Rice Pudding Part 2, Quest For Truth

Started by John Smith on Friday, October 25, 2013
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William Wilkerson II 1500 William Wilkinson, II &Jane Mercer 1505 Jane Mercer =Jane Wilkerson 1532- 1576 married to Michael Locke 1532-1635.....This Jane Wilkerson may have died yound age 37 in child bed 1576 having the Child of ? but the child's name is my ancestor Margaret MERCER Margaret Mercer mother of PERROT ap RICE 1600.

We will soon be working with Mt. DNA results so Im Okay with leaving this alone until we get them back...once we connect my sister's DNA to Tamzine Frost RICE we will have a referecne point to guide us in this knot....I know that the person Margaret MERCER is a REAL person with proved marriage records to me....the parentage of her mother & father are the layers of the onion we have not yet pealed back....If you would indluge me this once: my story involves a TUDOR....not proved yet. AND it involves Margaret MERCER 1576-1580 my9th grandmother married to Thomas ap RICE 1570. Her Paternity is shrowded in MYSTERY because of some DARK unspeakable nature of our current era and possibly that era as well....Michael Locke's wife Jane Wilkerson daughter of Jane MERCER who was married to Wm.Wilkinson II....Is in LONDON at the same time same place "Grey's INN" as this person connected to the TUDORS....I won't say more now. That's where we are until I get some MT. DNA evidence. DCR


The dates do not work for this scenario.

The children of Michael Locke & Jane Wilkinson are known

Jane Locke

Please open the overview.

There were 10, the youngest was Elizabeth born in 1569.

Jane Locke died in 1571. In London.

This is the wrong generation to have parented your Margaret Mercer, in Wales, about 1580.

You should look elsewhere in building a paper trail to compare DNA tedt results with.

My Jane WILKERSON is not Jane Wilkinson? Is this the source of conflation?

I have no idea who "your" Jane Wilkerson is. The historical, sourced Master profile is the one linked above.

YES, I see it....Im sorting it out....Wilkerson is not Wilkinson Jane Wilkerson died 1576....but she must not be the wife of michael LOCKE. I'll work on this...DCR

Careful - Wilkerson and Wilkinson "can" represent the same person.

Jane Wilkerson died 1571 (inquiry post Mortem). You will see her death date as 1577 - it's someone's typographical error somewhere.

I am actually workding from a DATE of DEATH as February 9, 1576 so that's not a typo, it appears to be a different soul altogether...(aside: this is the sort of thing to make a man reach for a pre-5pm Martoony).....lol DCR

Yah, this is why we have Master Profiles - so those of similar name do not get mixed up.:)

I love this. You as a group are making this a Living Breathing Tree. The one Branch with so many eyes on it are starting it to grow and connect with so many others. I personally have found many ancestors following this sprig that turned into a Great Limb. Yes I think I found a few "Nuts" here also, myself included.

W thanks for the detailed explanations and to all the rest involved, you have me back at this with new eyes.

Thanks Bill

So now we have Sir Robert Dudley Capt Sir Henry Dudley the Queens favorite who crest fallen never got the hand he pined for....Elizabeth Tudor, as a blood ancestor to The Sidney's and HERberts to the Higgonsons to the Dollivers/sweets to the Daughter of John Rice 1624.....This is a rare group of souls....one that was valued for political and it seems an intellectual connection to the Fruit of their love....Frances BACON. I will not assert that, it is simply a fact that connot go un-noticed. Little Margaret MERCER ca1576-80 -1610 fits into a place not looked at for more than 490 years, and the reason her son Perrott left 13 children a wife and estates are the want of FREEDOM???? Oh no....he escaped fearing for his very life it seems....WE SHALL ALL see soon I believe. DCR

I'm enjoying visiting the Lockes etc of the Mercer Livery Company of London in Tudor England. Interesting characters in interesting times.

W I have whiff now of a .... Scrooby connection. (Drum roll). Not sure I'd it's by family though.

Dale this IS the Jane Wilkerson you had looked at. Her date of death has been reported as Feb 26, 1571 and typo'd as 1577.

Erica: My hope for a conclusion to this seems far away now....Im in a direct blood related cousin line to Little Agness Locke 1570 in a very curious way she seems to represent the END line of the Locke/Wilkerson story of the Mayor of London. The person involved married a 14 year old heiress...but it's too distateful to say outloud so I wont. Be back later.....this is a Cul de sac at the moment...DCR

W: If the Churchill/Foote Connection is what I believe it to be and John Churchill is the Father of Josiah: Then My 14th Direct blood Grandmother is the Queen Mohter's Grandmother too....Does that mean in terms of relationship am I the Queens Uncle or Cousin? If so, does one add the generations on her side or my side to get to the number of times removed? I don't know how...you don't have to explain it....just wondering if Im 14th great Uncle or First cousin 14 6 times removed or what....Thanks for whatever your answer may be....I don't have a clue and since this is being received with a lot of Hostility in my family I don't want to be wrong....PS Mercer 22 may refer the the Day of the Month Margaret's father was born...Im working that as a coded cipher and the setting for 1561 when I think he born was the Catherine Grey/Semour marriage which enraged QE1 so.....THANKS DCR

HERE IS THE PRECISE Family PEDIGREE to Margaret MERCER1580 and PERROTT ap RICE 1600 whom I believe to be my 8th GREAT GRANDFATHER....from no other than PHD Arthur Turner Thomas genealogist to HRH Earle of ESSEX? In TABLE FORMAT:
WEB.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgl?op=PED&id=186881 DCR THANKS for the above..will look today...

