John Bishop, of Guilford - Did you research his baptismal record?

Started by Private User on Monday, August 4, 2014
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Private User
8/4/2014 at 11:36 AM

Just wondering if you had done that.....

8/4/2014 at 7:16 PM

I'm just wondering who you are talking to . . .

8/4/2014 at 7:18 PM

I believe that there is another thread on this topic.

8/4/2014 at 7:19 PM

Why don't you post in that thread?

8/4/2014 at 7:23 PM

Pamela likes to start new Discussions . . .
I think she might be trying to set a record for Most New Discussions Started.


Private User
8/5/2014 at 2:43 AM

Private User, I just realized you may not notice my reply on the other thread depending upon your notification settings, so here's a direct link:

No reason to feel bad about creating this thread, but let's consider it closed now and stick with the original. :)

Private User
8/5/2014 at 2:03 PM

Lloyd I feel sorry for people like you who have nothing better to do than to be ugly and disrespectful to people you don't even know. You need to get a real life.

Private User
8/5/2014 at 2:05 PM

And thanks Hatte, because I don't spend my life on Geni, I appreciate the help.

8/5/2014 at 3:11 PM

You're welcome, Private User.

I am fortunate to be a speed reader, so I skim the discussion threads once or two daily, looking for threads that I should contribute to. That's how I stumbled across this one and the related one. Glad my memory is still working!

Private User
8/5/2014 at 11:18 PM

Customer Service, can we lock this thread? The genealogy discussion has moved to another one.

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