Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President of the USA - ex-partner

Started by Livio Scremin on Friday, August 6, 2021
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  • Photo by Cecil Stoughton. Public domain, available in the holdings of the National Archives and Records Administration (NAID 194255). Via Wikimedia Commons at,_White_House_color_photo_portrait.jpg
  • This work is in the public domain because it was published in the United States between 1925 and 1963 and although there may or may not have been a copyright notice, the copyright was not renewed. Via Wikimedia Commons at
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8/6/2021 at 10:15 AM

Hi all,
there would be ​Lucy Page Rutherfurd
to connect ex-partner of
Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President of the USA

[logically the message is for (C)s as the president's profile is armored "total locked" :]

8/6/2021 at 10:45 AM

She wasn't really his partner. they had an affair before he was president@ 1917. You can put it in the descriptions below hi him, but I wouldn't add it to his info and bio...

8/6/2021 at 11:03 AM

then the connections of life prior to the investiture of presidents, kings or emperors, must be canceled? OK you convinced me, wait a minute, I go to the Middle Ages and I delete all connections not married LOL!

no ..come on, seriously, go have a read inside the profile of Lucy Page Rutherfurd
there are 3/4 chapters to describe it..

8/6/2021 at 11:47 AM

I don't think that connection would be appropriate. I consider "partner" to be an indication of something more permanent than an affair. Otherwise, we'd have to link Marilyn Monroe (for example) to JFK and quite a few other people she wasn't married to. Where would it end? I agree with Kristin Felicia VanNest , notes in the About section, or a curator note in the header is about all it deserves. As to kings and emperors, often the relationships produced children, and that does need to be dealt with genealogically. As to locking presidential profiles, I'm more concerned about absolute nonsense. At one point I had to sort out a huge mess when someone thought it cute to marry one of Thomas Jefferson's daughters to John Quincy Adams and give them some fake kids.

8/6/2021 at 11:58 AM

I only use partner if they had a child together

8/6/2021 at 12:26 PM

I hope I don't go into the obvious,
but as written in the title, (please check title discussion)
there is the available dotted line connection of the "ex-partner" (former partner)

(about the Middle Ages, popes, emperors, kings, don't let me list them here, but the correlations of those who then marry the former VIP lover count and count a lot.. there are whole lines starting from a similar event.. there have even been marriages based on covering the clandestine relationship .. by marrying the lover with some trusted subordinate ... naturally well rewarded .. .. renumbering which gates the case then proliferates the line .. in any case don't let me dwell on this aspect that is not centered here ;)

*fixing things out the actress Emily Kernan Rutherfurd 4 generations below whit Erica Howton (--> already connected by sideways to the first lady Kennedy :)
**and yes, I think too Marilyn Monroe it should also be connected with the dotted line of ex-partners of John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the USA ! indeed I'm surprised it isn't already! :D

8/6/2021 at 2:11 PM

Marilyn was connected to JFK at one point, but then we decided on the guideline of “child together” (or other long term commitment known). So let’s leave FDR unlinked To his mistress.

Jessica Marie German - we need to lock relationships on all these presidential tree. But that was one nutty connection you has had to deal with.

Private User
8/6/2021 at 2:18 PM

I'd use "partner" only if they had at least one child together, while one or both were married to someone else at the time, yet the child's paternity was generally acknowledged.

--or-- if they cohabited in the same house together long enough for people to consider them a couple. Shared finances, social life, etc. -- although childless.

I don't think "partner" is appropriate for any affair that is casual, brief, AND childless. Particularly if it might seem scandalous and embarrassing for their descendants (i.e. adulterous).


Aside from that, if they lived together as a typical married couple with shared home, etc. -- with children, yet without proof of marriage -- I would still consider them "married" anyway.

8/6/2021 at 2:56 PM

* let's leave aside the JFK + MM crush.. ^^
** (& for heaven's sake I absolutely don't contest "total blocks" on "hot" presidential points:)

Just you all read the chapters right here, which are about love letters, divorce arguments, following her lover in the navy.. just happened to be assigned to his office..
Furthermore opinions of historians.. .. memoir books..
..boh! you do, I was just passing through :D

8/6/2021 at 4:45 PM

@John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the USA
You will probably delete my comment and it wont be the first time. I believe in keeping it real. But to not mention JFK and MM.... I strongly believe that Historians should focus first on truth. Let me say in my defense that I am not a historian and I do not participate in heresay or gossip. Respect. I get it.Guys get nervous when you talk about affairs. Anybody can search up the MM story on the internet. There are countless news stories and articles that were written during his presidency not to mention kitchen table buzz.
The paparazzi has been around a very long time. I don't know about you but I was around when JFK was President and I remember how MM was perfect. She was salty and sexy. You know, the tough chick type. A Dynomite actress and literally every man's kryptonite. If we did not mention her it we would be blatantly disingenuous. Anyway. She is still rememberted as one of the hottest females ever in show business. Nuff said..

8/7/2021 at 5:38 AM

The king's Queens emperor's did have partners they were long-term Mistresses and partners that they had children with most of the time or had partners when he wasn't married and they weren't married to the partners either
A short-term affair with Franklin it's not something you put in the upper bio. you can put it in the news below..

8/7/2021 at 5:52 AM

yes ok, sure, but please specify "short": 1 year?

8/9/2021 at 10:55 AM

Okay. Respect. I was not aware any of this might be repeated in a bio. Oh heavens no. I see I got lots to learn. You guys are the "gatekeepers". I regress. Carry on. :- D

Private User
8/28/2021 at 3:42 PM

In my opinion, I think a partner is an appropriate description if the couple were unmarried, and had at least one child together, or if the couple shared a long-term relationship analogous with marriage, although technically unmarried.

Private User
8/28/2021 at 4:15 PM

Genealogy, as a form of history, should be accurate, yet empathetic and keeping context.

8/28/2021 at 4:53 PM

Reading the entire chapter* devoted to the long lasting influential matter on Wiki..
Seeing the most complete deliberate intentional total omission on Geni..
Listening here the justification..

..I shiver!

Private User
8/28/2021 at 6:57 PM

It might be different if his wife and/or society approved of his philandering. But the fact is that he betrayed his lawful wife, the mother of his children.

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