The REAL Moytoy

Started by Linda (Carr) Buchholz, Kit # FW864102C1 on Monday, July 9, 2018
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This is from the Federally Recognized Cherokee Nation (Oklahoma) website

Cherokee Nation Chiefs in Early Times (partial list)
These Chiefs served in the Cherokee Nation East. Historically, there were tribal town chiefs, and then Principal Chiefs whose jurisdiction encompassed all tribal towns and districts. The following were considered Principal Chiefs.

Moytoy, 1730 – 1760
Atakullakulla, 1760 – 1775
Oconostota, 1775 – 1780
Hanging Maw, 1780 – 1792
Little Turkey, 1792 – 1801
Black Fox, 1801 – 1811
Pathkiller, 1811 – 1827
Charles Renatus Hicks, 1827
William Hicks, 1827 – 1828
John Ross 1828 – 1839 (prior to being elected under the 1839 Constitution in Indian Territory)

@Rachelle Roby @Bellinda Gail Myrick-Barnett

In 1730, Sir Alexander Cuming traveled to the Cherokee town of Keowee. He brazenly entered the council house wearing pistols and a sword (a violation of Cherokee tradition) where 300 town elders were meeting. He demanded that they recognize the authority of the English King and threatened to burn down the council house if they did not. Journalist Stanley Hoig, in his book The Cherokees and Their Chiefs: In the Wake of Empire, reports: “Cuming’s audacity, however, overwhelmed the Cherokee leaders, and they on bent knee pledged their loyalty to the Crown of England against the French in North America.” Cuming appointed Moytoy of Tellico as the Cherokee “emperor.”

In reviewing the historical accounts of this event, Cherokee historian Robert Conley, in his book The Cherokee Nation: A History, concludes: “The story is absurd.” Conley acknowledges that Cuming visited the Cherokee and talked with people in the townhouses, but points out that “whatever he accomplished, he certainly embellished the tale for the benefit of King George.” Conley writes: “It is easy to believe that the egotistical King George II was taken in by Cuming’s fabrication. What is astonishing is that almost all historians ever since writing about the Cherokees have also been gullible enough to accept it at face value. In the first place, it has always been extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get all Cherokees to agree on anything. In the second place, the Cherokees have always (at least since the time of the killing of the Ani-Kutani) been almost fanatical about democracy.”

With regard to Moytoy being selected as “emperor”, it was more likely that the Cherokee selected Moytoy to be their trade representative in dealing with the English traders.

While Attakullakulla and Oconostota became known as the Cherokee’s respective leaders, the conflict between the villages of Chota and Tellico continued. In 1741, Ostenaco had so impressed his people and the British with his military skill that he was named as one of the guardians of Ammonsscittee – a 13-year-old boy who had inherited the British designated title of "Emperor" from his father Moytoy.

In 1721, the Cherokee ceded lands in South Carolina. In 1730, at Nikwasi,
a former Mississippian culture site, a Scots adventurer, Sir Alexander
Cumming, crowned Moytoy of Tellico as "Emperor" of the Cherokee. Moytoy
agreed to recognize King George II of Great Britain as the Cherokee
protector. Cumming arranged to take seven prominent Cherokee, including
Attakullakulla, to London, England. The Cherokee delegation signed the
Treaty of Whitehall with the British. Moytoy's son, Amo-sgasite (Dreadful
Water) attempted to succeed him as "Emperor" in 1741, but the Cherokees
elected their own leader, Cunne Shote (Standing Turkey) of Chota.

