Elizabeth Pugh (verch William) - Maiden surname

Начал Private User воскресенье, 10 октября 2021
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10.10.2021 в 1:30 после полудня

The "verch William" is her Welsh patronymic -- it means "daughter of William."

Although Welsh women did not use "married" names before the middle of the 16th century, this profile is late enough that her married name is used, that being Pugh.

Which, by the way, is a surname that comes from "ap Huw" meaning 'son of Hugh," a Welsh patronymic.

She is not the daughter of William Pugh. She is the daughter of William ap Owain, or William the son of Owen.

Private User
10.10.2021 в 3:14 после полудня

Thanks, Anne for that explanation, so, her birth surname would be William Owen, or Owain. That would make sense to me. I understand now.

10.10.2021 в 3:28 после полудня

No, that's not it --

She has no birth surname. The Welsh did not use surnames, in general, until they were forced to -- it's 1532 -- around there. Even then, many families kept the patronymic system as long as they could.

she has a patronymic as a last name.She is the daughter of William, so her patronymic is "verch William. " That is why her profile says "verch William"

The labels for the names slots on Geni do not always match the culture or the language. That is the case here.

There was no surname.

Private User
10.10.2021 в 6:45 после полудня

I see, by looking at the three sources listed, and showing by the other researchers, how they are doing it. Verch meaning, child of, ap meaning coming from the family of. With no actual surname given. That's correct?

10.10.2021 в 7:47 после полудня

Not yet.

No surname, yes.

But verch means daughter of and ap means son of.

There is no family name.

There is no surname.

They don’t exist.

10.10.2021 в 7:49 после полудня

Oh, I see why the problem is.

You are looking at the trees which have been given as “sources.”

They are wrong.

Private User
11.10.2021 в 5:58 после полудня

No, not looking at Tree, at bottom of profile page it has overview, media, timeline, discussions, sources...
Click on sources shows the decision made and the source of who made the decision.

11.10.2021 в 7:21 после полудня

The “sources” are not really sources, which would be documents from the time period or studies that cite documents. They are unsourced family trees.

The Welsh has been misunderstood, and copied wrongly by people who are trying to make sense of it but don’t understand patronymic systems and Welsh.

I will go see if I can fix the situation.

11.10.2021 в 7:28 после полудня

There you go. I removed the trees that were garbling the Welsh.

12.10.2021 в 6:36 до полудня

Anne Brannen Can you wave a magic wand at the other Welsh profiles so encumbered?

Private User
12.10.2021 в 8:25 до полудня

Yes, whatever you done helped. I can see the relations now.

12.10.2021 в 9:32 до полудня

Interesting their stories would be, however; her husband dies in Colonial Maryland, whilst she in Colonial Pennsylvania. Why on Earth did she venture onward and outward to PA? Hmm.

12.10.2021 в 5:17 после полудня

Private User -- Oh, good! Please let me know if you have more Welsh questions. Always glad to help with that.

12.10.2021 в 5:18 после полудня

Steven Mitchell Ferry -- I get what I run across, but I hadn't seen that profile.

Any you come across, send my way.

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