Nancy M Brown DOZIER - The maiden name of Nancy Brown

Started by Catherine Lela Hall on Tuesday, May 29, 2018
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5/29/2018 at 12:56 PM

Nancy Brown was lived her married years in Elbert county, GA. Her maiden name has been unknown in spite of many members of the family trying to find the family of her birth. But I have never seen any evidence for the family. The name Dozier Thornton Brown was a name given to her son honoring a local pastor. The name cannot be evidence of Nancy being a Dozier.

I would like for someone to put some proof in regard to a marriage record, a will from the Dozier family etc if we are continuing to to list her as a Dozier.

I will note that she has a brother born the same year if she is a Dozier family member. This is some evidence against the linkage to this family. So what is the evidence that Nancy is a Dozier.

5/29/2018 at 1:40 PM


I've removed the Dozier link; the FindAGrave memorial also indicates that the information is speculative.

It looks like there are a number of 'speculative' or mis-merged children added to this family (those currently without the "MP" flag set) ... could you check on the known children of Nancy & Benjamin?

5/29/2018 at 1:42 PM

(verifying the spouses (daughter- & son- "in-laws") and grandchildren would then be the next "step".

5/30/2018 at 1:42 AM

Cintha is a new daughter. The family bible transcript probably from Elbert Brown's bible is posted on Benjamin Brown's page. While there are some date differences from that one and Dozier Thornton Brown''s version they were both likely done from memory by the brothers for their own bibles. Copy of a transcription is in the documents done by my g aunt a granddaughter of Elbert Brown. It was the family Bible in the house of the direct descendant (a Bailey) still living in the house and on the property. That is in the Geni profile.

In Elberton some one actually had markers put up in cemeteries to pedal their own version of names etc. You can see the pictures of the stones one is the DAR stone on the family graveyard property. That property is on a road named Benjamin Brown. My g Aunt and grandmother participated in that DAR service. The other modern stone is at Van's Church cemetery where Elbert Brown's 2nd wife is buried. Elbert and Benjamin Brown are not buried at Van's church. I descend from the second wife of Elbert Brown (Mary McCurry).

6/8/2018 at 6:08 AM

In Elbert Brown's overview there is the statement:
"Elbert Brown like his father Benjamin Brown did not use a middle name. Elbert Jackson Brown was from another local Brown family. They are frequently confused as they married McCurry sisters."
Just for cross-reference, that seems to refer to this Elbert Jackson Brown.

6/9/2018 at 6:46 AM

Thanks Dan, I'll send each of the new children given to Benjamin Brown recently. Is it possible to prevent the addition of children in the future.

6/9/2018 at 6:48 AM

James Turner Brown Not believed to be a son of this Benjamin Brown. No evidence offered for the assertion and does not appear in the family records or will.

6/9/2018 at 6:54 AM

Mary M. Davis Another new undocumented daughter.

6/9/2018 at 6:56 AM

Payton M. Brown Another undocumented son

6/9/2018 at 6:58 AM

Winnie Temperance Lee another undocumented daughter.

6/9/2018 at 7:07 AM

Elizabeth Brown I think Elizabeth Brown never married and was unfortunately merged into an Elizabeth Brown with the last name of Brown. I think they need to be unmarked. Elizabeth's birth and death are listed in the family bibles but I don't believe that there was a married name listed.

6/9/2018 at 7:09 AM

Excuse error above. Merged into an Elizabeth Brown with the married name of Shockley.

6/9/2018 at 7:10 AM

Also should have said unmerged. But spell correct messed that up.

6/9/2018 at 7:13 AM

Thanks, Dan. I know the Benjamin Brown family must be a continuing headache for you. I have no idea why people have been trying to mess this up over the last few years. I get emails from cousins who continue to have connections in Elbert County and wonder what is going on. Why someone would erect a memorial at Van's Creek to perpetuate fabrications.

6/10/2018 at 7:38 PM

FYI All:
There were (at least) two different Benjamin Brown males born nearby (different counties) in Virginia ... and both married a Nancy from Virginia. One pair went to Georgia, and the other to Kentucky. The two Nancy's are also oft confused!

Based on what I've "teased out", these are the two couples:
Benjamin Brown, of VA & GA and Nancy Brown
Benjamin Brown, of VA & KY and Nancy M. Brown

Catherine has been verifying the children of the first couple, and those relationships are now 'locked'.

I don't have much verification of the children of the second couple. I will note that it is a very common error of the latter Nancy (wife of Benjamin Brown, of VA & KY ) to be shown as dying in Georgia with the same date as the 'other' Nancy -- when she most likely died in either Kentucky (or possibly Arkansas, where some of the probable children went).

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