List of Medieval Projects

Started by Sharon Doubell on Sunday, August 16, 2015
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8/16/2015 at 9:35 AM

We've put a list of Geni's Medieval projects, onto the Medieval kingdoms of Western Europe project. It's extremely comprehensive, so do go and see which projects you're interested in helping to do work on, or to just follow.

This is our Medieval Projects list so far:
The Dark Ages Holy Grail of History
Medieval Metaphysics
Scandinavian Sagas
Extraordinary Women of the Middle Ages
Medieval Women as Knights & Leaders of the Middle Ages
The Carolingian Dynasty
Ancestors of Charlemagne
Charlemagne Descent Line
Early Normans 790-1066
Norman Families of Normandy (France) and England
Medieval Rhineland Jewry
Medieval German & French Talmudists
Normans in Medieval Italy
Medieval Gyldenløve Family

*British Isles and Ireland
Kings of Ancient Britannia
Anglo Saxon England
Battle of Hastings
Norman Families of Normandy (France) and England
Anglo-Norman Families: Earls of Chester
Early Norman Families: de Tancerville
Anglo- Norman families: de Montfort
Anglo-Norman families: Seigneurs of Tosny
Anglo-Norman families: Lusignan
Les Ducs de Normandie 911-1106
Heraldic Visitations of England & Wales
Earls of Arundel
The House of Dunkeld Kings of Scotland
Macbeth - Historical Context of Shakespeare's Play
High Kings of Ireland
Battle of Clontarf
Early Welsh Ancestry
Heraldic Visitations of England & Wales

First Crusade (1096-1099)
Crusade of 1101
Second Crusade (1147-1149)
Third Crusade (1189-1192
Fourth Crusade (1202–1204)
Fifth Crusade (1213–1221)
Seventh Crusade (1248-1254)
Eighth Crusade (1270)
Ninth Crusade (1271-1272)
Crusader states (leaders and other notables)
Teutonic Knights

*Resource Projects:
Medieval Resources Online
Medieval Plaza

Spread the word.
If you know of a good Medieval project that we've missed, please yell.

8/16/2015 at 9:42 AM

Long overdue! Thank you, thank you.

Private User
8/16/2015 at 9:50 AM

Thanks Sharon.

8/16/2015 at 10:52 AM


8/16/2015 at 11:14 AM

Many thanks, Sharon.

There is a series of Sheriffs of ... (medieval ceremonial English counties).

I don't know if they belong on the index or not.

8/16/2015 at 11:20 AM

Like this one:
Seems pertinent to me. I'd add it.

8/16/2015 at 11:22 AM

Except, when I look again, it goes to the 1800s.
Okay stumped :-) Thoughts?

8/16/2015 at 11:34 AM

This is why I asked the question. :):)

There are of course institutions (etc) that began in the medieval but continue to the modern day.

To me it is of interest to discover the antiquity of them & it creates less of a divide. But I am probably incorrect in this thinking.

8/16/2015 at 12:54 PM

I'm good either way.
I had the whole debate with myself earlier today about including the three excellent Scandinavian Projects:
*Kingdom of Denmark (756-present)
*Kingdom of Norway (872-present)
*Kingdom of Sweden (973-present)

and finally decided that perhaps they exceeded the scope. But it's also great if people want to include them on the list.

8/16/2015 at 1:42 PM

Well, let's get more feedback, perhaps? I understand scope creep, but I also think we should be aware of how history lives on.

I was also mulling over Kingdoms of Western Europe. Would a simple title of List of Medieval Projects be more intuitive?

8/16/2015 at 1:51 PM

Yes. Feedback is the way to go.

On the name - The project is more than the list.

8/16/2015 at 1:55 PM

Right, of course. The list then should perhaps be spun off, as it's not just the Kingdom's? That would tighten the scope for Medieval Kingdoms and loosen it for "the medieval period."

8/16/2015 at 4:10 PM

Holy Roman Empire under Germany doesn't exist as a project on Geni at the moment, the link is dead.

8/17/2015 at 12:23 AM

Thankyou Sharon that is really great.

Something that I have thought about. What would be great if you could search in a project database on project for a timeperiod.
For instance 1000-1500 and then get the project that has something to do with that time perid. This could maybee minimize the number of projects overlaping each other and people interested in projects for a speciel period could find them as well, with out having to go through all of the projects.

8/17/2015 at 1:28 AM

Remi Trygve Pedersen, I also saw that the Holy Roman Empire project link was dead. I don't know whose project it was, or if was deleted or the name changed or the URL changed....


8/17/2015 at 1:29 AM

Erica Howton, the Project Name was originally Private User's, I think. So I feel he needs to talk about what he thinks about proposals to change it.

