ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן on Sunday, September 5, 2010
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Showing 241-270 of 8939 posts

PS It's really important that we use the most well-researched sources that we can for our medieval families on Geni. For those of you not familiar with it, the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy website and its Medieval Lands Database reflect the best and most comprehensive scholarship that we can find online, using primary sources as often as possible and reflecting outstanding critical questioning and scholarship.

So when there is any question, I would always trust FMG over a private, individual genealogy site.

There have only been a few occasions when I've found MedLands lacking--but that's generally because Charles Cawley (its compiler) tends to err on the side of caution, and does not include relations that are only speculative and don't have some grounding in the primary data or scholarship. The only time I would challenge MedLands is if some very recent medieval scholars (e.g. Keats Rohan) have published a new interpretation about a genealogical issue. And usually, Cawley is on top of those, too, and keeps the MedLands database well updated.

So always go there first. You won't be sorry! (You may also learn a little Latin along the way ;-)


Pam, I use Medlands a lot, but sometimes I find it not as user friendly, so us it and other sites in combination, if that makes sense. Ok, time to shut this computer down....

I think that the most early of the legendary Swedish kings are the only ones that I didn't really make use of from Medlands. Once the ancestors started sounding too much like they came from J.R.R. Tolkein (I'm suspecting this isn't an accident, though I thought Tolkein got most of his inspiration from Welsh names), I stopped adding names. (I can deal with my most ancient ancestors being Romans or Ostrogoths - my most ancient ancestors being light elves is a whole other story.)

Tolkien picked most of the names for the Dwarves out of the Norse mythologies; I think some of the Elvish stuff has Finnish roots. It does get quite imaginative at times! - currently trying to clean up around Njörd - I find the idea that he was a Norse god somewhat less bizarre than the idea that he was the son of a specific king in Turkey.... the amount of speculation and invention in the sagas is quite large enough without us adding our own!


I think it's time for a J.R.R. Tolkien thread, don't you?

Harald Tveit Alvestrand & Erica Howton Absolutely, on the J.R.R. Tolkien thread!

Is there a simple way to sort our profiles to separate out the ones already designated as MPs?

I'd like to focus on adding some substantial documentation for them for the benefit of others.


(Thanks to my friends who are stacking with me in mind. I appreciate my work being respected by you!)

Some words about John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892 Bloemfontein - 1973 Bournemouth): If you friends take a look at "Search name" (upper right) you will find that somebody else has already made a profile "Tolkien" and also a tree where he is in. Read more at: .

I was going to ask if someone did a page on Snorre, the Icelandic writer that created most of the sagas that are considered, well, all there is for documentation on the early Swedish kings, but then decided to take Arnfred's suggestion for Tolkein on running a search on him (Snorre, that is) - 32 pages of profiles. I gave up.

This profile has ca 485 matches. That 'is realy too much for me, can something be done?

Baldwin IV, count of Hainaut

Erica Howton I can't find "curators discussions" listed in public discussions. Could you send me a link to the appropriate page? Is it only accessible to Curators? I want to be sure to post in the appropriate place and not clutter up the others!

Curator Discussions is a closed discussion group like Family discussions where the curators and Geni staff can discuss more freely like details in upcoming releases and plans.

The activity level there has the last two week been higher than the public discussions...

This is to Ben M. Angel: search for "Snorre Sturlason" at Geni. It is made a profile for Snorre too. His name is "Snorre Sturlason", a bard. One has to know what you are looking for. I just try to help.

Appreciate that Arnfred...

Private User

That *is* rather a lot of Baldwin's. I have asked for more curatorial help on it.

@Carole--all done. Please check to make sure I did it all correctly.

@ Nicolaas;
the main reason for all the many matches is the simple fact that Baldwin Iv
appears in the last name field and by that making a match to last name Baldwin

OK. Carole, it's done--but I had to detach the pending merge you attached earlier since the profile to be merged had the bad parents. :^)

@ Ofir
Yes, I have seen that of course, there are many different types of Baldwin. But Geni could find a smarter way in stead of throwing all these profiles in the same basket.

Dear Curators,

Help is urgently needed for the de Courtenay family of Devon, 1300-1450. Hugh de Courtenay, 2nd Earl of Devon, is his own grandfather, and I can't undo this very complicated tangle. See Sir Hugh de Courtenay, MP. There are many other misallocations in this area.

The Butterworth line is a nightmare! Any one interested and knowledgable about the Butterworths?

I am currently buried in the Mortimer family, the Earls of March. I have bookmarked the Courtenay family of Devon for my next effort.

Janet, member of the curator team

Sally, I can tackle it when I'm through with the Wallers and Cozarts. I'll follow this discussion to see if anyone else can take it earlier.

Thanks, Marsha...

Can this kind of discussions be eliminated by the curators?

Not yet, but we have discussed moderators which not necessary have to be a curator in the Curator Discussions.

Anyhow, - there are some upcoming changes...

I dunno... we all have our smelly moments. As for me, I just took a shower... I'm back to being likable... :)

Marvin, I think you need a Geni engineer to look at that. It didn't work for me, even when I summoned ALL my curatorial superpowers! I sent you details via PM.

I don't think we need that kind of "discussions" on GENI!!!
We work here to unit people!!
I have sent a Ticket to GENI hoping they will take action.

Can a curator please check this out. She is shown as the manager of a profile I wanted to check before a merge and it was private. I went to her profile, and no links to anyone Her profile gives her age as deceased at age 89 in 1858 and tree started July 15, 2009
Violet Reid

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