Sorry: Martha Perrott married to Martha Perrot John Perrott a grandson of the The KING by Mary Berkley....we presume. DCR

W: I have seen the KING DAVID posting to Henry IV but not not brought to the present days...That's kinda other worldly.....So Cecilia Nina Bose Lyons 1862 is my 14th cousin by BLOOD and is the contemporary of my Grandfather ANDREW RICE of New YORK ca 1832, Nina is my sister's name too....very coincidental and this 14th cousin was born 16 years before my father in NEBRASKA....what a small world this is turning out to be....When I write my letter of thanks to the London POLICE who assisted me brilliantly and with great compassion I will send along a copy of that affiliation....Pretty sure someone over there will be talking about that guy stuck in the RAIN and lost in LONDON for quite a while.....Thankyou W, it's so good to see you here....DCR 1948

John Parrot John "the Quaker" Perrot married to my direct blood ancestor does put the Blood of HENRY TUDOR VIII into the Littleton/ Perrott ap RICE 1600 bloodline....for which I was roundly corrected back in March....and which I now bring to Everyone's attention that just because WE don't understand an association does not make the assertion I made UNTRUE....We are all on a rocky path of UNCERTAINTY and as W has shown me, the connections of the Family ap RHYS runs far deeper and more wide than many here have known before....I don't think that's an overstatement and your observations are welcome whether you thought me wrong or not....DCR 1948

Robert MERCER 1545 Sir Robert Mercer is the correct age to be the father of Margaret MERCER 1580....he is of Lancashire and Margaret Mercer was from Pembrokeshire......Robert is also a near contemporary of Edmund RICE 1594 and in the Frost-Rice Thomasine lineage....How would one interpret that MERCER connection to Margaret 1580 married to Thomas ap Rice? NONE? some? What? DCR

Agness Locke: Daughter of Michael Locke and Jane Wilkerson is a CENTRAL figure in this story: Her pedigree links her directly to my Father via the Churchills and The Duke of March EDMUND MORTIMER. Agnes Locke Does anyone recognise the following names in relation to the Mayors of LONDON....?Marios Verney Le Valens Roch....all 4 names are listed on the Monument at TENBY to Margaret MERCER and Thomas ap RICE 1570....Who's son Perrott marries into the LITTLETON family which links directly to Frost-Rice.

Many Thanks to W: Brilliant, to the point, as always.....Regards DCR

Mary Hall RICE Josiah Churchill, of Wethersfield married to William Rice, Elizabeth Rice would be a sister the Agness Locke's Agnes Locke Grandson's wife Catherine Churchill and the story of the Mayor of LONDON comes down to my father via the Churchill sisters....or so it would appear at first BlUSH....DCR

LOVED that site!!!! My father's assertion seems nearly proved with the Link to the Plantagents and non royal Tudor's.....so all in all this has been a most prodcutive year here at GENI....see Edmund Mortimer, 3rd Earl of March Martha Perrot & Frances Whalley linking to Richard III daughter Henry Herbert, 2nd Earl of Pembroke Bessie Blount. All of these people surfaced around the study of Perrot ap Rice and his mother Margaret MERCER Margaret Mercer of Aldie . None of these connections were known when I started last year....and now we can see how they point in the direction of JOHN RICE 1624 John Webster Rice . DCR 1948

Sorry wrong John RICE above. That one links to my UNCLE.

Thanks for that POSTING W: The story I had read of regarding Gerald de Windsor and his beautiful wife NESTA....only daughter of Sir Rhys ap Twdwdr was an early READ for me....I got to see her image in Stained Glass at Carew Castle where the events of her kidnapping are memoralized....I have both Poetry and Watercolors of the Area....and a reconstruction from the Funeral masks of various women to achieve a likeness of the PRiNCESS of Powy's who married Sir Rhys ap Twdwdr....The poetry is fair, but garbled over time....in rereading the story I have to change out the name of of the Kidnapper.....So many thanks...DCR

Pembrokshire Journals on line : St. Mary the VIRGIN church at TENBY Margaret Mercer1580-1610 wife of Thomas ap Rice 1570: Names listed in order ap Rice, Perrott, Martin, Bateman, Valens, Roche, de Vere and MERCER 22. My thought was the mother's maiden name was used since she was married to Michael Locke : Agnes Locke Agnes Locke is proved all the way to present day blood cousin, as are the Percy's, NEvils, and Mary Bolyne . DCR Mary Boleyn

Dale - that Jane Mercer is a BAD profile. I'm getting rid of it; she didn't exist.

William Wilkinson, II married to Margaret MERCER Margaret Mercer of Aldie .

Ralph Colley fostered or adopted? by Wilkerson/ Jane MERCER....Child is born in this trio somehow...= Margaret MERCEr 1580

Dale - it's not a trio. There's no Jane Mercer so they could not have a child Margaret Mercer.

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