F irs t F a m il ie s o f t h e C h e ro k e e N a t io n
Winter Newsletter 2010-2011

Osiyo, nigada!
We hope that all the members of First Families and their families had a wonderful holiday and
are enjoying a prosperous New Year. It is winter here at the Cherokee Family Research Center and as
always we are keeping ourselves busy. Ben has been doing great work with our library books and has
been spending much of his time indexing several of our records which had no previous indexes. I have
been working on research requests and preparing my renewal portfolio as a certified genealogist. In
April, we will be in Springdale, AR giving another seminar and in May I have the honor to be a speaker
at the National Genealogical Society Conference in Charleston, SC. We are looking forward to another
great year and highly anticipate the moment when we will reach the 1000 member mark.
Everyone have a safe winter and enjoy a beautiful new spring in 2011.
We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new members!
Member Ancestor
Susan Armstrong Coltharp Nanye-hi/Ghigau/Nancy Ward
Marie Payne Smith Mary A. P. Bigby
Derek Dantzler Hannah Na-ni/Nanyeh/Ghigau/Nancy Ward
Wendell Timothy Halseth Chief Moytoy I (Amadohiyi) of Chota
Heidi Lynn Halseth Chief Moytoy I (Amadohiyi) of Chota

At the outbreak of war in North America in 1754, Cherokee Indians were allies of the British. However, French agents from Fort Toulouse (near present-day Wetumpka, Alabama) gradually gained support with some Cherokee chiefs.

In 1758, a Cherokee warband under Kanagatucko took part in the second British expedition against Fort Duquesne (present-day Pittsburgh) and in raids against the Shawnees of the Ohio Country. The same year, a Cherokee warband under Moytoy (Amo-adawehi) of Citico accompanied Virginian troops on a campaign against the Shawnee of the Ohio Country. During the expedition, the Cherokee Indians and Virginians fell to fighting each other, and the Virginians killed and scalped about 20 of them. Moytoy retaliated.

The Chronicles of Oklahoma

Volume XVI March, 1938 Number 1, Section 1

The population of the Cherokees about 1730 was estimated to
be not far from 60,000. During that year, Sir Alexander Cuming
was sent to cement the Cherokees still more closely to England,
He toured the country, and held a great council at Nucassee or
Nequassee, near the present Franklin, North Carolina. Outacite, the
Peace Chief who had concluded the treaty with Governor Nicholson
nine years earlier, had died in 1729, and had been succeeded by
Moytoy, of Tellico.® Moytoy was by the consent of the other chiefs
given by Cuming the title of Cherokee Emperor. Following the
treaty, seven chiefs accompanied Cuming to London to visit King
George II. They were, Kitigiska, Okou-Ulah, Tiftowe, Clogoitah,
Colonah the Raven, and Ookou-naka. The seventh member of
the party was not officially a representative, and did not sign
the treaty,

Oconostota, the great Cherokee War Chief, was just coming
into prominence. He did not accompany the delegation to Eng-
land, but his brother, Kitegiska the Prince, was one of the visit-
ing chiefs and spoke for the Indians before the King. He later
attained considerable prominence. By far the most important of
the seven, however, was Oukou-naka, who was later to be known
as Atta-culla-culla (the Little Carpenter), one of the greatest Cher-
okees who ever lived. He became Peace Chief of the Nation, asso-
ciated with Oconostota as War Chief. The story of the Cherokees

6 Cuming's Journal, republished in Williams, Early Travels in the Tennessee
Country, Watauga Press, 1928. The name Moytoy means, in Cherokee, Amo-Adaw-
ehi, Water Conjuror, or Rainmaker.

13 Affidavits of Virginia Citizens, S. C. I. A. 6, 153-162. Moytoy, (Amo-adaw-
■ ehi) of Citico, was a nephew of the former Emperor of the same name. A few of
his descendants yet live in. Monroe County, Tenn., and on the Eastern Reservation.

From the Cherokee Phoenix Newspaper - Jan 20, 2018

Charlie Rhodharmer, Sequoyah Birthplace Museum director, said Tanasi was the first Cherokee capital in what is now this area of east Tennessee and that Moytoy of Tellico established it in the late 1720-30s.

“By 1753, Chota had become the mother town of the Overhill,” he said. “During the 18th century, Chota was the political and cultural capital of the Cherokee Nation. It was known as a peace town.”

