Berndt Burger (Burcherdt) SV/PROG - Sources - birth place & father?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Tuesday, September 12, 2017
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9/12/2017 at 10:06 AM

Amanda Burger says of

Please advise on the following with related to Berndt Burger (Burcherdt):

- documentation or sources to support his birth place as Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

- documentation or sources to support his father as Hedwig BURCHARDT Burchardt

I will appreciate your assistance.

9/12/2017 at 11:29 AM

I only became a "manager" of his father's profile when I added him as "? Burcherdt" (which I shouldn't have done - no source - lack of experience).

I have also questioned the name of his father in the "About" section of his father's profile. "Hedwig" is probably always a feminine name (but I don't know for sure).

I also removed the apparent (incorrect) coat of arms which was used as his father's profile picture. I also deleted most of the advertising that someone pasted in the "About" section and I also commented on the inaccurate description of the meaning of the surname.

As for the origin of "Berndt Burcherdt", I have never seen a source for Lübeck, except that it is widely accepted. (And where did the accepted spelling "Burcherdt" come from if he signs his name rather consistently as what looks like "Borchardt"?)

I know Corney Keller, Corney Keller, has a source for a "Barent Burgerstsz" who was from "Halverstad". Could he actually be the progenitor? Could Halverstad be Halberstadt, Germany? There are no conclusive answers yet.

Apologies for not being of assistance with documentation or sources.

9/13/2017 at 8:33 AM

Thank you for your feedback - much appreciated.

I have got hold of the following sources re his "birth place" or where he "originated" from in Germany.

The one VOC Netherlands shipping source refers to Halverstad and the other VOC South African source refers to Lubeck.

The VOC Netherlands shipping source and the VOC South African sources also have differences re the spelling of his name and surname

Thank you again

9/13/2017 at 9:13 AM

Thanks you two - Please update the profile. Shall I cut the father and lock the relationships?

9/13/2017 at 11:26 AM

Hi Sharon

I think that we should delete his parents as there is no source material or references to verify them
- Hedwig Burchardt Burchardt, ?
- Maria ?, ?

I unfortunately do not understand what "lock the relationship" means - please explain.

I have got hold of a document referring to Burcherdt families in Schleswig-Holstein but need to do some more research.


9/14/2017 at 2:40 AM


In my opinion the Barent Burgersz of Halverstad (Halberstadt) who arrived on the ship Silvertsteijn in 1686, is the same Barend Burger who was burger and Heemraad at Drakenstein.

If we compare his signature on his confession of assault from the ships journal (13 Aug 1686) to the signatures he used at the Cape in various contracts, there is hardly any doubt that they where done by the same hand.

Amanda writes: "...and the other VOC South African source refers to Lubeck."
I wonder which source is referred to here? I have not yet come across a primary source for Lübeck.

9/14/2017 at 8:58 AM

Private User

9/14/2017 at 9:27 AM

Good day

The source I refer to is Resolutions of the Council of Policy of Cape of Good Hope Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa.

dated Saturdag den 18n December ao. 1700.

In 't collegie van heemraaden aan Drakensteijn is Barend Burgaart [6] als heemraad gecontinueert en verder mede aangesteld Frans du Toit [7] en Hercules du Pré, [8] zijnde dat collegie met deze derde vermeerderd.

In the Notes section the following:

[6] Sien handtekening in C.J.2872: Contractenboek, 1694−1698, no. 54 en C.J.2873: Contractenboek, 1698−1 703, nos. 154 en 204. In die Kompanjie se boeke kom die van voor as Bürghert, Burghart, Borhert. Later is dit gewysig tot Burgert en Burger. In die kontrak van 31 Maart 1695 word Barent Burghert vrysmit genoem. In die kontrak van 16 April 1700 soek hy na 'n kneg wat hom in Drakenstein kan dien as Molenaar, terwyl hy in die kontrak van 29 Augustus 1701 'n kneg "als moolenschrijver" aanneem. Volgens sy handtekening Berndt Borherdt. Hy was afkomstig van Lübeck en getroud met Martha van der Merwe.

I will upload the document under "Source" of his profile.

Corney, can you also please upload the documents you refer to - that will be much appreciated.


9/14/2017 at 9:52 AM

Hi all

I have uploaded the document but it does nor appear under the "source" tab.

Please advice as I am not very familiar with all the functions on Geni.

Thank you

9/15/2017 at 2:12 AM

Hello Amanda,

Unfortunately the source you mention is not a primary source. It is a note added by the compiler or transcriber. They do not give a reference for Lübeck in this case.
It may be that it is mentioned in one of the contracts mentioned in the note, but I have no access to all of the contracts.
The following contracts don't mention Lübeck or any place of origin, just his current status:
CJ 2871 ref. 11: 'Barend Borchard vrijborger alhier'
CJ 2872 ref. 208: 'Barent Borchard vrijlandbouwer aan Drakensteijn'
CJ 2873 ref. 154: 'Barend Burghert inj qualité als heemraden van Drakensteijn'
MOOC 8/2/3: 'den overleedene vrijburger aan Drakesteijn, Barent Burgert'
MOOC 13/1/1 ref. 26: 'de ses minderjarige kinders van Barent Burgert en Maritje Willems Schalk'
As for CJ 2872 ref. 54 and CJ 2873 ref. 204, I don't know. Someone will have to make a detour to the archives in Cape Town and check it up.


9/15/2017 at 3:02 AM

Hallo Corney

I am new to doing research with regards to genealogy and still have a lot to learn.

I really appreciate your feedback.


9/15/2017 at 6:06 AM


9/15/2017 at 7:04 AM

Hi Amanda,

You can find copies of the ships pay ledger in the eGGSA Library of VOC documents:
They have been available there since 2011 when I added them.


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