William Henry Moss, III - 100% wrong

Started by JARED Moss on today
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Today at 8:22 AM

This is my YDNA line and this is not William Moss. This is William Morris. It is proven by the land at Barkers Reeds, foremost.. but several other ways including no connection to the Moss family on a YDNA level. Rather, it is the Morris family named in other transactions, as well. William Morris/Morse/Moss inherits this land from his father William Morris. William purchased it from Christopher Holleman. John Morris sells his share. It leaves William and Morgan Morris on the land they inherited in Blackwater Swamp near Barker's Reeds. William marries Mary, the widow Barker, he does not marry Mary Jane Craik. This family, when they do arrive on the continent, are much further north. Try Maryland. The widow Barker is named as Mary Morris. In the 1727 transaction she relinquishes her dower as Mary Moss. It is witnessed by Mary Moss Bishop's husband and William Jr. We go by the name Moss in later years. In the vernacular of the West County of Britain, there is no phonetic difference between the names Morris or Morse. Of course, Morse evolves into Moss on this continent. Much respect for trying. I wish people would research more. There's the possibility you are connected to this family autosomally but this monstrosity of a tree does not illustrate our YDNA inheritance. Best of luck. This is wrong. You need to research my family before going this far.

Today at 9:00 AM

JARED Moss - which of the children currently showing as belonging to Mary Jane Craik Moss are your line?

Today at 9:02 AM

I need a reference to an external site in order to reconfigure this tree.

Today at 9:12 AM

Doesn’t answer my question, but hopefully does summon Linda Zimmerman to work in this area. I believe you’re related, Linda?

I am relinquishing curating, it’s impossible without more Information in the profiles.

Today at 9:13 AM

Again, it will not be corrected by removing a few kids. Whoever did this needs to research the Moss family instead of blind copying. Research them in detail. You have at least three Moss family groups strung together here. Outside source? Try vestry books, local transactions, and Northern Neck Genealogy. William Moss, the man who married Bridgett North had one son and two daughters, that's it. William Jr who died with no issue (proven when his sisters take whats left of their father's estate) Francis Moss Brown and Elizabeth Moss Crask. This is not the same William who married Elizabeth Martin in York County. Read his will, too. That man did not father a Samuel or a Henry. He did have sons James and John. These are not the men who live in Surry County. I don't know where you're getting Miss New Jersey from. That is a matter of someone just grabbing for common names. Rose Moss Scott is not credible. She did not have access to DNA research or all available records. There are no records for William Moss and Mary Jane Craik aside from what the descendants of Nathaniel mention. That's perfectly fine for them, yet they do not match my Mosses. No one here has a right to string records together in this way. What you need to do is procure the Moss wills and list only the children listed there. These people also named grandchildren. You can gauge parentage that way. If a line does not appear on a will or transaction, leave them out. Most importantly, 3.5cM is not confirmatory. When you consider this line married heavily into the Jones family, you get a better idea of how you might be connected. At very least, note this as "legend" because it certainly isn't fact.

Today at 9:20 AM

I can’t do this for you, Jared. Curators are (generally speaking) not researchers, we “seal in” the information researchers provide. So I can disconnect, reconnect, add links, create biographies - but only from what a researcher provides as source. For each profile, and within that profile.

So let’s start with which child that’s connected to you needs to be disconnected from the current William Henry Moss?

Today at 9:25 AM

I'm not related to Linda and that's another reason this these trees need to be updated. The closest line I find here is Threewit. My Loves do not descend from this line and it's proven several times over. I can think of another Linda who may have had a hand in that. No doubt, we're all connected somewhere along the way. You're basically telling me that you string together a bunch of unconnected people and call it fact. Noted. I realize it's not your place to research but it's clear that no one actually has. What you need to do is detach anyone in this list who does not appear in the will of William Moss. Further, get the right William Moss. William Moss is Rappahannock is not William Moss in New Kent. Two different men. In reality, you should detach this William completely. He dies with no issue. Do you want a link to that record?

