mtDNA results?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Monday, September 22, 2014
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Private User, do you have your maternal DNA results - that we can tentatively postulate are Catherine le Febre's too?

Yes I have the results
Where do I post them?

Oh fantastic! We're collecting them here: If you don't want to sukkel with editing I can add it for you too.
I'd also like to add the Haplogroup in a Curator note to the top of her profile.

I tested HVR1 and HVR2 and my mtDNA progenitor is in the haplogroup U5a1b1c2

Rectification, the haplogroup is U5a1 for sure, the rest is uncertain.

Will add it asap. Thankyou.

How interesting to see that Marie le Fébre SM/PROG, Catharina Smit, b4 SM's niece's husband's grandmother - has a completely different haplogroup (T2b) - despite the shared surname.

Catherine le Fébre, b4 SM
→ Martha le Febre, b2 SM
her sister → Hester Pienaar, b6
her daughter → Jacobus VAN DER MERWE
her husband → Anne Prevot, b4
his mother → Marie le Fébre SM/PROG
her mother

I think we should use Marie de Grave, SM/PROG as the mtDNA SA Progenitor for U5a1 on the mtDNA Project. Do you agree?

Chris, have a look at the fact that Engeltje Cornelisz van der Bout, SM/PROG is also U5a1 - How interesting is that?

And pardon my ignorance - I'm new to this - but what is HVR1 and HVR2?

HVR = hypervariable region of the mtDNA . Region 1 is low resolution test, region 2 is high resolution test.

VIP = Very Interesting Puzzle = the relationship between Marie and Catherine. Probably it will be necessary to double-check by getting descendants of both lines here on Geni to also get their mtDNA results.

Aha! Fascinating stuff.
As to Catherine & Marie - No: we're being distracted by the patrilineal surname inheritance - no relevance to mtDNA connections (or even necessarily any genetic connections) between women.

More pertinent - I think? - might be the familial connection to little orphan Engeltjie. I wonder if they weren't distant cousins?

My 'tuppence worth', as a layman: I am matrilineally descended from Engeltje vd Bout. My mtDNA haplo is U5a1c1, and, barring mutations, this would also have been Engeltje's haplotype. I notice that Chris Steyn's mtDNA haplo is U5a1b1c2, which differs from my mtDNA haplotype. Is he matrilineally descended from Marie le Febre? Two different 'matriarchs'; two different mtDNA haplo's? Something else: When I went to the Geni page of Engeltje vd Bout, I noticed the name of Jacomina Carteniers below the heading referring to Engeltje vd Bout. There is no connection between the two. I can only explain that my own maternal line had originally been worked out as going back to Jacomina Carteniers, as my maternal PROG. This was corrected to show that Engeltje vd Bout was my real maternal PROG. I hope this will help to clear up some possible confusion. I couldn't get this 'sorted out' on my Geni Tree. Lastly, there are 'Seven European Daughters of Eve' - one of them was given the fictitious name of 'Ursula', and she is the 'matriarch' of all persons whose mtDNA haplo's starts with 'U'. I don't know the relative percentages of haplotypes of people who are 'descendants' of the 'Seven European Daughters of Eve', but let's say that one in seven could be a 'Ursula'! :-)

Thanks for noticing that Piet Retief Venter - I've changed it:

As to the haplogroup connectedness between her and Marie: You're right, I am romanticizing it :-)

What do you mean =I couldn't get this 'sorted out' on my Geni Tree.= Can I help, or are you just referring to the Curator Note?

Hi Sharon! re your 5:06 post: Thanks - glad I could help to have it corrected. After all, I reckon I 'caused' the initial 'problem', which led to some 'confusion' re Engeltje vd Bout and Jacomina Carteniers. re your 5:08 post: Jacomina Carteniers definitely isn't my 'mtDNA maternal lineage' progenitor, but somehow she apparently 'features' in my ancestry. Thanks for your initiative in starting this Project. I invited FB friends on my FB page to join the Project if their mtDNA haplo's are also U5a. Is that OK?

I live in Australia but would like to get my DNA tested and added to the database - how would I go about doing that from here?

I think the best place to go is Family Tree DNA, Nicola..I just sent off to them for an autosomal test..They charge in dollars but your bank will convert it..I live in England, & it seemed to go through okay..I suggest them because they are the biggest one with the most clients..A number of people on Geni are with them..If you know Christo van Rensburg, he can advise you about them as he has some sort of connection.

Hi Piet Retief Venter
I am matrilineally descended from Catherine le Fébre and my mtDNA is U5a1 - about the finer classification I am not sure, have just upgraded my test to find out. The results ought to be available reasonably soon.

Chris, I want to thank you for helping Thea and myself a few years ago to find our common maternal lineage ancestor, i.e. Engeltje vd Bout. I am curious to know how close a match there might be between your mtDNA results and ours. My results were > HVR I and III: 16192 C-T; 16256 C-T; 16270 C-T; 16399 A-G; 16257 C-T, and HVR II: 73 A-G; 153 A-G; 195 T-C; 263 A-G. Thea had only HVR I and III tested through the Genographic Project, but her results were a perfect match with my own - indicating that we have a recent common ancestor - who turned out to be Engeltje vd Bout! My mtDNA test was done by Wits University's "Human Genomic Diversity and Disease Research Unit". Danielle, you gave the correct advice to Nicola - to have her test done by Family Tree DNA of Houston, Texas. And, it's clear that my invitation on my FB page, for people to join this Project, is already yielding results!

Nicola Bensimon - maybe contact Private User & tell him you're interested in having it done - he may be able to give you advice about Family Tree DNA - where he co-ordinates a group that documents the SA results, as I understand it.

Piet Retief Venter, great to have been able to have helped. You should have yelled long ago :-)

=I invited FB friends on my FB page to join the Project if their mtDNA haplo's are also U5a. Is that OK?= More than OK. Fantastic! Let's get as many people as possible up here.
If people want help adding their result on this page - they can post here, and others of us will be delighted to put it on for them.

Noted with thanks, Sharon! Some info for our participants: People can upload their mtDNA results to This is a subsidiary website of FTDNA, and it was through 'Mitosearch' that I noticed that Thea's results matched my own, and I contacted her!

Do you want us to join the project on Geni even if we're still busy tracing our maternal line? We've got my results and hubby's results, but still tracing both

Oh yes - everyone even vaguely interested should join - That way you'll be part of the discussions without having to search for them.

Can you view your Smart Matches and use them to fill out your tree? I can see that there are siblings missing on your maternal line that are on MH. Those siblings might help you to find other Geni cousins who have the rest of that tree on Geni already?
If you can't, yell - & Pro users and Curators can try and help.

Thanks Sharon, I will see what I can do and get back to you if I need help

My wife had her Mtdna tested and her haplogroup is R5a2b2. Her maternal ancestor is Adriana Jacoba van den Burg/Pepie/VDK/Wiehahn/Loock. abt 1770's. Would like to join your project. Kind regards, Johan and Avis Ackerman

Welcome Johannes. I've invited you, and I'll add those results to the project later today. Thankyou for sharing them.

Nicola Bensimon and Sharon Doubell . FTDNA is easily used from Australia -or anywhere else.Just go to the website, order, and your sample kit will be at your house in a few days. Personally I won't recommend testing locally (eg Australia or South Africa) as you will not have a large database of results to find matches against.

Private UserOK, so where do you recommend getting it tested - I would like it to be put onto the website actually as I am trying to trace my mothers side of the family who all come from scotland and england. Is this possible?

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