Moytoy. A Cherokee chief of Tellico, Tenn., who became the so-called "em peror" of the seven chief Cherokee towns. Sir Alexander Cuming, desirous of enlisting the Cherokee in the British interest, decided to place in control a chief of his own selection. Moytoy was chosen, the Indians were induced to ac cept him, giving him the title of em peror; and, to carry out the program, all the Indians, including their new sover eign, pledged themselves on bended knees to be the faithful subjects of King George. On the next day, April 4, 1730, "the crown was brought from Great Tennessee, which, with five eagle- tails and four scalps of their enemies, Moytoy presented to Sir Alexander, empowering him to lay the same at His Majesty's feet." Neverthe less, Moytoy afterward became a bitter enemy of the whites, several of whom he killed without provocation at Sitico, Tenn. SeeMoonev in 19th Rep. B. A. E., pt. 1, 1900.

Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico - Page 953

LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Washington, D. C, July 1, 1905. Sir: I have the honor to submit herewith the manuscript of Bulletin 30 of the Bureau of American Ethnology, entitled "Handbook of American Indians," which has been in preparation for a number of years and. has been completed for publication under the editorship of Mr F- \V. Hodge. The Handbook contains a descriptive list of the stocks, confederacies, tribes, tribal divisions, and settlements north of Mexico, accompanied with the various names by which these have been known, together with biographies of Indians of note, sketches of their history, archeology, manners, arts, customs, and institutions, and the aboriginal words incorporated into the English language. Respectfully, 1 W. H. Holmes, Chief. The Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.

The History of the Lookout Valley Community

A fellow Cherokee named Ostenaco, started resentment toward the British in the middle 1700s. However, around the Middle of 1778, Chief Wauhatchie, Moytoy of Settaco, and some Cherokee warriors departed from the Colony of Virginia not in the best of moods. These Native Americans left by taking horses from Virginia farmers. These warriors did not kill the Virginia farmers; however, they did strip the farmers of their clothing, which was the custom of their tribe.

When the local militia was called into action and hunted down many of the Cherokees who took part in this act and imprisoned, or kill them. Wauhatchie and a number of his warriors carried many of the bodies of their fellow tribesmen and fled to safety.

Caulunna (Moytoy was the Uncle of Attakullakulla). Caulunna’s son was Raven of Chota. Spring Frog was the Grandson of Raven of Chota (making him the last line of the Great Chief’s of Chota).

7/9/2018 at 10:41 PM

Tagging a profile doesn’t work in message or discussion header, only body, so here it is - the real Moytoy.

Moytoy of Tellico

Parents and wife unknown. Moytoy died 1741, had one known son: Amoscossite.

The Cherokee
Before 1800
About North Georgia

Arriving in Charleston in 1729, in 1730 Alexander Cuming journeyed through the Appalachians to Chota, the traditional seat of Cherokee power in the Tanasi region where he met the newly appointed chief, Moytoy. Cuming returned to England with 7 "chiefs", Moytoy and six friends. Cuming gave Moytoy the impressive title of "Emperor of the Cherokee."

7/9/2018 at 10:46 PM

Linda, the family relationships for moytoy you’re posting are bogused (over extended).

Nothing is known except he had a wife, she’s mentioned as a wife, no name known for sure. And the story of his son Amouskositte Moytoy, Uku of Great Tellico

And that’s it. End of dynasty. We know no more.

I was shocked too. It took me a couple of readings to get it.

From The Peach State Archaeological Society

In 1721, the Cherokee ceded lands in South Carolina. In 1730, at Nikwasi, a former Mississippian culture site, a Scots adventurer, Sir Alexander Cumming, crowned Moytoy of Tellico as "Emperor" of the Cherokee. Moytoy agreed to recognize King George II of Great Britain as the Cherokee protector. Cumming arranged to take seven prominent Cherokee, including Attakullakulla, to London, England. The Cherokee delegation signed the Treaty of Whitehall with the British. Moytoy's son, Amo-sgasite (Dreadful Water) attempted to succeed him as "Emperor" in 1741, but the Cherokees elected their own leader, Cunne Shote (Standing Turkey) of Chota.