8/17/2015 at 1:44 AM

Anette Guldager Boye I put in a request for Timelines on Projects a couple of years back - and got a positive response from Geni. It just never happened. I presumed it had more complex ramifications for cross references appearing on the timelines of individual profiles.

On Portal Projects it would give us the opportunity to slot in projects according to their time reference. (eg On the SA Portal Page, we've had to put a Timeline of Projects into the text instead - but how much better if we could enter the timespan each project covers on a Project Timeline facility?)

At the moment, I try to create date tags for Projects that are very specifically date linked eg, so that a search for that date throws out that profile, but I'm not sure how useful that really is.

8/17/2015 at 2:01 AM

PS: The above example is one of Justin's Crusade projects. Have y'all seen these fantastic little depositories of profile links?

In addition, he's making sure that Jeff's History Link graph shows you that your ancestor was a Crusader. I love it!

Anette - I sent you a collaboration request to the Geni World History Timeline: - probably hasn't been updated in ages, but with a Geni Timeline tab, it might function as a way to see projects according to their chronological context in time.

8/17/2015 at 2:14 AM

Maybee I should try to renew the request for Timelines. Maybee things have changed.
I really think the best way would be timelines, but as a second obtions is ofcause portal projects, however maybee not quite enough when people just want to brows through a period of time and find some interesting subject to look at.

8/17/2015 at 2:53 AM

Yes, good idea.

Private User
8/17/2015 at 10:40 AM

That Crusader project is "mine" as well.

I should probably explain the history of the Medieval kingdoms of Western Europe project. It's a really early project and I created it to organize the various "Kings of ...." projects and recognize where we needed new projects. Also, a place to put the naming guidelines.

So what I recommend is renaming this project to Medieval Europe and moving my kingdoms section to a new project.

8/17/2015 at 10:59 AM

Remi, we found the Holy Roman Empire project and fixed the link.

Sharon, I don't think I created any crusader projects. As far as i know, those are Victar's initiatives. I am, however, trying to make sure that more of these projects get added to History Link. On the projects I created I'm starting to include text at the beginning that tells whether to add profiles and defines a bit which profiles can be added. Then, I follow that with a reminder about History Link, and a link to it.

Victar, I can agree to whatever re-arranging you and Sharon want to do with these projects. To my way of thinking it's expected that some re-arranging will be necessary as we build out, and personally I'd rather not try to design by committee. I vote that the two of you decide.

8/17/2015 at 11:08 AM

The considerations for re naming / re tooling are, to me, first & foremost, project "creator" convenience, and second those who follow it. For example, it was suggested an early place project I had started be re named to be more consistent with the way places had evolved. I kept a key element in the name (so I can easily find it in my dashboard). It's definitely an improvement.

And agree with Justin -- feedback is simply that. I like Victar's plan, but it's up to those doing the work. :)

8/17/2015 at 11:17 AM

Maybe I should put in a short plug for HistoryLink here.

HistoryLink is one of the best inducements to get people to add their ancestors to relevant projects. If an ancestor is in a project and the project is one that is indexed by HistoryLink, then HistoryLink will report it. You get a nifty personalized list of all the projects that include your ancestors.

The catch is that someone has to take the time to add the project to HistoryLink. Only add projects that are supposed to have profiles in them, and make sure the project name is something users can understand.

8/17/2015 at 12:42 PM

Sorry Private User, I'd obviously got cross-eyed from trying to make sure I'd tracked down all the medieval project & just assumed, because of his Knights projects, that Justin must have done the Crusades ones too - without even looking properly.

But, Damn, they're good! :-)
and the HistoryLink plug cannot be made often enough!

8/18/2015 at 5:24 AM

I think the project naming solution is a brilliant one.

8/18/2015 at 9:37 AM

I couldn't agree more about History Link although adding projects can be frustrating at times. I have added a link to it on some of my projects but don't know if this is okay or not.

8/18/2015 at 11:05 AM

Some things I've noticed about adding projects to HistoryLink --

After you add a project, wait a few minutes for the screen to refresh. It's not obvious that the screen refreshes, but if your new project is suddenly there, then it worked. If it's not there after a few minutes, I assume it didn't work so I try again.

If there are no profiles in a project, you might have to try a few times before it shows as added. I always add at least one profile to the project before trying to add the project to HistoryLink.

No doubt these items will make Jeff nuts ;)

8/18/2015 at 8:09 PM

Oh thank you so much for the list of medieval projects. It confirms for me that it's true, there's no Black Death project yet. I will need to start one, I think.

8/19/2015 at 1:18 AM

Good idea Anne.

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