of Judea 365-360 BCE
his father

Tobit ben Hananiah (twin)
his father

his father

Hananya, 5th Exilarch
his father

Meshullam the Scribe / משולם הסופר
his father

Zerubbabel 3rd Exilarch / זרובבל
his father

Shealtiel, 2nd Exilarch / שאלתיאל
his father

Jehoiakim Yehoahaz King of Judah
his father

King Eliakim (20th King) of JUDAH ha-DAVID Juda, van
his father

Josiah King of Judah
his father

Amon King of Judah
his father

Menasseh King of Judah
his father

Hezekiah King of Judah
his father

Ahaz King of Judah
his father

Jotham ., King of Judah
his father

Uzziah King of Judah
his father

Amaziah King of Judah
his father

Jehoash King of Judah
his father

Ahaziah King of Judah
his father

Jehoram, 5th King of Judah
his father

Jehosaphat, 4th King of Judah
his father

Asa, 3rd King of Judah
his father

Abijah King of Judah
his father

Rehavam King of Judah, King of Judah
his father

Solomon ., King of Israel
his father

King David of Israel / דוד המלך
his father

Jesse .
his father

Obed .
his father

Boaz .
his father

Salmon .
his father

Nahshon ben Aminadav
his father

Amminadab .
his father

Ram .
his father

Hezron .
his father

Pharez .
his father

Judah .
his father

Patriarch Jacob / יעקב אבינו
his father

Patriarch Isaac / יצחק אבינו
his father

Patriarch Abraham / אברהם אבינו
his father

Terah .
his father

Nachor .
his father

Serug .
his father

Reu .
his father

Peleg .
his father

Eber .
his father

Shelah .
his father

Arpachshad King of Arrapachtis .
his father

Shem .
his father

Noah .
his father

Lamech .
his father

Methuselah .
his father

Enoch / Idris .
his father

Jared .
his father

Mahalalel .
his father

Cainan .
his father

Enosh .
his father

Seth .
his father

Adam of Eden
his father

King David of Israel is my 108th GGF

Showing 121-134 of 134 posts

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