@Erica Howton -- I didn't make the post on Moytoy, of Tellico -- it was already on Geni when I joined. I haven't even looked at the family relationships on the geni site.

James R Hicks is a very well respected authority on Cherokee Lineages - those are the only family relationships I have posted.

Erica Howton

This is from the Federally Recognized Cherokee Nation (Oklahoma) website

Cherokee Nation Chiefs in Early Times (partial list)
These Chiefs served in the Cherokee Nation East. Historically, there were tribal town chiefs, and then Principal Chiefs whose jurisdiction encompassed all tribal towns and districts. The following were considered Principal Chiefs.

Moytoy, 1730 – 1760

Page 368 Cherokee Indian Agency (Tn)


Short Description: NARA M208. These records include correspondence, agency letter books, fiscal records, and records of the Agent for Cherokee Removal.
Content Source: NARA
Country: United States
Footnote Job: 09-016
Footnote Publication Year: 2009
Language: English
Partner: ACPL
Publication Number: M208
Record Group: 75
Source Publication Year: 1952
State: Tennessee
Category: Correspondence And Miscellaneous Records
Record: 1805

History of the Cherokee Indians and their legends and folk lore" by Dr. Emmet Starr
Page 26

The Principal Chiefs of the Cherokees have been: 1736 Moytoy; Atta-
cullaculla, died 1778; Oconostota, died 1785; Tassel, killed in July 1788
Hanging Neaughe, Blackfox; Pathkiller; William Hicks, was chief for only one
year, 1827; John Ross 1828 to 1866; William Potter Ross, Reverend Lewis
Downing, William Potter Ross, Reverend Ochalata, Dennis Wolf BushyheaJ,
Joel Bryan Mayes. Thomas Mitchell Buffington, Colonel Johnson Harris." Sam-
uel Hou.ston Mayes, Thomas Mitchell Buffington and William Charles Rogers.
The Principal Chiefs of the Westeren Cherokees were, consecutively: John
Bowles 1795-18 13; Takatoka 1813-1818; Tahlonteeskee, John Jolly, John
Brown and John Rogers. The latter was deposed in 1839 and his valuable
property at Grand Saline was confiscated by Chief John Ross. John Roger,
was the grandfather of William Charles Rogers, the last Chief of the Cherokees.

James R Hicks - VA - Author of Cherokee Lineages is a very well respected authority on genealogy -- so much so that the BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) refers to his book when questioning lineages.
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), was principally responsible for administering the ...... James R. Hicks, author of Cherokee Lineages,

James-R-Hicks-VA. ... BIA: 1847, entry 250, case# 923. Blood: Ani'-Wâ'di = Red Paint (Wurteh)

This is a statement made by Hick's himself "Much of my initial information came from Dr Starr's "History of the Cherokee Indians" I would like to give special recognition to Mr Jerry Clark for his assistance in this on-going compilation of the Cherokee lineages. Mr Clark's vast knowledge of the various lines and their place and influence within the Cherokee community has added greatly to the accuracy of these compilations.

James R Hick - VA - Author of Cherokee Lineages Statement

This site is a joint production of Jim Hicks, computer geek,and Jerry Clark, history geek. It is dedicated to the study of Cherokee history and genealogy, and is based on the essential research of Dr. Emmet Starr.

In addition, we have added information obtained from scholarly books,articles, and research papers, and have used documents from Tribal, State,Federal, and other archival or manuscript collections. We have also examined colonial records relating to Indian affairs. We have tried to gain access to all available information about the Tsa-la-gi, probably the most written-about of all Native Americans. The historical record of the not always happy interaction between this tribe and Europeans and Americans is extensive and rich. Some of the information in these pages consists of informed speculation, but is consistent with the available evidence. We welcome submission of new facts or documents; anything written here is subject to addition, modification, o r correction.

