Pieter den Deen Erasmus

Started by Denise Whitehead on Tuesday, October 12, 2010
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10/12/2010 at 12:47 PM

I am very curious about Pieter den Deen Erasmus and how and why he arrived in South Africa and his origins, is anyone able to add information
Dee in NZ (7th great grand daughter

Private User
10/12/2010 at 12:58 PM

I've no idea if this is something you already had, but I found this on the internet:


Pieter ERASMUS came to South Africa in 1693. In the Cape records he appears as Pieter den Deen. He farmed on the farm 'Groenkloof' in Wagenmakersvallei (Wellington), this fell in the sub-district of Drakenstein. He got this farm 28 Feb 1699, however since he was not in favour of van der Stel he only obtained his title in 1714. He had this farm until his death. He died 1731. Pieter married 1697 Maria Elizabeth JOOSTE who died September 1723. They were married in 1697.

His farm was next to Baren Blom's, please note some printed material gives the wrong farm as belonging to Erasmus, it was not the farm in Drakenstein. They had a farm De Groenenbergh on the Krommerivier in the Wagenmakersvalleij (this farm is today known as Onverwacht, Bovlei)

b1 Rasmus baptised Paarl 21 Sep 1698, X 4 Nov 1725 Susanna Jacobs
b2 Maria Hanna baptised 25 Oct 1699
b3 Lourens baptised 22 Jun 1704, X 9 Dec 1731 Martha Pienaar
b4 Catharina baptised 24 Jan 1706, X 12 Aug 1725 Johannes Mulder, XX Jun 1732 Roelof van den Burg
b5 Larius baptised 6 Feb 1707
b6 Jacob, X Paarl 4 Aug 1737 Sara de Klerk

Toe die Inventaris geneem was nadat Maria dood was in 1723 word die volgende persone gegee as hulle kinders:
Erasmus Pieter - 25 jaar oud
Ester - 20 jaar oud
Lourens - 19 jaar oud
Catharina - 18 jaar oud
Laris - 17 jaar oud
Jacob - 16 jaar oud

Let op dat meeste bronne meld nie Ester as 'n dogter nie. Volgens die Inventaris moes die dogter Maria Hanna voor haar moeder gesterwe het.

J A Heese and RTJ Lombard,South African Genealogies
JG le Roux and WG le Roux Ons Drakensteinse Erfgrond: Bovlei
DJ Erasmus "Die Stamvader Pieter Erasmus uit Nederland" Familia XXII 1985 no1
Inligting deur Sasa Malan ingestuur na GenForum

Thanks to research by:

Thanks to submission by:
Mark Barker mabarker@mweb.co.za
AM van Rensburg

10/12/2010 at 3:36 PM

Thank you Mimi and Daan, I knew some of the information you posted thanks Mimi from being a member of rootsweb, but you have helped to clarify things.There is also a school of thought that asserts that Pieter might have been Danish. Daan looking forward to reading the doc you sent is there a way I can get it translated?
Dee in NZ

10/12/2010 at 7:03 PM

Hi Dee,
The pieces of Mimi I do know about, but my good friend/cousin really gave a lovely piece there.
Daan will you transfer it for Dee?
Jy is 'n regte doring.
I am still tied up with in my husbands business till next Friday but after that I can do it and then send it to June to check and correct.
You can send that attachment you tried send to me last week. My son Johan showed me what I was doing wrong. I was just very blond. I did not open the orange strip on the top of the message before answering you.

10/13/2010 at 10:59 AM

Try http://interpret.co.za/.
I have not used it yet.

10/13/2010 at 11:58 AM

thank you to all my new cousins( several steps removed) for your help. Judi the little taal that I remember tells me that 'Jy is 'n regte doring' translates to 'you are a real thorn' am i right? Don't apologise for the blonde thing i've a double affliction Blonde and senior!!!! Thank you Daan will try the site, another new learning for me.
Baie dankie alles
Dee in NZ

10/28/2020 at 3:50 AM

The dates for this progenitor's arrival in the Cape seem tenuous at best. Perhaps it could be the following person, seeing as he deserted from the VOC after arriving in the Cape on the ship "Berkel" in 1699...


10/4/2021 at 1:14 AM

PG Erasmus says - I would like to see if we can find any information on this person Pieter Erasmus, SV/PROG

I have looked at his so-called parents, but it looks very unlikely to me. I am convinced he is from Denmark.

[We recently figured out the Brink's origin from Denmark. Can we perhaps make anything out here?]

J P Weyers
10/4/2021 at 2:12 AM

De Deen d.o.b. 1746 ?

J P Weyers
10/4/2021 at 2:15 AM

The 2 links above lead nowhere.

J P Weyers
10/4/2021 at 2:28 AM

My 7th grt grandfather
My atDNA links me to Iba van Timor - his wife's ( ny 7th grt Grandmother
) mother.
Surname Erasmus , Rasmus and Rasmussen common in Northern Germany by 16th Century so if Denmark or Netherlands not easy to place.

10/4/2021 at 2:46 AM

Phillipp, which links lead to nowhere?

J P Weyers
10/4/2021 at 2:52 AM

Documents with Erasmus and how many with Rassemus as his surname.

10/4/2021 at 3:24 AM

Here is a Pieter Rasmus from "Flensburg" on the modern border between Germany and Denmark. It seems he had something to do with transport on the island of Ambon in modern day Indonesia. Perhaps he stayed on in South Africa on his way back from Ambon?


