Maj. Thomas Jordan, Sr. - Thomas Jordan I wife

Started by Shirley Rogers on Sunday, April 16, 2017
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I believe Maj Thomas descendants are group JG08 on the page

"Thomas Jordan was born 1600 in England as a child of Samuel Jordan (1578-1623) and his English first wife (name unknown). The father/son relationship between Samuel Jordan and Thomas Jordan, Sr. at present is tenuous but is accepted by many genealogists. Thomas arrived in Jamestown on the "Diana" in 1623 and was living at James City in 1623 (see attached map)

Hello Erica
I have read your reply with interest. Firstly Frances Anne Baker [Jordan] her daughter Anne Maria.The Anne, spelt the English way with an e is probably names after her Maria ,maybe French,but it must be remembered that until at least the 15th Century Norman French was the language of England, since the Norman Conquest, and there are still many Norman names today. Chantmarle Manor as described in my last reply the home of Christie Chantmarle my 18th great grand mother, or was until all this started, is said to be Anglo Saxon. In fact it means Song of the Blackbird in French, and there weren't to many of those who spoke French! Francis Anne Baker 1580 was married to Samuel Jordan, and probably died in child birth, as her son Samuel was born 1608 the date of her death.Robert Baker her dad was born 1545, and was a haberdasher in London. Lucy Corker Thomas Jordans wife 1604 1700 died at 96.This matches her parents birth dates William Corker 1584 and Lucy White 1588. She can't have married the other Thomas, born1655, she would have been 55 when he was born! There is another Lucy Corker, Lucy Rose, so maybe that is where the confusion arrises.
Ah Michael Lutley Jordan! I followed a lot of his research trying to link the Dorset Devon Jordans through Reginald de Exeter who married John de Courcy's sister who had a nephew called Jordan de Courcy. Reginald took Jordan in as a very young boy when his father and brothers were killed in Ireland. By way of acknowledgement he called his first son Reginald Jordan, which may well have been the start of the Jordan line in Devon Dorset. All this from Michael. Reginald Jordan Keeper of Windsor Great Park is my 18 great grandfather. Well was! I do respect Michael's research, however saying that churches in Devon were not on line in 2012 is hardly proof that it doesn't exist. Remember we can do this by visit or telephone, and some one obviously has. All dates and people fit, and where ever you look whatever site, they all agree. I really do not know why Geni has started to refute all this. After all they supplied most of the info for my tree in the first place. Probably why I now research elsewhere.
Regards to all Jude

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