The Cherokees were a numerous and warlike people, inhabitingsouthern Appalachia, constituting parts of the present States of Alabama,Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee. Nearly 300 years ago, British subjects(mainly of Scot ancestry) penetrated the mountain country to trade with theIndians. Many of these tradersestablished trading posts in Cherokee towns, and by accepting a Native wife orconsort, were adopted into the tribe. These men became known as “Indian Countrymen,” and became the progenitorsof many of the families listed in Dr. Starr’s books and unpublished notes. Some were Loyalists or Tories living amongthe Cherokees during the American Revolution. Later, as a result of coercion, most of the tribe was removed toArkansas and Indian Territory (now Oklahoma).

Cherokee genealogy is tricky, due to the uneasy intermixtureof the very different Cherokee and European family customs. Cherokee society was matrilineal, withdescent traced through the mother. There were seven clans, and a Cherokee was forbidden to marry anyone ofthe same clan. A Cherokee belonged tohis or her mother’s clan, and uncle-nephew connections were more important thanfather-son relations. Knowledge of a Cherokee’s clan identity is extremelyimportant factor in determining family connections. Polygamy was not uncommon, and marriages (and divorces) werecasual by European standards.

Cherokee Chiefs and headmen were chosen by consensus intribal councils, and did not fit the European scheme of royalty and nobility. There were “Peace Chiefs” (diplomats) and“War Chiefs” (generals); town chiefs (mayors) and regional chiefs (governors);chiefs called “Small-Pox Conjuror” (not always successful), “Slave Catchers”(i.e. they captured prisoners of war), “Mankiller” (killed enemies); and evenapprentice chiefs (known as “Colonah” meaning “Raven”).

Cherokee “Princesses” did not exist. However, a wise Indian countryman chose as his Cherokee bride the sister, niece, or daughter of an important chief or headman in order to take advantage of his wife’s high social standing. Thus, while not royalty, these Cherokee spouses were perhaps “heiresses” or “debutants.”

The Cherokees adopted European style surnames, often instrange ways. Cherokee names weretranslated (Bear Paw, Going Snake, etc) or the sounds of the Cherokee languagerendered into English letters, frequently resulting in wildly differingspellings. Most male names had meaning(Enola = Black Fox), but most female names could not be translated (Annawake,Qualiyuka, Sokinney, etc) or were equivalents of English names (Quatie = Betty,Sookie = Susie).

“Full Blood” is a somewhat relative term among Cherokees,since many persons of mixed-ancestry maintained traditional values, spoke only the Cherokee language, and were called “full-bloods.” For example, Sequoyah (aka George Gist) was only ¼ Cherokee, butwas considered a full blood. Another example was Redbird Smith, the founder of the Nighthawk or Keetoowah Society.

The Cherokees adopted into the tribe, members of other Indian nations (including Osage, Delawares, and Shawnees). Besides intermarriage with European or American merchants, missionaries, or army personnel, former Negro slaves of the Cherokees became Freedmen citizens of the tribe after the Civil War. Thus one can be Indian, white, or black (or any combination of the above) and be a Cherokee, without actually having much Cherokee blood.

The solving of conundrums of Cherokee connections is an ever-ending pleasure, but because of gaps in the historical record and the loss of family information, some puzzles shall never be cleared up. This web site is a modest, but earnest attempt to furnish information to all serious researchers of the heritage of this great Native Nation.

