mt-DNA haplogroup M66B

Started by Em Lo on Friday, February 5, 2016
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My earliest maternal ancestor is Johanna Petronella Basson who was from Asian slave ancestry and married Willem dy Plooy (b2) in Stellenbosch on 30/9/1742. I am descended from their daughter Martha baptised on 17 Nov 1754 in Tulbagh, who married Frans Matthys Carstens.

I would very much like to know more about the origins of my mt-DNA haplogroup M66B, but have difficulty finding detail online. If anyone can shed light on it's likely geographic origin (I suspect somewhere in India because I have been on contact with someone else with the same haplogroup whose ancestry originated there), or any other details relating to M66B, I will appreciate it very much.

Very interesting indeed Sharon!

If a geni climbed out of a bottle and offered me one crazy wish, I would without hesitation request a time travel trip into the mists of time to see when, where and how my very distant ancestors lived. It would be a mind-blowing experience beyond any other I can imagine!!


I have only made contact once with another person of M66b maternal ancestry. His ancestor was born in Madras, India around 1868 and married a British officer there.

This location ties in well with what we know about the 17th century slave trade: "Coromandel remained the centre of a sporadic slave trade throughout the seventeenth century". " Merchants of the Dutch East India Company first established themselves in Dutch Coromandel, notably Pulicat" "Pulicat was till 1690 the capital of Dutch Coromandel. It repeatedly changed possession, until finally occupied by the British in 1825. It became part of the Madras Presidency, which later became Madras state in independent India and renamed Tamil Nadu in 1968."

This is the closest I have come to identifying a possible origin for my maternal ancestor. Hopefully in time a few more haplogroup M66b ancestors may come to light, and we can confirm/refine its geographic origin.

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