King David of Israel / דוד המלך - Why Update? 1.3.2017 King David of Israel is your 100rd or 103rd great grandfather ?

Started by Private on Wednesday, January 4, 2017
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1/4/2017 at 7:41 AM

King David of Israel / דוד המלך is your 103rd great grandfather?
Information has changed, I have not changed the information.
I do not know where in there is a change.
It does not matter to me whether generations of 100 or 103. Interestingly, however.
I contacted the embassy of Israel, they did not answer me.
Does not interest them any seed of David. ;)
Hear even the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God YHWH? Hopefully.

(google translate)

Tieto on muuttunut, minä en ole muuttanut tietoa.
En tiedä missä kohdin on muutos.
Ei sillä ole minulle väliä onko sukupolvia 100 tai 103. Mielenkiintoista kuitenkin.
52 / 2016
Otin yhteyttä Israelin suurlähetystöön, eivät he ole minulle vastannut.
Ei heitä kiinnosta Daavidin mahdolliset jälkeläiset. ;)
Kuuleeko edes Aabrahamin, Iisakin ja Jaakobin Jumala YHWH ? Toivottavasti.

Private User
1/4/2017 at 9:41 AM

Why would you ever think it was a good idea to contact the "embassy of Israel" to claim a descent from King David on Geni? And why would you expect a response? You would be lucky if they haven't already reported you to the proper authorities . . .

(Miksi te koskaan sitä mieltä, että oli hyvä idea ottaa yhteyttä "suurlähetystön Israel" vaatia polveutuvat kuningas Daavidin Geni? Ja miksi te odottaa vastausta? Sinun olisi onnekas, jos ne eivät ole jo raportoitu teitä asianmukaisille tahoille. . .)

Private User
1/4/2017 at 9:47 AM

And why would you start a brand new Discussion about it after already posting in a previous Discussion?

(Ja miksi te aloittaa uusi keskustelu siitä, kun jo lähettämistä aiemmassa keskustelu?)

Private User
1/4/2017 at 10:00 AM

I think Ben is correct on this subject. All this talk on King David seems to be speculative and should be approached carefully. Nobody has DNA sample from The King, therefore one would have to have a documented path throughout history with NO gaps to be valid.
Furthermore, Only the V.I.P. Rabbi's immediate family has been hand written throughout history with all the names of Descendants to this day. So, one needs to consider as above said to lay claim to this path.There is in fact a "Handful" of existing persons that can say this. Kindest regards, Mark Lieberman

1/4/2017 at 1:18 PM

Funny..King David is my 99th great grandfather. And all of us on this discussion page have an autosomal DNA match.

Private User
1/4/2017 at 1:42 PM

The other Discussion is here

Private User
1/4/2017 at 1:46 PM

King David is my 100th Great Grandfather on Geni . . .but not in real life . . .which is why the pathways are changing as qualified Curators make adjustments to the World Tree.

Private User
1/4/2017 at 1:52 PM

From another Discussion that is under way I would like to share this partial quote from a Geni Curator who is a qualified professional genealogist.

He says,

"There are no lines that meet modern genealogical proof standards that show anyone alive today is descended from:

1. Adam and Eve
2. King David
3. Jesus
4. Any person in the Bible

Nor are there any proven lines running through Europe that show anyone alive today is a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad. If you see these lines on Geni, it's because someone cares more about having a good story than about the fact of what can be proven." -J.S.

So . . .just because it's on Geni doesn't mean that it's True . . .

1/4/2017 at 9:25 PM

Yes, all these lines that people are so fond of putting back should be taken with a pinch of salt the size of Lot's wife :-)

Private User
1/4/2017 at 11:02 PM

You don't have to go so far back.
Most of you cannot even tell for 100% that your own father is your father, and even worse for every generation back.
What you find in the church/birth records is not proves, - it is just a written oral statement from the mother who gave birth to the child, and we all know that it not necessary is the truth. If you are lucky and have your father alive you can make a DNA test of both to compare, but the DNA companies will never give you a 100% guarantee.

Private User
1/5/2017 at 4:41 AM


I know that you are correct when you say, " is just a written oral statement from the mother who gave birth to the child, and we all know that it not necessary is the truth...", because sometimes the painful and ugly truth must be kept hidden by a beautiful and faithful Wife who cannot reveal to her kind and loving Husband that Her daughter is not also His, lest he fly into a revengeful rage and ruin the lives of all concerned, including his own.

1/7/2017 at 7:49 AM

Shalom Chaverim!
Thanks for the replies.

Today Update 1 / 7 / 2017 ? King David no my Great Grandfather ?
King David of Israel / דוד המלך is your 76th great grandfather's wife's first cousin once removed's 1st husband.

1 / 7 / 2017

1/20/2017 at 4:49 AM

1 / 20 / 2017
King David of Israel / דוד המלך is your 26th great grandfather's wife's 48th great grandfather's wife's first cousin once removed's 1st husband.

1 / 20 / 2017 (update version)
Today, in that a previous update had known the arrows up and down.
After the update, the information was changed in this version.

King David of Israel / דוד המלך is your 76th great grandfather's wife's first cousin once removed's 1st husband.

Tänään tuossa aikaisemmassa tiedossa oli päivitys nuolet ylöspäin ja alaspäin.
Päivityksen jälkeen tiedot muuttui tähän versioon.

2/1/2017 at 12:53 PM

Today 2 / 1 / 2017 (update version)
King David of Israel / דוד המלך is your 100th great grandfather.

2/25/2017 at 3:24 AM

Today 2 / 25 / 2017 (update version)
King David of Israel / דוד המלך is your 37th great uncle's 61st great grandfather.

2/25/2017 at 4:41 PM

Private User There are people directly descended from people in the Bible. Everyone in the world is descended from Adam of Eden who's in the Bible. In addition, every Jew, and everyone of Jewish descent, is descended from Patriarch Abraham!

2/26/2017 at 2:53 AM

@Yehuda Zew Rubin Shalom, shalom, shalom!
Old Covenant Scriptures (Tanakh) sees to this.
All people may turn to the children of Israel, Hebrews, Jews, religion (Eskimo, Arab, American Indian, ...). Then in ancient times, yesterday and today. Judaism very different trends are about 20 different types. Turned to religion, ancestor may not be Jacob or Abraham. Not even in direct male line, not in direct line with the mother, nor the father of the mother of a mixed line. The patriarch Noah in the days of only eight people were saved.
(google translate)

Shalom, shalom, shalom! Vanhanliiton kirjoituksista (Tanakh) näkee tämän.
Kaikki ihmiset voi kääntyä israelilaisten, hebrealaisten, juutalaisten uskontoon (eskimo, arabi, amerikan intiaani,...). Silloin muinoin, eilen ja tänään. Juutalaisuuden erinlaisia suuntauksia on noin 20 erilaista. Uskontoon kääntyneen, esi-isä ei välttämättä ole Jaakob tai Aabraham. Ei edes suorassa isälinjassa, ei suorassa äitilinjassa, eikä myöskään isä äiti sekalinjassa. Patriarkka Noan päivinä vain 8 ihmistä pelastui.

2/26/2017 at 3:38 AM

my 96th GGF

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