7/10/2018 at 9:02 AM

Elizabeth "Betsy" Go-sa-dui-sga Scott MP
Gender: Female
Birth: 1769
Wolf Clan, Cherokee Nation East, Pendleton District, SC
Death: November 5, 1825 (56)
Cherokee, GA, USA
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Walter Scott and Go-Sa-Du-I-Sga (Sarah) Hicks
Wife of Edward Springston; Edward Adair, Sr.; James (Ti-ka-lo-hi) Vann, Chief; William Burgess I; Pleasant Rose and 2 others
Mother of Jennie Vann; Edley Springston; Walter Scott "Red Watt" Adair; Edward Adair, Jr.; James Adair and 5 others
Sister of Mary Polly Scott; Margaret Peggy Vann, Wolf Clan; Sally Scott and Nancy Thornton
Half sister of William Andrew Brown, Sr.; Charlotte Brown; Susan Brown and Isabel Choate

Hicks was assisted by Jerry Clark, a Cherokee citizen and archivist who worked at the National Archives. Hicks and Clark correlated information from Dawes Commission applications, Eastern Cherokee applications, Baker Roll applications, Cherokee censuses, payment rolls, and numerous other records

"The Jerry L. Clark Archives."

Clark, a Texan with Oklahoma parents, is an archivist employed more than 30 years with the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, DC. He is also a registered citizen of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma and a long-time student of Cherokee history and genealogy.

Clark played a key role as a speaker at the Pre-TOTA Conference - Research Workshop at the Guntersville State Park Lodge, October 5, 2009, hosted by the Alabama Chapter of the Trail of Tears Association. Discussions between Jerry and Mike Wren led to this wealth of research being made available on our online database, "The TOTAbase."

From The Oklahoman - March 4, 2002

The Cherokee Heritage Center will offer a genealogy conference Saturday-Sunday at the Restaurant of the Cherokees Ballroom in Tahlequah. The conference will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday.

Nationally known speakers will include Kent Carter, regional administrator of the National Archives' Southwest Region in Fort Worth, Texas; Jerry Clark, National Archives archivist, and Lee Fleming, Bureau of Indian Affairs research analyst.

Local speakers will include Jack Baker, president of the National Trail of Tears Association; David Keith Hampton, author of "Descendants of Nancy Ward"; Mary Bell Chase, Cherokee genealogist; and Tom Mooney, author of "Exploring Your Cherokee Ancestry."

From The Oklahoman - April 25, 2016

The 16th Annual Cherokee Ancestry Conference will be from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. June 10-11 in the Osiyo Room located in the Cherokee Nation Tribal Complex, 17725 S Muskogee Ave. in Tahlequah.

Speakers will include Jerry L. Clark, Cherokee retired archivist, United States National Archives; Gene Norris, genealogist; and Ashley Thirsty-Vann, Cherokee citizen. The speakers are members of the Cherokee National Historical Society.

As you can see from the notes above, James R Hicks & Jerry L Clark - collaborators on Cherokee Lineages by James R Hicks, are both very knowledgeable and respected authorities by the Cherokee Nation regarding Cherokee History.

7/10/2018 at 9:18 AM

Hicks of Antique was in buisiness with Capt/Councilman Lightfoot to bring in people from the Islands and what is now northern Brazil. Hick's nearest landowner in Anitiqua was his neighbor, DuRant. Both had deeds in the Waccamaw area of what would become Dimery Settlement. (See Horry Co Historical Society website for links).

Listed as Buyers were hundreds like the man Black from the man Seller to the man named Cortez. The "Mulatto" they brought in logged in their freed status at age 21 per law to free NA. The link below will be back up when the 2 new databases are put in. It is a U of New Orleans project from their port records. On the records are the Freed Status Notary Publics ,some are in the St Tammany notary used by the Moore and Glover houses of Royal Nueva Espania and Colonial SC family members Patrick Moore and Joseph Glover, coming from estate of Patrick Moore in SC and logging in her freed status at St. Tammany Par, La. using the same notary as partner of Patrick Moore, Glovers of NC to IT to 6 Towns Choctaw areas// St. Tammany Parish over to Mobile. The link will be back up when Keith Dunn and his team have it back up and running. Database Search of Slave Biographies at []

Photo Source: Database Search of Slave Biographies at []

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