Kristina Abrahamsdotter De la Motte - Kristina Abrahamsdotter De la Motte ?? Mistress and/or Queen consort of Karl Knutsson Bonde

Started by Reidar Holmsen on Sunday, June 27, 2021
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6/27/2021 at 4:52 AM

What are the sources for Kristina Abrahamsdotter? In this profile of Geni also called De la Motte. There existed persons called de la Motte in the 16th century Sweden, but what are the connections to Kristina Abrahamsdotter?

Kristina Abrahamsdotter, Frille/Dronning, 1432-1492

Father: Abraham Pedersson (halvdjur), Herredshøvding
Mother: Ingrid Larsdotter de la Motte +1477

6/27/2021 at 5:01 AM

Dick Harrysson writes:

The wedding was wisited by many people. (Bröllopet var välbesökt.) What are his sources? In other sources I have read that he was wed on his deathbed by uttering the words "you are my wife".

" Kristina följde med Karl Knutsson till Stockholm när han för tredje gången valdes till svensk kung år 1467. På våren 1470 gifte han sig med henne och legitimerade därmed parets son Karl Karlsson. Bröllopet var välbesökt.

Ett bevis på Kristinas upphöjelse är att Helga Lekamens gille i Stockholm kvickt korrigerade hennes titel. Under beteckningen ”hustru Cristin” hade hon blivit syster i gillet vid den stora årfesten i juni 1469. Vid en senare tidpunkt, troligen under första hälften av maj 1470, tillfogade samme skrivare det latinska ordet regina, ”drottning”, i gillesboken.

Kristina nämns även i Karl Knutssons testamente, som sattes upp ett par dagar efter bröllopet. Kungen var rädd att han snart skulle dö "

6/27/2021 at 12:23 PM

I don’t know where De la Motte came from, so I removed it in her profile. All sources I’ve seen lists her as Kristina Abramsdotter without the De la Motte.

Swedish Biographical Dictionary -

When K died at Sthlm's castle on 15 May 70, only Erik Eriksson's wife Kristina from the first marriage, Magdalena from the second, survived of his many children. Shortly before his death, however, he had married his fiancée Kristina Abrahamsdotter and sought in a will - still in copies - preserved will to insure their infant son Karl the paternal inheritance to him; Sten Sture was asked and also promised to be the guardian of mother and son. These ordinances were later not complied with, although they must have been intended exclusively for part of K's private property, and the king's son - about whom Johannes Magnus tells that he was excluded from all inheritance and lived in a disgraced position - later disappears into obscurity. Immediately after the death, Sten Sture took over the National Board, certainly according to the wishes of the deceased but also in agreement with his stomachs.

6/27/2021 at 1:24 PM

Thank you Gerene.

Abraham Pederson /Peterson and his family, the daugther Kristine Abrahamsdotter and the son Karl were of course treated badly both historically and politically. It means that historians have also neglected or disregarded them.A curse continues. Abraham Pederson had a high position and didn't emerge from nowhere.

Kung Karl Knutsson had many enemies and opponents even among his own familiy.

A thing that surprised me was that Dick Harrysson writes about a wedding visited by many etc. It's not described that way by other historians.

Anyhow Kristina Abrahamsdotters ancestry deserves to be recorded as well.

The article in is a relevant summary of a very complex personality and a complicated political period but one need also to go further.

6/27/2021 at 1:27 PM

Is there an epitaph in Vadstena with the above information?

6/27/2021 at 2:07 PM

Thank you Reidar!

The two main sources for his marriage to Kristina Abrahamsdotter is listed in the Will of King Karl Knutsson Bonde, plus this marriage was recorded in Gillesboken Helga Lekamens Gille; Stockholm in 1470. It states you can find a copy of this source in the guild ledger about Queen Christina (1470) of Sweden, was published by Ristesson Ent in Throne of a Thousand Years in 1996. Can you help me find these sources? It would be great if we could because I’m sure down the road this issue will keep coming up questioning their marriage.

6/27/2021 at 2:29 PM

(How is your proficiency in scandinavian languages? Just asking because I use to quote from sources straight away. But it’s of course polite to translate.)

6/27/2021 at 8:54 PM

I’m not proficient in Scandinavian languages. If you could translate would be much appreciated.

6/28/2021 at 6:06 AM

Here is the scanned entry. to the right is written regina

Private User
10/4/2021 at 2:59 AM

Samson de laMotte Sr  came from France
Samson de la Motte, Sr.

10/4/2021 at 9:27 AM

Pirkko, that is interesting! How can they be related to Kristina Abrahamsdotter?

10/5/2021 at 1:50 AM

Ladies & Gents ! Samson de la Motte, came sometimes around 1590 to Finland from the Loire Valley. He was french nobility already then. He died around 1620. The Family is introduced at the swedish House of Nobility 1642 and Finnish ( After Sweden lost Finland to Russia 1818 ) source Jully Ramsey " Finnish Nobility Families until great War against Russia 1620?. Abraham is a family name in the de la Motte family, but I cannot find the connection to Kristina Abrahamsdotter, without major digging into my sources, and the timeline seems to be a bit too early.

10/6/2021 at 6:10 AM

@ Private User and @ Fredrich Dahlman and @ Gerene May Jensen Mason

This is very interesting! Thank you all! There must be a way that Samson de la Motte and Kristina Abrahamsdotter are connected. Since Kristina is not held high at the dynasty following, traces have been neglected.

It would probably require a lot of digging to find out more about Kristinas father and the de la Motte family in Finland.

Would this be a realtive?

Guillaume de la Motte


10/7/2021 at 4:59 AM

Reidar ! One should be careful not to jump onto fast conclusions without supporting facts. Geni is full of wrong paths, so without supporting evidence and substantial source digging I do not have a opinion, as I have not seen this connection earlier. Yes I am a descendent to Samson de la Motte

10/7/2021 at 7:40 AM

Of course you are right Fredrich! We have not seen the supporting evidence yet. It will probably need massive research efforts to go further with this.

I would believe you have been studying the Samson de la Motte family in depth.

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