Marie Buisset, SM/PROG - mtDNA H4a1a3a

Started by Sharon Doubell on Friday, September 30, 2016
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New mtDNA result just in. My wife, Marie-Therése Armenis (Loftus), a maternal descendant of Marie Buisset, is confirmed H4a1a3a.

Maria Agatha Nienaber (du Plessis) - Confirmed H4a1a3a by triangulation of full mitochondrial sequence (FMS) from Marie-Therése Armenis (Loftus) and Dion Andre Doubell.

Yaay! That confirms that paper trail on my tree :-)

Isn't it interesting she and my Dad don't even show as autosomal matches?


"There’s a new phasing tool on Gedmatch as well, called the Evil Twin Phasing. Gedmatch has long had a tool to phase the kits of two parents and a child to show what segments the child inherited from each. This tool created phased kits showing the DNA the child didn’t inherit: “the data that the parent(s) did NOT pass on to the child. It still represents DNA from the child’s ancestors, but the child did not inherit that DNA.”"

I also have a few evil cousins - the rest are not evil I presume. :)

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