Creating & Updating Sources & Documents

Started by Private User on Sunday, June 13, 2021
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Private User
6/13/2021 at 1:49 AM

Posted February 11, 2021 -
I saw the blog, tried it using my 10" Android Tablet using Chrome. Was pleased to discover it was now possible to update an existing Source.

Posted June 9, 2021 -
I saw after I suddenly stopped being able to upload PDFs. Mike pushed thru a fix making it possible to again upload PDFs
However, I keep discovering more that is not working.

Current list of items I have found that are NOT WORKING now on my Mobile Device:
1) "Capture a Document" does not work -- box to enter URL never appears when I click on "Capture a Document"
2) "Create a Document" does not work
3) For Sources -- "Enter Data as it Appears in the Document" is no longer possible - - for both Create and Update - get box saying "Source Information for" -- BUT that is all, It does not say for what, does not present fields for entering what the Source has for that. See first link above for "Enter Data as it Appears in the Document" for picture of what should have been shown

Private User
6/14/2021 at 5:02 AM

It is really, really infuriating to see a Blog touting how Geni has improved functioning on Mobile Devices when your Mobile Device had been working fine, and as a result of those changes stopped working!

Thinking this may be specific to my type device - and knowing Mike Stangel bought a similar device to test and get Resolve Duplicates to work on it - I have sent him a PM as a Reply to our Private Conversation "Resolve Conflicts / Duplicates feature"

If anyone else is having a problem, please post here, along with what type device you are using.

6/15/2021 at 5:01 PM

Private User you are using a device that constitutes 0.01% of our user sessions.

We've released functional fixes for the 3 items above, though we still have some tweaking to do for your device's unusual dimensions.

Private User
6/15/2021 at 7:22 PM

Thanks, Mike Stangel. For what its worth, I did make sure Geni worked on it before I bought it. Don't know what else I could have done.

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