Today at 9:30 AM

It would leave William Moss born 1688 in New Kent County to Thomas Moss. It's proven by baptismal records. No one knows who Thomas' father was. It should be left at that or noted as "Mr. Moss or Father Moss" and then preceded by the legitimate heirs YDNA line and make sure it is speculation until otherwise proven. I can provide a link to the YDNA study. William Moss born in Rappahannock had NO children. None. His sisters did. If you connect to the Crasks or Browns then it's a strong possibility William was a cousin, not a grandfather. Again, no heirs. The line stops there.

Today at 9:34 AM

1687-1689 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia Order Book; [Antient Press]; Page 90-91
- Rappahannock County Court 3d of October 1688
Capt. GEO: TAYLER as Gardian to ELIZABETH MOSS, one of the Daughters of Mr. WM, MOSS of this County late deced, made Complaint to this Court that Whereas the sd WM: MOSS did by his last Will & Testament Ordeyne that if his Son or either of his Daughters should die without Issue that their real Estate should be devided equally between the survivours, And representing yt: WM. MOSS, Son of the sd WM. MOSS, lately dying without Issue, WM. BROWNE, who marryed FRANCES, the other Daughter of the sd WM. MOSS, doth refuse to make devision of the Estate Reall of the deced according to the intent of the last Will. The Court have therefore ordered that JOHN FENNER, WM. TALBOTT, THOS: NEWMAN SENR. & AWBREY NAYLER do on ye 10th day of this Inst. 8ber equally devide the lands bequeathed unto the sd WM. MOSS by the Last Will of his sd deced Father with house orchards & other conveniences thereto belonging according to Quantitie & Qualitie as neere as may be between the sd WM. BROWNE, as Marrying the sd FRANCES, & the sd Capt. GEO: TAYLER, as Gardian to & in the behalfe of the sd ELIZABETH & that they make report of their proceedings therein to the next Court held for this County

Today at 9:43 AM

There’s enough info provided above for me to disconnect William Moss as son of William Moss, Sr., of Old Rappahannock County & Bridgett Moss hope that helps, and the notes are much appreciated.

Today at 10:09 AM

Re: You're basically telling me that you string together a bunch of unconnected people and call it fact. Noted.

That’s not what I do. I already explained the role of Geni curators.

Today at 10:22 AM

Thank you, Linda. What Rose Moss Scott did was paint a very broad stroke for her own Mosses. Most researchers get sucked into this vortex. I wouldn't be able to say that had I not been there once, myself. She was anxious to connect to social risers in a time when that must have been vital for whatever it was she was trying to accomplish... Lydia Moss Bradley and several influential ministers, etc. DAR mistakes out the wazoo everywhere you look. They are mistakes because they can certainly be disproven. My particular line brushed shoulders with these very Mosses in Putnam County Indiana in the 1800's. I can't help but think that's where they got the inspiration to fill in their own blanks. With regard to this line, including Sylvester whose descendants also go to Indiana, they appear to originate on the Virginia and Maryland border. That's where all their records are and that's also where the Craiks lived. There were no Craiks in this area, probably the continent, in 1700. They came in the 1730's and 40's. Washington's doctor, for example, would have been nearly 40 years older than his proposed sister Mary Jane, if that were the case. In reality, and if they are at all connected to the Rappahannock group, it would be Mary Jane Crask or possibly Crook spelled in Maryland as Croke or Crake. No one is exploring that, these days. Researchers do not take into account human biology. The clear drive with this lineage was to connect to a historical figure like Washington or his doctor. These Mosses do hail from Lancashire England. In the records there is no discernable connection to Edward the Boatwright who hailed from York County and, prior to that, London. Should anyone happen to read these notes and have questions, feel free to reach out to me. I can provide you with source data that may set you on the right track.

Today at 10:33 AM

So who was the William Moss who married Margaret Moss Dates, locations?

I do see the impossible lineage at the DAR: * Lineage Book of the National Society of Daughters of Founders and Patriots ... By National Society of Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America. Page 16. <GoogleBooks> unreliable source for ancestry.

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