Curtators deleting Profilea

Started by Susan Mary Rayner (Green) ( Ryan) only on mobile and travelling on Thursday, January 25, 2018
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I recently have had two profiles deleted by a curator as they took the easy option out and did not merge the profiles. This annoys me as i am removed as profile manager. I have since un-deleted the profiles and merged them and corrected the date conflict. How hard is it to give the courtesy of informing me you are going to delete my profile i manage. Please all curators have the decency to inform me you are deleting my profile. I have taken this up with the curator but ask all curators to do the right thing,. Most of you are fantastic and do a great job on here.

Private User
1/26/2018 at 7:09 AM

If you are referring to pre-1600 profiles, please see the Project and Discussion on Unsourced Medieval Duplicates:

If it's post-1600 you may well have a legitimate beef.

Private User
1/26/2018 at 7:17 AM

I have undeleted such profiles myself. Someones statement in a discussion does not make it more legit.

1/26/2018 at 9:53 AM

Susan Mary Rayner (Green) ( Ryan) only on mobile and travelling I appreciate your post.

Geni is setup so only managers can add managers to profiles. I do manage quite a few profiles and gladly add another manager on request, so keep that method in mind also.

Private User
1/26/2018 at 12:49 PM

The USUAL reason for deleting a profile, these days, is that it *is* a pre-1600 duplicate with a lot of other attached duplicates. We're told that such things cost too much time and effort to merge merge merge for hours or days on end. So yeah, I see that point. (Have done some fairly extensive merges myself just in Accomack/Northampton VA post-1700.)

Some profiles attract duplicates like light draws moths - Yaroslav the Wise of Kiev is a case in point, probably because there are umptillion versions of his name in dozens of languages. (Another one just surfaced last week.)

As for what's going on if it's post-1600 and somebody got lazy, I don't know. It's more common to *disconnect* troublesome profiles at that point. (Nor do I know what Geni does with the discards - does it just leave them lying about or does it ever do a cleanup?)

I've had more trouble with Bad-Merges than I've had with deletions, so Idunno what's going on here.

Private User
1/26/2018 at 1:00 PM

Personally I have never seen a profile that has been deleted by other the manager has not been undeleted again, creating even more chaos. I recommend everyone to report the one who did it. As long as Geni goes not go full Wiki style and remove "owners/managers" of public profiles merging is the only solution to give new users full access.

1/26/2018 at 10:18 PM

I think we need Mike Stangel of Geni's input here. Deleting duplicates in the Medieval tree is not an arbitrary whim, but a carefully thought out strategy to stabilise the Historical tree.

Here is the project message. All who create and merge Medieval Duplicate are invited to join us here:
1. If you've been directed here because of your merges, it's because you have been being VERY helpful in trying to clean up the world tree, but we need to create a different method of dealing with the vast number of medieval duplicate profiles, & we'd like your help:
2. If one or more of your profiles has been put into this project, it's because it is an unsourced medieval duplicate profile.

For Those Of You Who Have Been Finding & Merging in Medieval Duplicates: When the unsourced medieval duplicates get merged in, it takes us hours and hours -- sometimes days and days -- to clean up the tree conflicts and the data conflicts, as we merge in the rest of the line. Unless you have the tools to isolate and delete, please do not merge in profiles that date before 1600. This high up in the tree the potential for exponential Tree Conflict errors is far more work to fix than lower down. It also leaves the relatively well established Geni Medieval Tree in a permanent state of embarrassing chaos.

INSTEAD Please rather put any unsourced duplicate profiles in this Discussion, or attach them to this project, & the Medieval Curators will figure out what to do with them before they get merged into the world tree.
So! That is your new goal! Send us all those duplicates. We need help finding them. All Welcome to join. Use the top right hand corner <Actions> pop-down menu to Request to Collaborate.

For Those Of You Who Have Created Medieval Duplicates: Geni can be confusing, because it's not like other genealogical sites. You do not have to enter into Geni all the ancestors you know, because a great many of them will already be there. Once you connect the nearest ancestors you can into the world tree, you are connected to all the early ancestors who are already in the Geni world tree. As a rule of thumb, it's probable that if you have a profile before 1600, it's in the Geni tree already. Since the goal here is to create one world tree, we all work at having one profile per person. That means that all the duplicates have to get dealt with.

1/26/2018 at 10:29 PM

If a merge-in results in a Conflict on a profile I manage or Curate in the Medieval Tree, I undo the merge and delete the duplicate. The alternative: tracking for hours where the original error occurred and checking which research is from the duplicate line - is a sisyphun task that has lost us virtually all the Curators who used to be prepared to do the hours of daily work to maintain the Medieval Tree in something less than embarrassing ahistorical chaos.

1/26/2018 at 10:32 PM

Medieval Duplicates Discussion:

Hi all Just to clear this up .The profile i am referring to was NOT medieval and was from the last 200 years.
I did read above about adding profile managers. This is all good until you get some members that send you hundreds of requests to manage every profile. This has happened to me and in these situations i dont have the time to add them as managers. If i can see they are related i will add them.

1/29/2018 at 11:11 AM

Okay, great. You need to contact the Curator concerned then.

1/29/2018 at 11:33 AM

She already has, per her original post, I think; as far as I can tell the original situation has been discussed with that curator and all is well.

She is wanting to make a general statement, rather than have the situation fixed.

1/29/2018 at 12:17 PM

Sorry, I missed that.

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