J P Weyers
10/4/2021 at 3:58 AM

Very likely --Flensburg linked to VOC as well .

J P Weyers
10/4/2021 at 4:02 AM

not unusual for those from Iindonesia or elsewhere in the east to then stay on in the Cape .
PG -- THX link opened think internet problem

J P Weyers
10/4/2021 at 4:06 AM

think same man on Soldy/Zoldy book . Amersfoort ? name of the ship ?

10/4/2021 at 4:08 AM

Here is a Pieter Erasmus who embarked for Ceylon in 1693, in a ship that reached the Cape On 2 Aug 1693. He was noted as deceased in Jan 1695; perhaps he actually repatriated. https://www.openarch.nl/ghn:da868a18-dad5-4447-adad-0743f580f071

Sigh, so many possibilities, so little proof.

J P Weyers
10/4/2021 at 4:08 AM

thesis available ? just https://repository.up.ac.za/

Also some information in http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-10152004-071549/unrestri...
No information

J P Weyers
10/4/2021 at 4:10 AM

Voetboog Pieter from Middelburg ?

J P Weyers
10/4/2021 at 4:14 AM

Volgens Mark Barker se bydrae tot die SA Stamouers webwerf verkry hy die plaas Groenkloof in Wagenmakersvallei (vandag Wellington), distrik Drakenstein op 28 Februarie 1699. Hy verkry eers transport i n 1714, vermoedelik omdat hy nie ten gunste van Simon van der Stel was nie.

February 1699 farm in Wagemakers vallei

Pieter ERASMUS came to South Africa in 1693. In the Cape records he appears as Pieter den Deen. He farmed on the farm "Groenkloof" in Wagenmakersvallei (Wellington), this fell in the sub-district of Drakenstein. He got this farm 28 Feb 1699, however since he was not in favour of van der Stel he only obtained his title in 1714. He had this farm until his death. He died 1731. Pieter married 1697 Maria Elizabeth JOOSTE who died September 1723. They were married in 1697.

Uit Capensis 2&3/2006
Meer oor die stamouers van die Erasmusse
E M (Mieka) Erasmus en Sasa Malan *Erasmus

“Die einde van Pieter Erasmus se lewe’’
[deur Sasa Malan*Erasmus]
“In 1738 verkoop Pieter die plaas Groenenberg – die opstal sowel as los goedere - aan Catharina se man, Roelof van den Burg, vir 6 000 Indiese gulde. Deel van die koopvoorwaardes is dat Van den Burg sou betaal, in ses paaiemente waarvan die eerste eers ná Pieter se dood betaal sou word, en wel aan die ander erfgename [59]. Hiervan sou ‘n mens kon aflei dat die Van den Burgs nou op die plaas kom woon en moontlik die boerdery oorgeneem het; dat hulle Pieter tot sy dood sou versorg en daarom dat hulle aan homself niks hoef te betaal nie


J P Weyers
10/4/2021 at 4:15 AM

think farm sale more likely 1730 and he died 1731 not 1723.

His wife my M Jooste atDNA marker possible origin from Timor

10/4/2021 at 4:19 AM

No, I think Amersfoort was the name of one of the forts built in Indonesia

10/4/2021 at 4:21 AM

"De Pagger" seems to mean "the fort", see https://www.vocsite.nl/geschiedenis/forten/

J P Weyers
10/4/2021 at 4:26 AM


This Pieter dates fit with farm February 1699 .

Pieter Erasmus was employed on February 7, 1678 by the Dutch East India Company (chamber Middelburg)
Pieter Erasmus was employed on December 22, 1680 by the Dutch East India Company (chamber Amsterdam)
Pieter Erasmus was employed on July 5, 1685 by the Dutch East India Company (chamber Amsterdam)
Pieter Erasmus was employed on May 24, 1686 by the Dutch East India Company (chamber Amsterdam)
Pieter Erasmus was employed on April 26, 1689 by the Dutch East India Company (chamber Amsterdam)
Pieter Erasmus was employed on January 8, 1709 by the Dutch East India Company (chamber Enkhuizen)
Pieter Erasmus was employed on January 31, 1711 by the Dutch East India Company (chamber Middelburg)
Pieter Erasmus was employed on May 26, 1713 by the Dutch East India Company (chamber Amsterdam)
Pieter Erasmus was employed on July 8, 1721 by the Dutch East India Company (chamber Enkhuizen)

ScanLogo Nationaal Archief
Click the image to view the scan on the website of the National Archives or visit the website.
Dutch East India CompanyDeparture

J P Weyers
10/4/2021 at 4:29 AM

Could this all be the same Pieter Erasmus / Rasmus ?



dates of Groenberg farm February 1699 does not fit .

10/4/2021 at 5:06 AM

If we were to go with the one from Flensburg (https://www.nationaalarchief.nl/onderzoeken/archief/1.04.02/invnr/7...), he was still there in 1693. If he went to the Cape and arrived in the same year, it was on one of the following 11 ships (http://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/das/voyages?field_voyrgpdeel=167&a...)












J P Weyers
10/4/2021 at 5:30 AM

-d.o.b. of first 2 children before 1798

10/4/2021 at 5:48 AM

Ah, I see Pieter Rasmus of Flensburg was still in Indonesia in 1695: https://www.nationaalarchief.nl/onderzoeken/archief/1.04.02/invnr/7...

I will look at the monster rolls of the ships returning from there from 1695 to 1698

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